

          The Peddler

–        made living by selling rattraps

–        business not profitable

–        had to beg and steal -even then poor


His philosophy

–        whole world was a rat trap

–        it offered riches, joys, shelter, food etc., as bait

–        iftempted to the bait, everything came to an end; there was no return

Simplicity of old man who gave shelter to Rattrap man


–        stayed at old man’s house

–        old man happy to have someone

–        simple, generous, hospitable, served porridge

–        offered big slice from tobacco roll, played cards

–        told him about past, was a crofter, prosperous

–        now, his cow supported him, earned thirty kronors

–        showed the rat trap man pouch having thirty kronors

–        next day, rat trap man stole money


Rat trap man lost his way

–        did not continue on public highway

–        went into woods, lost his way

–        walked endlessly, tired

–        realized he himself has been caught in a rattrap

–        heard sound of hammer strokes

–        walked in that direction, reached iron mill

–        found master smith, didn’t notice rat trap man

–        later, blacksmith granted him permissionto sleep



Iron master and his daughter Edla

–        Iron master, owner of Ramsjo Iron mill

–        mistook rattrap man as old acquaintance called CaptanVon Stahle

–        invited him home to spend Christmas

–        rat trap man didn’t agree

–        agreed when Edla came and requested

–        overwhelmed by her compassionate and “friendly manner”


Secret revealed


–        rat trap man was given bath and new dress

–        iron man realized his mistake that the rat trap seller was not his friend

–        complained that the rat trap man made no attempt to hide

–        the peddler ready to leave the new dress and wear old rags

–        Edla requested father to allow him to stay

–        they had promised him Christmas cheer

–        the rat trap man turned a new leaf

–        quietly ate food, slept whole time

–        next morning, father and daughter went to church

–        they heard that crofter was robbed by a rat trap man

–        daughter sad, father anxious if their house would also have been robbed

–        but the peddler had left a gift of a small rat trap with thirty kronors and a letter

–        wished money to be returned to crofter

–        confessed that he had made a mistake

–        got caught in his own rat trap

–        thanked Edla for treating him like a real captain


What we learn from the story

–        Life is one big rat trap

–        one gets trapped by one’s own deeds

–        everyone should gets a second chance to improve oneself




Questions& Answers


Short Answer Type Questions

Answer the following in about 40-50 words each. (3 marks each)

  1. How did the peddler earn his livelihood? What kind of life did he live?
  2. What strange idea about the world struck the peddler? How did it change his life?
  3. How did the crofter treat the peddler and why?
  4. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler though he was a stranger?
  5. How did the peddler abuse the trust the crofter had reposed in him?
  6. What thoughts came to the peddler’s mind when he realised he had lost his way in the jungle?
  7. How was the iron master’s reaction to the peddler different from that of the blacksmith? Why did he invite him to his home?
  8. Why did the peddler decline the iron master’s invitation?
  9. What impression did Edla form about the peddler? Why did she want him to stay even after he was exposed?
  10. Pick out two instances from the story ‘The Rattrap’ to show that the peddler realized he himself was trapped?
  11. Why did the iron master decide not to hand over the peddler to the sheriff ?
  12. Why did Edla insist on treating the peddler as a guest even after he was exposed?
  13. What had the peddler left behind as a Christmas gift for EdlaWillmansson?Why?
  14. Why was Edla happy to see the gift left behind by the peddler?
  15. Why were Edla and her father surprised on reaching home after the church service?
  16. Why did the peddler sign himself as Captain Von Stahlc?


Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following in 125-150 words each, (6 marks each)

  1. What rattrap was the peddler trapped in? How did he come out of it?
  2. The story “The Rattrap” is not only entertaining but also philosophical. Bring out the entertaining and philosophical elements of the story.
  3. “A simple act of kindness can bring about a change of heart”. Discuss the significance of love and kindness with reference to the story, “The Rattrap”.


Value Based Questions:


  1. It has never existed for any other purpose from to set baits for people. The peddler compares riches, joys, food and clothing with cheese and porkwhich work as bait.

Resisting temptation is the only way out to live a life of peace and ease. Considering peddler’s experiences and your own understanding of worldly temptations write an article in not more than 100 words on the topic, “Temptation leads to Frustration”.

  1. ‘Wherever he turns he is chased away, always he is afraid of beingarrested and cross examined. He should like to have enjoyed a day of peacewith us here -just one in the whole year”. Edla advocates strongly infavour of the peddler. This changed the attitude of the peddler and hefinally walked on the path of peace, progress and positivity.

Keeping the peddler – Edla relationship in mind, write a speech for your morning assembly in around 100 words on the topic “Kindness costs nothing, wins everything.”





































































