

Sophie’s ambition and unrealistic dreams

*        wants to start a boutique

*        wants to earn money by becoming a manager, an actress or even a fashion designer

shecomes from a weak socio-eonomic background

doesn’t have a decent house

Her friend Jansie— simply wants Sophie to be happy

*        realisticcan’t keep information or secrets to herself


Sophie’s Dad

is strong, sweaty and hardworking loves to watch foot ball matches does not believe in Sophie’s imaginary stories Sophie’s brother-Geoff

is an apprentice mechanic, speaks less Sophie trusts him, shares her secrets with him


Sophie lives in a ‘world of her own fantasizing’

*        Sophie is fond of hero worshipping and fantasizing

*        Sophie’s hero is an Irish player. Danny Casey

*        dreams of meeting him

*        obsessed about meeting him, makes up stories about her meeting with him,

starts believing her imagination as real

nobody believes her, feels disappointed

she still believes that she has met Danny Casey




Questions& Answers


Short Answer Type Questions

Answer the following in 40-50 words each. (3 marks each)

  1. What is the socio- economic status of Sophie? What does Sophie dream of doing after leaving school?
  2. How areJansie and Sophie poles apart though they arc friends?
  3. Who is Geoff? How docs he differ from his sister Sophie?
  4. Why did Sophie feel jealous of Geoff’s silence? How did Sophie want to be a part of Geoff’s world?
  5. Who is Danny Casey? How do Sophie’s brother and father react to her meeting with Danny Casey?
  6. Do you think Sophie had actually met Danny Casey? Why?Why not?
  7. What range of emotions did Sophie undergo as she waited for Danny Casey?
  8. The family was a great fan of Danny Casey and his game. What incident in the story suggest this?
  9. Who is responsible for Sophie’s tears? Why do you think so?

Long Answer Type Questions

Answer in about 125-150 words each. (6 marks each)

  1. Bring out the difference in the character of Sophie and Jansie.
  2. “Going Places” is a story that borders on fantasy and reality. Discuss.
  3. The meeting of Sophie with Danny Casey is a figment of her imagination. Do you agree? Why?Why not?
  4. Write a character sketch of Geoff. How is he different from Sophie?

Value Based Questions

  1. “She thinks money grows on trees, don’t she, Dad?”, said little Derek. Teenagers sometimes think and plan things which do not remain within the reach of their family. . This leads to stress and frustration. Referring to Sophie’s state of mind write an article in around 100 words on the topic “Practical Planning: A Secret to Success.”
  2. ‘Now I have become sad, she thought. And it is a hard burden to carry,this sadnessI can see future and now 1 will have to live withthis burden.’ Finally Sophie came to reality that she was just carrying a burden of her sweet fantasy and remembrance. The sooner we realise the reality, the faster we move ahead in life. With reference to the lesson ‘Going Places’.write an article on the topic “ Fantasy world: A world of Pain.”



































































