1. Gap junctions facilitate the cells to communicate with each other by connecting the __________ of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and sometimes big molecules

1.endoplasmic reticulum

  1. Cytoplasm

3.plasma membrane

4.Golgi apparatus

Ans 2


  1. The compound epithelium consists of two or more cell layers and has

mainly the function of_____________ as it does in our skin.


  1. secretion
  2. protection
  3. filtration
  4. absorption

Ans 2

  1. Exocrine glands secrete
  2. enzymes
  3. sweat
  4. saliva
  5. all of the choices

Ans 4


  1. Which of the following is not included in connective tissues?
  2. bone
  3. skeletal muscle
  4. cartilage
  5. collagen
  6. d only
  7. b only
  8. both b and d
  9. c only

Ans 2


  1. An extracellular matrix/ground substance is a characteristic feature of
  2. muscle tissue
  3. epithelial tissue
  4. connective tissue
  5. nervous tissue
  6. a only
  7. b only
  8. both a and c
  9. c only

Ans 4


6.Name the tissue in which the  cell junctions fuse the plasma membranes of cells to

make them stick together and the cells are  striated and contract as a unit


  1. smooth muscle
  2. dense fibrous connective tissue
  3. supportive connective tissue
  4. cardiac muscle


Ans d

  1. Communication junctions (intercalated discs) at some fusion points allow the cells to contract as a

unit, i.e., when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are

also stimulated to contract. Such communication junctions are found in



  1. smooth muscle
  2. Neurons
  3. cardiac muscle
  4. None of the above

Ans 3


  1. Which of the following muscle types is considered to be voluntary in nature?
  2. cardiac
  3. skeletal
  4. smooth
  5. both skeletal and smooth

Ans 2

  1. Rapid communication throughout the body and the greatest control over

the body’s responsiveness to changing

conditions is exercised by

  1. neurons
  2. neuroglia
  3. Epithelia
  4. muscles

Ans 1


10. Mast cells are found  in______.
(1) Nervous tissue
(2) Connective tissue
(3) Epithelial tissue
(4) Skeletal tissue

Answer: (2)

11. Mast cells of connective tissue produce______.
(1) Collagen
(2) Heparin
(3) histamine
(4) Both B and C

Ans 4



12. New blood cells are formed in ______.
(1) Adipose tissue
(2) Bone marrow
(3) cartilage
(4) epithelial tissue

Ans 2

13. Stomach and intestine are lined with______.
(A) Transitional epithelium
(B)  columnar epithelium
(C) cuboidal epithelium
(D) Simple squamous epithelium

Ans B

14. The cytoplasmic extensions of  of bone forming cells (osteoblasts)  are called as.
(1) Dendrite
(2) Lamella
(3) Canaliculae
(4) Haversian canal

Ans 3

15. Compoundl epithelium is found in
(1) buccal cavity,


(3)inner lining of ducts of salivary glands and of

pancreatic ducts

 (4) All of the above

Ans 4

16. Sarcoplasmic reticulum  is  found in______.
(1) Nerve libre
(2) Cardiac muscle
(3) Muscle fibre
(4) Heart

Ans 3

17. The structural and functional unit of the skeletal muscle fibre is called
(1) A-band
(2) Myofibril
(3) Sarcoplasm
(4) Sarcomere

Ans 4

