Female reproductive system
DPP 3 Topic: Female reproductive system No. of Questions 117
- Rupturing of follicles and discharge of ova is known as
(a) Copulation (b) Conjugation (c) Ovulation (d) Oviposition
- In mammals the female secondary sexual characters are developed by the hormone
(a) Relaxin (b) Estrogens (c) Progesterone (d) Gonadotropins
- Mullerian duct is
(a) Oviduct (b) Sperm duct (c) Ureter of man (d) Urethra
- The structure formed after release of ova from graafian follicles and secretory in nature, is
(a) Corpus callosum (b) Corpus luteum (c) Corpus albicans (d) Corpus stratum
- An atretic follicle is
(a) Also known as corpus albicans (b) That follicle which fails to mature and degenerates (c) That follicle which has released the ovum (d) None of these
- Puberty occurs in females at the age of
(a) 8 – 10 years (b) 11 – 14 years (c) 15 – 17 years (d) 18 – 20 years
- In the 28 day human ovarian cycle, the ovulation takes place typically on
(a) Day 1 of the cycle (b) Day 5 of the cycle (c) Day 14 of the cycle (d) Day 28 of the cycle
- The cyclic period of sexual activity in non – human female mammals is called
(a) Menstruation (b) Luteinization (c) Oogenesis (d) Estrous
- The substance secreted by the corpus luteum is
(a) Hormone (b) Enzyme (c) Pheromone (d) Bile
- The menstrual cycle in normal adult woman is of
(a) 48 days (b) 38 days (c) 18 days (d) 28 days
- Parturition duct in female is called
(a) Uterus (b) Oviduct (c) Vagina (d) Cervix
- Corpus luteum in mammals is present in
(a) Heart and initiates atrial contraction (b) Brain and connects the two cerebral hemispheres (c) Ovaries and produces progesterone (d) Skin and acts as a pain receptor
- The menstrual cycle begins with the casting off of
(a) Placents (b) Blood
(c) Endometrial lining alongwith blood vessels (d) All the three
- In rabbit, the uterus is
(a) Bicornute (b) Multicornute (c) Unicornute (d) Acornute
- In human beings the median tube where the uterus opens independently is called
(a) Cervix (b) Clitoris (c) Vagina (d) Cloaca
- In woman cessation of menstruation occurs at the age of
(a) 12 –1 4 years (b) 45 – 58 years (c) 60 years (d) Does not occur at all
- In human females at the time of birth there are two million ova: how many of them normally reach maturity in the course of normal reproductive life
(a) 500 (b) 1,000 (c) 2,000 (d) 5,000
- Human female is
(a) Seasonal ovulator (b) Spontaneous ovulator (c) Occasional ovulator (d) Periodical ovulator
- Before the formation of corpous luteum the body formed is
(a) Corpous albicans (b) Corpous media (c) Corpous haemorrhagicum (d) None of these
- Graafian follicle characteristically found in the
(a) Thyroid of mammal (b) Ovary of frog (c) Testis of mammal (d) Ovary of mammal
- Clitoris in female is
(a) Homologous to penis (b) Analogous to penis (c) Functional penis in female (d) Non-functional penis in male
- The mammalian follicle was first described by
(a) Von Baer (b) De Graaf (c) Robert Brown (d) Spallanzil
- Corpus luteum is the source of secretion of
(a) Estrogen (b) Progesterone (c) Estradiole (d) LH
- Bartholin’s glands in rabbit are found in
(a) Male and produce a viscous alkaline fluid which neutralizes acidity in the urethra (b) Male and produce the clear liquid part of the spermatic fluid (c) Female and produce the hormone estrogen which regulates secondary sexual characters (d) Female and produce a clear fluid which lubricates the vestibule during copulation
- The structure which attaches the ovaries with the dorsal wall is known as
(a) Wolffian body (b) Mesovarium (c) Mesorchium (d) Fimbricated body
- Ovulation in mammals is caused by
(a) FSH and TSH (b) FSH and LH (c) FSH and LTH (d) LTH and LH
- A secondary character is
(a) Breast (b) Ovary (c) Testis (d) Thyroid
- Atretic follicles are found in the
(a) Liver (b) Testis (c) Thymus (d) Ovary
- In case of nonfertilization, corpus luteum
(a) Stops secreting progesterone (b) Changes to corpus albicans (c) Starts producing progesterone (d) None of the above
- The changes that occurs in female at the onset of puberty are (a) The enlargement of breasts (b) Beginning of menstrual cycle (c) Stoppage of growth of long bone and height (d) All the above
- The follicle that ruptures at the time of ovulation promptly fills with blood, forming
(a) Corpus haemorrhagicum (b) Corpus luteum (c) Corpus albicans (d) Corpus callosum
- Oestrous is a
(a) Heat period (b) Passive period (c) Active period (d) None of these
- First menstrual cycle is
(a) Parturition (b) Menopause (c) Menarche (d) Implantation
- When is progesterone secreted
(a) After ovulation (b) Before ovulation (c) At the time of parturition (d) After parturition
- Oestrous cycle is characteristic of
(a) Mammals (b) Mammalian females (c) Human female (d) Mammalian females other than primates
- Female rabbit is
(a) Monoestrus (b) Diestrus (c) Polyestrus (d) None of these
- Voice is high pitched in
(a) Aged persons (b) Adult males (c) Boys (d) Females
- Fallopian tube is the part of
(a) Uterus (b) Ureter (c) Oviduct (d) Vas deferens
- When pregnancy does not occur, the life of corpus luteum is about
(a) 10 days (b) 14 days (c) 28 days (d) Corpus luteum is not found
- In the ovum of rabbit, graafian follicle is
(a) Oogonial cells (b) Corpus luteum (c) Corpus albicans (d) Theca externa, theca interna, oocyte and follicle cells
- Which part of the ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Graafian follicles (c) Stroma (d) Germinal epithelium
- Stroma is a term applied to
(a) Gall stone (b) Ovarian follicles (c) Connective tissue in which graafian follicles are embedded (d) Connective tissue surrounding the seminiferous tubules
- What is the female counterpart of Cowper’s gland in the male (man)
(a) Bartholin’s gland (b) Uterus (c) Clitoris (d) None of these
- The female rabbit is
(a) Spontaneous ovulator (b) Seasonal ovulator (c) Natural ovulator (d) Induced ovulator
- The endometrium is the lining of
(a) Bladder (b) Vagina (c) Uterus (d) Oviduct
- The process of releasing the ripe female gamete from the ovary is called (a) Parturition (b) Ovulation (c) Fertilization (d) Implantation
- Cessation of menstrual cycle in the human female is known as
(a) Ovulation (b) Puberty (c) Menopause (d) Maturation
- Proliferative age lasts upto how many days
(a) 6th day (b) 7th day (c) 14th day (d) 28th day
- In pre – menstrual phase or luteal phase, one of the following hormone is increased in the blood
(a) Estrogen (b) Progesterone (c) FSH (d) None of these
- When there is no bleeding but high quantity of estrogen hormone is there, then this is known as
(a) Oestrous cycle (b) Menstrual cycle (c) Post-menstrual cycle (d) None of these
- Release of oocytes from ovary of rabbit is termed
(a) Implanation (b) Gestation (c) Ovulation (d) Parturition
- Loss of reproductive capacity in women after age of 45 years is
(a) Mensturation (b) Ageing (c) Menopause (d) Menarche
- Changes during menstrual cycle are
(a) Only in ovary (b) Only in uterus (c) Only in behaviour (d) All of the above
- Bleeding occurs in
(a) Oestrous cycle (b) Oestrous and menstrual cycle (c) Menstrual cycle (d) None of the above
- The ovum in the stroma of ovary of a mammal is enclosed in a perforated membrane called
(a) Germinal epithelium (b) Vitelline membrane (c) Zona pellucida (d) Zona radiata
- Oestrous cycle is suggestive of
(a) Menstruation (b) Estrogen secretion (c) Pregnancy (d) Menopause
- Which statement is correct
(a) Oestrous cycle is found is found in all mammals (b) Menstrual cycle is found in all mammals (c) Menstrual cycle is found only in primates (d) None of these
- Menstrual cycle is controlled by
(a) Testosterone (b) Testosterone and progesterone (c) Estrogen (d) Estrogen and progesterone
- Ovulation in mammals is triggered by a surge of
(a) FSH only (b) LH only (c) Estrogen only (d) FSH and LH both
- The blood vessels and nerve enter the ovary through
(a) Antrum (b) Zona pellucida (c) Hilus (d) Graafian follicle
- A female gland corresponding to prostate of males is
(a) Bartholin’s gland (b) Bulbourethral gland (c) Clitoris (d) None of these
- Hysterectomy is surgical removal of (a) Vagina (b) Oviduct (c) Uterus (d) Ovary
- Abnormal condition when the mammary glands of man become female like is called
(a) Feminization (b) Gonochorism (c) Gynacomastism (d) Gynoecism
- Young girls at puberty begin to develop breasts this is an example of
(a) Metamorphosis (b) Sexual growth (c) Appearance of primitive characters (d) Artificial selection
- Graafian follicles develop from
(a) Stroma of ovaries (b) Germinal epithelium of ovaries (c) Both of these (d) None of these
- Menstrual cycle is controlled by
(a) Estrogen and progesterone of ovary (b) FSH and LH of pituitary (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) FSH of pituitary
- Growth and maturation of Graafian follicle is controlled by
(a) FSH – LH (b) FSH – LTH (c) ACTH – LH (d) GH – ADH
- Ostium is the aperture present in
(a) Oviduct (b) Fallopian funnel (c) Ovisac (d) Cloaca
- Progesterone is
(a) Carbohydrate (b) Steriod (c) Protein (d) Sterol
- Which one of the following phenomenon is not common to both oestrous and menstrual cycles
(a) Growth of ovarian follicles under the influence of FSH and LH (b) Formation of corpus luteum in the ovarian follicles (c) Sexual receptivity limited to a definite period in the cycle (d) Regulation of cycles by estrogen and progsteron
- For ovulation in reflex ovulators
(a) Coitus is not necessary (b) Coitus is necessary (c) Plenty of food is necessary (d) Plenty of food is not necessary
- “Rutting season” is
(a) A brief period of pronounced sexual activity in males (b) A brief period of pronounced sexual activity in females (c) A period of rest (d) Both (a) and (b)
- The period of restoration of uterine epithelium is called
(a) Menstrual phase (b) Proliferative phase (c) Secretory or luteal phase (d) None of these
- Which one of the following exhibits menstruation
(a) Cheeta (b) Chimpanzee (c) Civet cat (d) None of these
- The oestrous or menstrual cycle begins with a breaking down of the womb wall. The ovum or egg is released
(a) At the beginning of the cycle (b) About half way through the cycle (c) About 20 days through the cycle (d) At the end of the
- The menstrual cycle in mammals accomplished with the help of
(a) Progesterone and estrogen (b) Hormones from pituitary gland only (c) Hormones from placenta only (d) Hormones from ovary only
- Uterine endometrium, epithelial glands and connective tissue are broken in menstrual phase. This is due to
(a) Over secretion of FSH (b) Lack of estrogen (c) Lack of progesterone (d) Over progesterone
- If after ovulation no pregnancy results, the corpus luteum
(a) Is maintained by the presence of progesterone (b) Degenerates in a short time (c) Becomes active and secretes lot of FSH and LH (d) Produces lot of oxytocin and relaxin
- Oral contraceptive checks
(a) Fertilization (b) Implantation (c) Ovulation (d) Entry of sperms into uterus
- In female mammals Bartholin’s glands open into the
(a) Vestibule and release a lubricating fluid in the vagina (b) Uterus and release a lubricating fluid during the birth of young ones (c) Urinary bladder and assist in release of urine (d) Fallopian tubes and release a secretion which makes sperms motile
- After the age of 40th the percentage of syndromes increases in the offsprings of a lady. It is because
(a) Lady becomes weak (b) Oocytes grow older (c) Ovaries become weak (d) Placenta becomes weak
- In mammals the estrogens are secreted by the Graafian follicle from its
(a) External theca (b) Internal theca (c) Zona Pellucida (d) Corona radiata
- Ovulation occurs
(a) Alternately from two ovaries (b) Simultaneously from both the ovaries (c) From one ovary alone throughout the life (d) According to the season from two ovaries
- Human uterus is
(a) Paired with well separated oviducts (b) Single large chamber with posterior part of oviduct fused to it anteriorly (c) Paired with partially fused oviducts (d) A single large chamber with completely fused oviducts
- In ladies, the oviducts are cutted or removed surgically to avoid the chances of fertilization. This is called
(a) Vasectomy (b) Ovariodectomy (c) Sterilizaion (d) Tubectomy (Salpingectomy)
- The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that last for 7 –8 days is
(a) Follicular phase (b) Ovulatory phase (c) Luteal phase (d) Menstruation
- Secretion of progesterone by corpus luteum is initiated by
(a) LH (b) MSH (c) Testosterone (d) Thyroxine
- In human female which of the following is incorrect
(a) Menstrual cycle takes 28 days (b) Menopause occur at 45-55 years (c) The ovulated egg released during pregnancy die (d) Menstruation takes 4 days
- If both ovaries are removed from a rat, then which hormone is decreased in blood (a) Oxytocin (b) Estrogen (c) Prolactin (d) Gonadotrophic
- Which type of hormone controls the menstrual cycle in human being
(a) LH (b) FSH (c) Progesterone (d) FSH, LH, Estrogen
- Fimbriated funnel is
(a) Proximal part of oviduct (b) Uterus part (c) Urinary bladder part (d) Ureter part
- The rupture of the graafian follicle and the release of ovum occurs under the influence of
(a) LH (b) FSH (c) MSH (d) GH
- Prepuberal period refers to a stage of
(a) Growth enlargement of organ systems and maturation of reproductive mechanisms (b) Initiation of gonads (c) Initiation of organs (d) Maturation of gonads alone
- Ripe ova are shed by ovaries into
(a) Oviducal funnel (b) Coelom (c) Oviduct (d) Collecting tubules of kidney
- Bartholin’ s glands are situated
(a) On either side of vas deferens in humans (b) On the sides of the head of frog (c) At the reduced tail end of birds (d) On either side of vagina in humans
- Onset of menstruation is due to
(a) Fall in level of progesterone (b) Increase in level of progesterone (c) Increase in level of FSH (d) None of these
- Both corpus luteum and macula lutea are
(a) Found in human ovaries (b) A source of hormones (c) Characterized by a yellow colour (d) Contributory in maintaining pregnancy
- Ovulation does not occur during pregnancy in the human female because
(a) The follicles are not influenced by the level of progesterone in the blood (b) The corpus luteum and later the placenta produce large amounts of progesterone (c) The corpus luteum generates as luteinising hormone is no longer produced (d) The embryo produces hormones which retard the production of maternal follicle stimulating hormones
- Which one of the following is least present in the endometrium during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle
(a) Cork screw – shaped uterine glands (b) Ciliated cells (c) Mitosis of stomal cells (d) Straight arteries
- Cervix lies between
(a) Oviduct and uterus (b) Uterus and vagina (c) Vagina and clitoris (d) Clitoris and labia
- Vaginal orifice, urethral orifice and clitoris are protected by
(a) Labia majora (b) Labia minora (c) Vulva (d) Anus
- Vulva is enclosed by
(a) Vaginal orifice (b) Clitoris (c) Labia majora (d) Labia majora and minora both
- Vestibular glands secrete (a) Hormones (b) Enzymes (c) Mucus (d) Digestive juice
- Follicular atresia is
(a) Degeneration of zygote (b) Degeneration of enlarge follicles before puberty (c) Degeneration of embryo (d) Formation of corpos luteum
- Transformation of a young follicle into graafian follicle is controlled by
(a) Progesterone (b) Lactogenic hormone (c) Follicular stimulating hormone (d) Luteininsing hormone
- Note the relationship between the first two words and suggest a suitable word for the fourth place Mesovarium : Ovary :: Mesometrium
(a) Clitoris (b) Uterus (c) Testis (d) Penis
- If ovaries of a pregnant mammal are removed
(a) The embryonic development will stop (b) Embryo will regenerate (c) Development remains unaffected (d) Ovaries will regenerate
- When a mature egg leaves the ovary, it enters
(a) Follicle (b) Endometrium (c) Interstitial cells (d) Fallopian tubes
- The period that makes physiological cessation of menstrual flow and consequently the end of child bearing period is reffered as
(a) Amenorrhoea (b) Female sterlity (c) Female climacteric (d) Menstrual cycle
- Ovulation can be detected by
(a) Rise in basal body temperature (b) Fern pattern of the cervical mucosa (c) Urinary estradiol excretion (d) Plasma cholestrol estimation
- The cavity present in the graafian follicle is
(a) Amniotic cavity (b) Archenteron (c) Antrum (d) Ostium
- Ostium is provided with a number of finger like processes fimbriae
(a) For receiving ovum (b) To increase the catching area (c) both (a) and (b) (d) To secrete hormones
- Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as
(a) Chorion (b) Zona pellucida (c) Corona radiata (d) Vitelline membrane
- The immediate cause of induction of ovulation in human female is the large plasma stage of
(a) Progesterone (b) Estrodiol (c) LH (d) FSH
- In which phase of menstrual cycle the progesterone is absent and estrogen level is high in blood
(a) Menstrual phase (b) Post menstrual phase (c) Proliferative phase (d) Ovulation
- Ovulation in the case of rabbit is different from man as it occurs
(a) Inspring season (b) Under nervous stimuli (c) After copulation (d) Under hormone stimuli
- Menopause is the stage in females when
(a) Menstruation cycle starts (b) Puberty is delayed (c) Reproductive capacity is arrested (d) Ovaries enlarge
- Decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen causes
(a) Growth and dialation of myometrium (b) Loss of endometrium (c) Release of an ovum from ovaries (d) Constriction of uterine blood vessels leading to sloughing of uterine epithelium
c | b | a | b | b | b | c | d | a | d | c | |||||||||
c | c | a | c | b | a | d | c | d | a | b | b | d | b | b | a | d | b | d | a |
a | c | a | d | a | d | c | b | d | b | c | a | d | c | b | c | c | b | a | c |
c | d | c | c | b | c | d | d | c | d | c | c | b | b | c | a | b | b | c | b |
a | b | b | b | a | c | d | b | b,c | a | b | b | a | b | d | b | a | c | b | d |
a | a | a | a | d | a | c | b | a | b | c | d | c | b | c | b | a | d | c | a |
c | c | b | c | c | c | c | d |