AIIMS Practice Test Paper 2 Zoology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes

AIIMS Practice Test Paper 2 Zoology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes.

1 Which of the following best illustrates natural selection?

A An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully.

B A population monopolizes all of the resources in its habitat, forcing other species to migrate.

C A community whose members work together utilizes all existing resources and migratory routes.

D The largest organisms in a species receive the only breeding opportunities.


2 A species of finch has been studied on one of the geographically isolated Galapagos Islands for many years. Since the island is small, the lineage of every bird for several generations is known. This allows a family tree of each bird to be developed. Some family groups have survived and others have died out. The groups that survive probably have

A interbred with other species.

B inherited some advantageous variations.

C found new places on the island to live.

D been attacked by more predators.


3 An insect population initially consists of dark and bright colored members. After several generations, the insect population consists almost completely of dark colored members because the bright colored insects are easier for a predatory species to locate. This case is an example of

A the evolution of a new species.

B natural selection.

C artificial selection.

D adaptive radiation.


4 Inspite of catastrophic changes from time to time, life on earth continued following these catastrophes. Which of the following best explains this observation?

A Dominant species had a slow mutation rate.

B Many species filled the same niche.

C A strong species had many different characteristics.

D A wide diversity of species existed.


5 A small population of dogs lives in a habitat that has not undergone any changes for a long period of time. How will genetic drift  affect this population?

A It will accelerate the appearance of new traits.

B It will promote the survival of dogs with beneficial traits.

C It will increase the number of alleles for specific traits.

D It will reduce genetic diversity.


6 A small portion of a population geographically isolated from rest of the population has the risk of decreased

A genetic drift.

B mutation rate.

C natural selection.

D genetic variation.


7.Which of the following is NOT a component of the human axial skeleton?

A sternum

B vertebral column

C tarsals

D skull


  1. Phalanges are found in the:

A feet

B skull

C hip

D chest


  1. Multiple Choice: The phase of contraction of a muscle occurs when:

A tropomyosin binds and releases actin

B myosin binds and releases actin

C actin binds and releases myosin

D none of the above


  1. Multiple Choice: Select the INCORRECT statement concerning the muscular system.

A Bones contact other bones at joints.

B Flexors decrease the angle of a joint.

C Adductors move a limb away from the midline.

D Tendons attach muscle to bone.


  1. Multiple Choice: Which type of muscle is a syncytium?

A skeletal

B cardiac

C smooth

D all of the above


  1. When the potential difference across a membrane of a neuron equals the threshold, what results?

A movement of the membrane

B action potential

C relaxation

D contraction


  1. What ions determine the resting potential of a nerve?

A sodium and calcium

B calcium and copper

C potassium and calcium

D sodium and potassium


  1. Which structure does NOT play a part in the motion of cells?

A microvilli

B cilia

C flagella

D pseudopodia


15 A single species of Drosophila evolved over time into two species, each on opposite sides of the Grand Canyon. This change was most likely due to

A higher mutation rates on one side.

B low genetic diversity in the initial population.

C the isolation of the two groups.

D differences in reproductive rates.


16 Fossil evidence suggests that a number of members of a fish species from an ancient lake, became several isolated species. Each of these new species lived in a different pond. Which of the following explains the cause of this speciation?

A episodic isolation

B temporal isolation

C geographic isolation

D behavioral isolation


17 If a Scientist finds fossils of many different species existing in the same area at almost the same time, the Scientistist can conclude that the ecosystem in this area had a high degree of

A climatic variation.

B episodic speciation.

C biological diversity.

D geographic isolation.


18 For maintaining homeostasis in the body, the chemical decomposition of food for  energy production must be followed by

A water intake.

B muscle contractions.

C waste removal.

D nervous impulses.


19 CO2 is produced  when cells break down nutrients for energy. Which of the following systems would participate in removing  CO2 from the body?

A endocrine and circulatory

B circulatory and respiratory

C respiratory and endocrine

D reproductive and excretory


20 The respiratory system is dependent on the nervous system for signals to

A enhance the amount of available oxygen in the lungs.

B coordinate muscles controlling breathing.

C release enzymes to increase the exchange of gases.

D exchange gases with the circulatory system.


21 Hitting the tendon just below the knee cap results into the lower leg to jerk. Movement of an object rapidly toward the face can cause the eyes to blink shut. These are examples of

A learned responses.

B short-term memory.

C reflex reactions.

D sensory overload.


22 The fight-or-flight response includes greater heart output and a rise in blood pressure. It is due to

A insulin secreted by the pancreas.

B thyroxine secreted by the thyroid gland.

C oxytocin secreted by the pituitary gland.

D adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands.


23 Which of the following organ secretes a hormone for regulating the rate of metabolism in the body?

A spleen

B cerebrum

C thyroid

D kidney


24 The homeostatic mechanism for regulating blood pH in man depends on the feedback of information from

A stretch receptors.

B chemical receptors.

C hormone receptors.

D thermal receptors.


25 Which of the following is a function of nervous system?

A releasing ATP into contracting muscle tissues

B signaling muscle tissues to contract

C producing lactic acid in fatigued muscle tissues

D increasing cellular respiration in muscle tissues


26 A signal to the central nervous system from the urinary bladder when the bladder becomes full is sent by

A feedback loops.

B sensory neurons.

C nephron tubules.

D receptor proteins.


27 What is the greatest danger to a patient who has had damage to the skin?

A loss of oils produced by the skin

B excessive muscle contractions in the

damaged area

C infections in uncovered tissues

D damaged tissue entering the blood stream


28 Sweat and skin secretions contain a mixture of molecules that kills or limits the growth of many kinds of microbes. This control of microbes is an example of

A a nonspecific defense against infection.

B an enzyme-catalyzed biochemical reaction.

C a feedback loop to maintain homeostasis.

D a specific immune response to infection by



29 The Sabin vaccine  contains weakened polio viruses. Vaccinated individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses

A prevent further viral invasion.

B induce an inflammatory response.

C promote production of antibodies.

D are too weak to cause illness.


30 Injecting a person with a killed-bacteria vaccine can protect the individual from a disease because the proteins of the killed bacteria

A remain in the body, and live bacteria later prey on them instead of live tissues.

B bind with receptors in the body, so that live bacteria cannot bind with them later.

C stimulate the production of antibodies which can be manufactured later in response to infection.

D give the person a mild form of the disease, which conditions the body not to respond to later infection.


  1. Which of the following is an example of symbiosis?

A lichen

B slime mold

C amoeba

D moss


  1. Oxygen enters the body of a grasshopper through:

A gills

B spinnerets

C spiracles

D book lungs


  1. A heart with a single atrium and single ventricle is a characteristic of adult:

A amphibians

B arthropods

C birds

D fish



  1. The physical appearance and properties of an organism which is the expression of the

genetic makeup is called the:

A phenotype

B pangenesis

C parental trait

D genotype


  1. The complex of sugar polymers and proteins which are patchily distributed on the

plasma membranes of animal cells is called

A cellulose

B chitin

C glyocalyx

D cytoskeleton


  1. Organisms with cells containing two sets of parental chromosomes are called:

A diploid

B bisomal

C haploid

D autosomal


  1. The type of gene interaction in which the effects of one gene override or mask the effects of other entirely different genes is called:

A linkage

B mutation

C pleitropy

D epistasis


38 Which of the following organisms require a host cell because they are not able to make proteins on their own?

A blue-green algae

B bacteria

C protozoans

D viruses


39 How do human diseases caused by bacteria and diseases caused by viruses react to antibiotics?

A Neither responds to antibiotics.

B Both respond to antibiotics.

C Viral diseases respond to antibiotics; bacterial diseases do not.

D Bacterial diseases respond to antibiotics; viral diseases do not.–


40 HIV patients sometimes contract a pneumonia infection that is rare in the rest of the population because people with HIV

A are unable to fight off these pneumonia-causing organisms.

B are more often exposed to these pneumonia-causing organisms.

C release pheromones that attract the pneumonia-causing organisms.

D release substances that increase the strength of the pneumonia-causing organisms.


  1. What part of the brain controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland?
  2. the thalamus
  3. the cerebellum
  4. the hypothalamus
  5. the medulla oblongata


  1. The placenta in humans is derived from the:
  2. a) embryo only
  3. b) uterus only
  4. c) endometrium and embryo
  5. d) none of the above


  1. The valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is the:
  2. a) mitral valve
  3. b) semilunar valve
  4. c) bicuspid valve
  5. d) tricuspid valve


  1. Which of the following is NOT a function of the kidney?
  2. a) excretion of urea
  3. b) regulation of fluids and electrolytes
  4. c) elimination of toxic substances
  5. d) defecation


  1. When CO2 (carbon dioxide) is dissolved in water, it yields a solution that:
  2. a) has acidic properties
  3. b) has basic properties
  4. c) is neutral

Digestion of carbohydrates begins where?

  1. a) small intestines
  2. b) colon
  3. c) mouth
  4. d) stomach


  1. Digestion of PROTEINS begins in which of the following human organs?
  2. a) small intestines
  3. b) colon
  4. c) mouth
  5. d) stomach


  1. Bile has what function in digestion?
  2. a) emulsify lipids
  3. b) digest proteins
  4. c) gluconeogenesis
  5. d) digest carbohydrates


  1. Of the following, which is a basic need of all living things?
  2. a) oxygen gas
  3. b) light
  4. c) hydrogen gas
  5. d) water


  1. A botanist is most likely to study:
  2. a) Monerans
  3. b) Protistans
  4. c) Fungi
  5. d) Virions


  1. A virus must do what to reproduce?
  2. a) form a latent virus
  3. b) undergo transformation
  4. c) infect a cell
  5. d) conjugate


  1. The chromosomes of a eukaryotic cell are located i the:
  2. a) mitochondria (pron: my-toe-kon-dria)
  3. b) nucleus
  4. c) ribosome
  5. d) endoplasma


  1. Which of the following are located in the renal cortex?
  2. the efferent arteriole and the ureter
  3. the Bowman’s capsule and the glomerulus
  4. the distal convoluted tubule and the loop of Henle
  5. the collecting tubule and the proximal convoluted tubule


  1. Which of the following is produced by the liver as a result of the metabolism of

nitrogenous wastes?

  1. urea
  2. uric acid
  3. ammonia
  4. amino acids


  1. What is a function of the collecting ducts?
  2. pressure filtration
  3. water re-absorption
  4. tubular excretion of penicillin
  5. receptors for the hormone insulin


  1. Tubular excretion involves the addition of substances into which of the following?
  2. the loop of Henle
  3. the Bowman’s capsule
  4. the distal convoluted tubule
  5. the proximal convoluted tubule


  1. Which of the following receives blood from the efferent arteriole?
  2. the renal vein
  3. the glomerulus
  4. the afferent arteriole
  5. the peritubular capillaries


  1. The cells of which structure contain relatively large numbers of mitochondria?
  2. the glomerulus
  3. the afferent arteriole
  4. the Bowman’s capsule
  5. the proximal convoluted tubule


  1. For which of the following creatures is fat the greatest percentage of body weight?
  2. a) termite
  3. b) blue whale
  4. c) zebra
  5. d) female lion


59.Which is false regarding freshwater fish?

  1. a) their blood is hypertonic to their environment
  2. b) they often actively take up salt
  3. c) they excrete urine hypotonic to the blood
  4. d) their gills actively excrete salts


  1. Neutral fats, oils and waxes may be classified as:
  2. a) lipids
  3. b) carbohydrates
  4. c) proteins
  5. d) none of the above





Note: The Correct answer in each question has been made bold.


Hints and Explainations-

  1. In evolutionary biology, an adaptive radiation is the evolution of ecological and phenotypic diversity within a rapidly multiplying lineage.[1] Starting with a recent single ancestor, this process results in the speciation and phenotypic adaptation of an array of species exhibiting different morphological and physiological traits with which they can exploit a range of divergent environments
  2. Genetic drift or allelic drift is the change in the frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population due to random sampling. The alleles in the offspring are a sample of those in the parents, and chance has a role in determining whether a given individual survives and reproduces

23 The cerebrum or telencephalon, together with the diencephalon, constitute the forebrain. It is the most anterior or, especially in humans, most superior region of the vertebrate central nervous system

32 A spinneret is a spider‘s or insect larva‘s silk-spinning organ

34 Pangenesis was Charles Darwin‘s hypothetical mechanism for heredity

37 Pleiotropy occurs when a single gene influences multiple phenotypic traits.

50 Virus can not replicate outside host cell

