

Problems of Peasants

*        landlords forced sharecroppers to grow indigo in 15% of the land

*        Germany developed synthetic indigolandlords demanded compensation for freeing the peasants from 15%arrangementsome agreed but later demanded money back

Gandhiji arrived at Champaran

*        wanted to meet Secretary of British Landlord’s Association, was refused

*        tried to meet Commissioner of Tirhutwas bullied and ordered to leave Champaran but he defied orders

*        prevented from meeting peasants

disobeyed notice to leave Champaran

–        was summoned at court

–        worked whole night to get support

–        wired report to the Viceroy

–        peasants gathered in large number to show support for him -Gandhiji proved that British power was no longer unchangeable

–        authorities got afraid and postponed the case, Gandhiji released on bail

–        lawyers decided to follow Gandhiji

First Triumph of Civil Disobedience

–        case dropped against Gandhiji

–        he planned Civil Disobedience

–        commission of inquiry appointed by Governor

–        evidence against landlords found

–        Gandhi Ji agreed for 25% refund as was agreed by landlords

–        indigo share cropping abandoned and land given to peasants


Gandhiji’sfarsight -beyond political & economic solutions

  • aimed to improve social and cultural status of Champaran

*        aimed at improving health services

  • took help of volunteers

*        taught villagers about cleanliness and hygiene and to be self reliantand independent


Freedom from fear more important than freedom from legal justice

  • real relief for peasants was to be free from fear, courts were useless forfear stricken peasants

*        self-reliance, strong will and courage to win battles, must protestagainst injustice.




Questions& Answers


Short Answer Type Questions

Short Answer Type Questions.(40-50 words each) – (3 marks each)


  1. Why did Rajkumar Shukla want to meet Gandhiji? How did he persuade him to visit Champaran?
  2. Why was Gandhiji not allowed to draw water from the well of Dr. Rajendra Prasad’s house?
  3. Why did the peasants of Champaran pay to the British landlords?
  4. Why did Gandhiji go to a nearby village in Champaran? Why did he come back without visiting the place?
  5. What was the outcome of protracted interviews that Gandhiji had with the Lt. Governor?
  6. Why did the landlords want to be released from 15% arrangement ?
  7. Which incident in the lesson is the beginning of the peasant’s liberation from the fear of the British?
  8. Why did Gandhiji agree to a settlement of 25% refund to the farmers?
  9. What was the conflict of duties that Gandhiji underwent? How did he resolve it?
  10. “Civil Disobedience had triumphed for the first lime in India.”How didithappen?
  11. When and why did Gandhiji say, “The battle of Champaran is won”?
  12. How was the Champaran episode a turning point in Gandhiji’s life?
  13. How did Gandhiji teach his followers a lesson in self-reliance?
  14. What steps did Gandhiji take to remove the social and cultural backwardness of the Champaran villagers?
  15. What was done to improve the health ofthe people of Champaran?

Long Answer Type Questions

Answer the following in 125-150 words. (6 marks each)

  1. Dialogue and not violence can resolve situations of conflict and injustice. Do you agree? Answer with instances from the lesson ‘Indigo’.
  2. How did Gandhiji’s stay and work at Champaran become a great turning point for the people of Champaran, for the freedom struggle and for Gandhiji himself?
  3. Raj Kumar Shukla played as significant a role as Gandhiji did in the success ofthe Champaran episode. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.





































































