- William Douglas was afraid of water.
- 3/4 years old, went to beach with father, knocked down, swept over by
waves, suffocated, frightened
– decided to learn swimming at Y.M.C.A. pool, Yakima
– pool safe :2/3 feet at shallow end, 9 feet at deep end
– got water wings
– beginning to feel comfortable
– another incident/misadventure
– big bully boy threw him into deep end
– frightened, lungs ready to burst
– decided to hit feet on bottom and return as a cork
– came up slowly, opened eyes, water everywhere
– swallowed water and choked
– terrified, tried lo scream, no sound
– legs paralysed rigid
– went down second time
– hit bottom, felt dizzy, paralyzed, rigid
– groped for support, called for help, no result
– went down third time
– stopped struggling, legs limp
– blackness swept over his brain
– was quiet, peaceful, drowsy
Once out of unconsciousness, he
– found himself, lying on stomach, vomiting
– reached home-felt weak, trembled
– wept, couldn’t eat, frightened, avoided water Years later
– felt terrified near water
– feared water, spoiled holidays
– one October, decided to overcome fear
– hired swimming instructor
– practiced swimming, five days a weak, one hour daily
– used belt that went through pulley on overhead cable -look three months to relax
– learnt toput face in water, exhale, raise nose and inhale
– learnt to kick with legs
– instructor gave practice with a rope and pulley
– taught for six months
– made swimmer out of him, no longer feared water
– Douglas now confident
– went to lake Went worth
– no longer afraid, managed to conquer fear
What we learn from the story: Douglas
– felt those who have known fear also know the feeling to be free
– recalled Roosevelt’s words -understood his will to survive and live fully
– confident of facing challenges in future
Questions& Answers |
Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following in about 40-50 words each. (3 marks each)
- How and when did Douglas develop an aversion to water?
- In order to escape drowning what strategy did Douglas have in mind? Why couldn’t he implement his strategy ?
- What were the immediate and long term consequences of the drowning incident on Douglas?
- What did Douglas do to overcome his fear of water and how did he make sure that he had conquered the old terror?
- How did the instructor help Douglas to overcome his fear of water?
- ‘I screamed but only the water heard me’. Why did Douglas scream and what does he mean?
- Mention two qualities of Douglas that helped him conquer his fear of water.
- The writer says,the instructor was finished but I was not finished’. What does the writer mean by this?
- Why did the drowning experience deprive Douglas of the pleasure of water sports?
- How did the writer experience the truth of Mr. Roosevelt’s statement-’All we have to fear is fear itself.
Long Answer Type Questions
Answer the following in 125-150 words. (6 marks each)
- “Piece by piece, he built a swimmer”. How did the instructor help the author to become a swimmer and overcome his fear of water?
- What emotions did the author experience while he was drowning in the YMCAPool?
- “Ifwe surrender to our fears, they overpower us; if face them, they fade away. Do you agree? Why? Why not? Discuss with reference to the lesson “Deep Water.”
Value Based Questions:
- “Trying to scare me, eh? Well, here’s to you! Look! And off I’d go for another length of the pool.” It was sheer grit and courage which led Douglas to go into water again. Had he not, he would have died with a constant fear of water and a lingering sense of failure. With reference to Douglas’s approach of taking on fear and your real life experiences, write a speech on “Fearlessness: A way to Happiness.”
- Only those who have known stark terror and conquered it canappreciate it.” There is no disaster that can’t become a blessing. Timid young Douglas became a proficient swimmer. Man can move mountains if he is determined to do so. Discuss.