NEET Biology Practice Test Human Health & Diseases by TEACHING CARE online coaching classes
NEET Biology Practice Test Human Health & Diseases by TEACHING CARE online coaching classes
- Which of the disease is not transmitted by house flies
(a) Typhoid (b) Yellow fever (c) Cholera (d) Dysentery
- Biological name of insect (Vector) carrying the plague
(a) Xenopcylla cheopis
(b) Anopheles mosquito
(c) Bacillus pestis
(d) Pediculus humanus
- Koch’s postulates are not applicable to
(a) T.B. (b) Leprosy (c) Diptheria (d) Cholera
- Maximum death among children is caused due to
(a) T.B (b) AIDS (c) Diphtheria (d) Whooping cough
- The protozoan found in colon of human is
(a) P. vivax (b) A. egupti (c) E. coli (d) All of these
- The carrier of virus causing human yellow fever is
(a) Mosquito (b) Bug (c) Louse (d) Beetle
- Yersinia pestis is responsible for
(a) Plague (b) Whooping cough (c) Leprosy (d) Syphilis
- Encephalitis in man is a viral disease and is transmitted by
(a) Anopheles (b) Culex (c) Aedes (d) Culex and Aedes
- Which of the following disease is due to virus
(a) Polio (b) Tetanus (c) Malaria (d) Cholera
- ‘Small pox’ (Variola) disease is caused by
(a) Virus (b) Bacterium (c) Protozoan (d) Mosquito
- Vector for ‘Kala azar’ disease is
(a) Sand fly (b) House fly (c) Louse (d) Bed bug
- Which of the following does not cause a disease in human beings
(a) Entamoeba coli
(b) Plasmodium ovale
(c) Entamoeba histolytica
(d) Entamoeba gingivalis
- Incubation period of plasmodium vivax is
(a) 14 days (b) 20 days (c) 30 days (d) 45 days
- Malaria is transmitted by ‘Anopheles’. This was discovered by
(a) A. Laveran (b) Ronald Ross (c) Pasteur (d) Huxley
- The malignant tertian malaria is caused by
(a) Plasmodium vivax
(b) Plasmodium falciparum
(c) Plasmodium ovale
(d) Plasmodium malariae
- Suffner’s dots are related to
(a) R.B.C of man
(b) Leucocytes of frog
(c) Epithelium of stomach of mosquito
(d) Entamoeba histolytica
- Incubation period in case of malarial parasite is
(a) 10-14 days (b) 20 days (c) 5 days (d) 2days
- Mapacrine and pelludrine are used to cure which disease
(a) Plague (b) Malaria (c) T.B. (d) Pneumonia
- Malaria parasite completes its life cycle in
(a) One host (b) Two host (c) Three host (d) Reservoir host
- Metabolic waste responsible for malaria fever is called
(a) Haemozoin (b) Haematin (c) Melanin (d) Heparin
- Dr. Ronald Ross worked malaria in
(a) Mumbai (b) Secunderabad (c) London (d) Madras
- Quinine an important drug for treatment of malaria, is extracted from
(a) Calyx of cinnamon (b) Bark of cinchona (c) Red ants (d) Bark of tulsi
- Which organ enlarges in patient of malaria
(a) Spleen (b) Kidney (c) Gall bladder (d) Liver
- Which one of the following conditions though harmful in itself is also a potential saviour from a mosquito borne infectious disease
(a) Leukemia
(b) Thalassaemia
(c) Sickle cell anaemia
(d) Pernicious anaemia
- Which of the following causes malaria
(a) Plasmodium (b) Hook worm (c) Ascaris (d) Filaria worm
- Who discovered malarial parasite
(a) Ronald Ross (b) Leveran (c) Grassi (d) Lansici
- Plasmodium in man is innoculated by
(a) Anopheles male and female
(b) Anopheles male
(c) Anopheles female
(d) Culex female
- ‘Malaria’ a common disease world wide is caused by a
(a) Bacterium (b) Virion (c) Protozoa (d) Helminthes
- Immune deficiency syndrome in human could develop as a consequence of
(a) AIDS virus infection
(b) Defective liver
(c) Defective thymus
(d) Weak immune system
- AIDS related complex (ARC) is a disease which leads to fever, swollen lymph nodes, night sweats, loss in weight etc. represents
(a) Severe form AIDS
(b) Initial form of AIDS
(c) No link with AIDS
(d) None of the above
- AIDS virus has
(a) Single stranded RNA
(b) Double stranded RNA
(c) Single stranded DNA
(d) Double stranded DNA
- Which one of the following produces AIDS
(a) HTLV -1 (b) HTLV-2 (c) EBV (d) HIV
- How does AIDS virus enter into man
(a) Through food (b) Through kissing (c) Through water (d) Through blood
- Full form of AIDS is
(a) Anti immune deficiency syndrome
(b) Auto immune deficiency syndrome
(c) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(d) Acquired immune disease symptom
- Which of the glands is often referred in relation with AIDS
(a) Thyroid (b) Thymus (c) Adrenal (d) Pancreas
- HIV causes reduction in
(a) T- helper cells only (b) All T-cells (c) B-cells only (d) Both B and T-cells
- A disease transferred from mother to child through placenta is
(a) German measels (b) Syphilis (c) AIDS (d) All the above
- The AIDS test is known as
(a) Elisa (b) Australian antigen (c) HIV test (d) None of these
- AIDS is a
(a) Cancer (b) Virus borne disease (c) Bacterial disease (d) Deficiency disease
- Which of the following is an STD
(a) Measles (b) Syphilis (c) Diphtheria (d) Cancer
- “Zidovudine” drug is used for
(a) Cancer (b) Hepatitis (c) AIDS (d) Malaria
- The test for ‘syphilis’ was developed by
(a) Robert koch (b) Edward jenner (c) Wasserman (d) Louis pasteur
- AIDS day is observed on
(a) May 1 (b) Dec 20 (c) Dec 1 (d) June 1
- AIDS can be transmitted by
(a) Blood circulation (b) Hand shake (c) Courtship (d) All of these
- In sickle cell anaemia, the death is caused when the lethal genes are present in
(a) Heterozygous condition
(b) Homozygous dominant condition
(c) Homozygous recessive condition
(d) Co- dominant condition
- ‘Haemophilia’ disease is caused due to lack of
(a) ADH (b) STH (c) AHF (d) ACTH
- Which of the following diseases is not related to circulatory system
(a) Hypertension (b) Coronary thrombosis (c) Diabetes mellitus (d) Diphtheria
- Which of the following diseases is known as auto immune thyroiditis/ thyroid’s suicide
(a) Addison’s disease (b) Cretinism (c) Hashimoto disease (d) Goitre
- X- rays are used in
(a) ECG (b) EEG (c) CT-Scan (d) Endoscopy
- The bacteria living in human large intestine that feed on undigested food without harming the host in any way, are termed as
(a) Symbionts (b) Parasites (c) Commensale (d) Predators
- In sickle-cell anaemia, which of the following amino acids is substituted
(a) Glutamic acid by valine in -chain
(b) Valine by glutamic acid in -chain
(c) Glutamic acid by valine in -chain
(d) Valine by glutamic acid in -chain ββαα
- If the IIIrd nerve is damaged, it will lead to
(a) Loss of accomodation
(b) Dilation of pupil
(c) Loss of occular movements
(d) All of these
- Interferons are
(a) Antiviral proteins
(b) Antibacterial proteins
(c) Anticancer proteins
(d) None of these
- All the diseases are spread by housefly except
(a) Leprosy (b) Dysentery (c) Typhoid (d) Sleeping sickness
- Cynosis refers to
(a) Bluish colouration of the body
(b) Reddish coluration of the body
(c) Pale colouration of the body
(d) Goose flesh of the body
- Filaria, malaria, dengue fever, sleeping sickness, yellow fever are transmitted by
(a) Mosquitoes (b) House flies (c) Insects (d) Bacteria
- Cimex present in human clothes is a type of
(a) Autotrophic animal (b) Host (c) Parasite (d) Predent
- Which of the following set is of vector host
(a) Sand fly, deer fly, tse-tse fly, house fly
(b) Frog, lizard, snack, rabbit
(c) Leishmania, sand fly, Trypanosoma, tse-tse fly
(d) Sand fly, frog, house fly
- Diabetes mellitus is due to lack of
(a) Insulin in circulating blood
(b) Starch in food
(c) Trypsin in pancreatic juice
(d) ADH reaching the kidney
- Inflammatory response in allergy is caused by the release of one of the following by mast cells
(a) Histamines (b) Antibodies (c) Antigen (d) None of them
- A condition of failure of function of kidney to form urine is
(a) Creatinine (b) Hematuria (c) Anuria (d) Alkaptoneuria
- The disease due to inflammation of vermiform appendix of the digestive system is known as
(a) Amoebic dysentery (b) Appendicitis (c) Intestinal cancer (d) Appendectomy
- All are the disease of lungs except
(a) Asthama (b) Bronchitis (c) Encephalitis (d) Pneumonia
- Which of the following set contains all disease transmitting arthropods
(a) Ant, cockroach, body louse
(b) Sand fly, tse-tse fly, house fly, rat flea
(c) House fly, anopheles mosquito, body louse, termite
(d) Rat flea, cockroach termite
- Grave’s disease is caused by the hypersecretion of thyroid hormone and is associated with the
(a) Enlargement of the thyroid gland
(b) Increased BMR and increased nervous activity
(c) Exophthalamia
(d) All of the above
- Period from the entrance of pathogens into the body and their multiplication of show initial symptoms of disease is known as
(a) Incubation period (b) First period (c) Climax period (d) Infection period
- After infection by pathogens dead cells, dead pathogens and liquid form the
(a) Antibodies (b) Excretory product (c) Pus (d) Agglutinin
- Cause of ‘Erythroblastosis foetalis’ may be
(a) Adjoining of RBC (b) Bleeding (c) Diapedesis (d) Haemophilia
- If a muscle fails to give stimulation action and there is much ingestion of lactic acid, the condition is termed as
(a) Paralysis (b) Tonus (c) Fatigue (d) Tetanus
- Which one of the following is a protein deficiency disease
(a) Eczema (b) Cirrhosis (c) Kwashiorkor (d) Nightblindness
- Servers protein deficiency in the diet leads to this disease
(a) Kwashirokar (b) Amoebiasis (c) Diabetes (d) Cancer
- ‘Asthama’ is due to
(a) Infection of trachea
(b) Infection of lungs
(c) Bleeding into pleural cavity
(d) Spasm in bronchial muscles
- Epidemiology deals with the study of
(a) Mode of transmission of disease
(b) Disease causing organisms
(c) Development of resistance against diseases
(d) Skin ailments
- Filarial larva can be collected from man’s
(a) Smears of intestinal contents
(b) Peripheral blood at midnight
(c) Smears of spleen
(d) Biopsy of liver
- Study of interaction of antigens and antibodies in the blood is
(a) Cryobiology (b) Serology (c) Haemotology (d) Angiology
- The cells which directly attack and destroy the antigens are known as
(a) Helper T-cells (b) Killer T-cell (c) Helper B- cells (d) Killer B-cells
- The cells which produce the antibodies by stimulating the B-cells are known as
(a) Killer B-cells (b) Helper B- cells (c) Helper T-cells (d) Antibodies
- The cells which suppress the entire immune system from its attack in the same body are known as
(a) Helper T-cells (b) Killer B- cells (c) Suppressor cells (d) Suppressor T-cells
- The binding of antibodies to the antigens to produce a large insoluble complex is known as
(a) Antibody-antigen complex
(b) Agglutination
(c) Immunization
(d) Suppressor cell reaction
- Recognition and digestion by the phagocytes due to the coated surface of antigens by the antibodies is known as
(a) Opsonization
(b) Immunization
(c) T-cells immunization reaction
(d) B-cells immunizaiton reaction
- In some children similar disease does not appear due to the presence of
(a) T- cells immune system
(b) B- cells immune system
(c) Memory cells
(d) Phagocyte antigen reactions
- The immune system which works against self is
(a) Self immune system
(b) Autoimmunity
(c) Specific immunity
(d) None of the above
- After vaccination the body builds up
(a) Toxins (b) Lymph (c) Antibodies (d) Plasma
- One good example of an ‘ antiseptic’ is
(a) Bordeaux mixture
(b) DDT
(c) Carbolic acid in dilute solution
(d) Hydrocyanic acid gas
- Humoral immunity is due to
(a) B-lymphocytes (b) T-lymphocytes (c) L-Lymphocytes (d) P- Lymphocytes
- Injections of antitoxin or toxoid serum is given to prevent
(a) Diphtheria (b) Small pox (c) Chicken pox (d) Chronic headache
- Membrane attack complex (Mac) is formed by
(a) B- Lymphocytes (b) Compliments (c) Macrophages (d) T- Lymphocytes
- Thymosin stimulates
(a) Milk secretion (b) Erythrocytes (c) T-lymphocytes (d) Melanocytes
- What is the molecular weight of IgG antibody
(a) 146,000 (b) 160,000 (c) 190,000 (d) 200,000
- Passive immunity is defined as immunity
(a) Inherited from the parents
(b) Achieved through vaccination
(c) Acquired through first exposure to the disease
(d) Achieved through the sera of other animal enriched in antibodies
- An antibody is
(a) Molecule that specifically inactivates an antigen
(b) WBC which invades bacteria
(c) Secretion of mammalian RBC
(d) Component of blood
- Booster dose of triple antigen vaccination is given to the child at the age of
(a) One year (b) Two year (c) Three year (d) Four year
- Active immunity is obtained by
(a) Antibodies
(b) Weakened germs infection
(c) Natural resistance
(d) None of these
- Antibody formation and immunity production is done by a protein called globulin present in the
(a) Stroma of RBC
(b) Haemoglobin of RBC
(c) Plasma
(d) Blood platelets
- A scientist associated with ‘antibiotic’ is
(a) Brown (b) Flemming (c) Leeuwenhock (d) Koch
- Which of the following are most aboundant types of antibodies
(a) IgA (b) IgE (c) IgG (d) IgM
- When an organ is transplanted and is rejected by the body, the lymphocytes are produced by
(a) T- cells (b) B-cells (c) Neutrophils (d) None of these
- Which of the following is a correct statement
(a) B-cells directly engulf the pathogenic bacteria
(b) B-cells produce antibodies soon after they are formed
(c) B-cells produce a large clone of plasma cells soon after it is formed
(d) The B- cells produce the plasma cells only after they are triggered by a specific antigen
- A cell coded protein that is formed in response to infection with most animal viruses is called
(a) Antigen (b) Interferon (c) Histone (d) Antibody
- The antibodies are
(a) Lipids (b) Germs (c) Proteins (d) Carbohydrates
- Some people who have suffered from a disease may not be affected again during their life time such immunity is called
(a) Natural immunity
(b) Acquired immunity
(c) Active immunity
(d) Passive immunity
- Passive immunity can be obtained by injecting
(a) Antigens
(b) Antibodies
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Vaccination having weakened germs
- Triple antigen vaccine is not used for
(a) Diphtheria (b) Pertussis (c) Typhoid (d) Tetanus
Tags: NEET Biology Practice Test Human Health & Diseases by TEACHING CARE online coaching classes