Chemistry Test 3 with solutions

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Illustration 1:          Which one of the following does not of dissolve in conc. H­2SO4?

                              (A) CH3 – C = C – CH3                     (B)  CH3 – CH2 – C º CH

                              (C) CH º CH                                   (D)  CH2 = CH2

Solution:              If CH º CH were to dissolve in H2SO4 a bisulphite salt of vinyl carbocation H2C = C+H would be formed. The more s-character in the positively charged ‘C’ less stable is the carbocation and less likely to be formed.


Illustration 2:          Which one of the following compounds will give in the presence of peroxide a product different from that obtained in the absence of peroxide?

                              (A) 1-butane                                   (B)  1-butene, HBr

                              (C) 2-butene, HCl                           (D)  2-butene, HBr

Solution:              Peroixde effect is observed when unsymmetrical alkene is treated with HBr only (and not with HCl and HI).


Illustration 3:          Which of the following alkene on acid catalysed hydration form 2-methyl propan-2-ol.

                              (A) (CH3)2CH = CH2                                                   (B)  CH3 – CH = CH2

                              (C) CH3 – CH = CH – CH3                 (D)  CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2

Solution:              Addition of H2O occurs according to Markownikoff’s rule.


                              \ (A)

Illustration 4:          Which of the following compounds yields only one product on monobromination?

                              (A) Neopentane                              (B)  Toluene

                              (C) Phenol                                     (D)  Aniline

Solution:              CH3 – CH3 has twelve equivalent 1°H. Hence H forms only one product on monobromination.


Illustration 5:          Aqueous solution of the following compounds are electrolysed. Acetylene gas is obtained from.

                              (A) Sodium fumarate                     (B)  Sopdium maleate

                              (C) Sodium succinate                    (D)  Both (A) and (B)


                              \ (D)

Illustration 6:          Dehydration of butan-2-ol with conc. H2SO4 gives preferred product.

                              (A) but-1-ene                                  (B)  but-2-ene

                              (C) propene                                   (D)  ethane

Solution:              CH3 – – – CH3 CH3 – CH = CH – CH3 (80%)

+ CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH2 (20%)

This is in accordance with saytzeff rule.

\ (B)

Illustration 7:          CH3 – C º C – CH3 ‘X’. What is X

                              (A)  CH­3CH­2CH = CH2                       (B)  CH3CH2C º CH

                              (C)  CH3 – CH = CH – CH3                 (D)  CH2 = C = CH – CH3

Solution:              Isomerisation occurs, when 2-butyne is treated with NaNH2, it converts into terminal alkyne (1-butyne).

                              \ (B)

Illustration 8:          Identify the compound ‘Y’ in the following sequence of reaction

                              HC º CH

                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D) CH3COOH



                              \ (A)

Illustration 9:          Dehydration of 1-butanol gives 2-butene as a major product, by which of the following intermediate the compound 2-butene obtained

                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

                              \ (C)

Illustration 10:        The principal organic compound formed in the reaction

                              CH2 = CH(CH2)8COOH + HBr …………. is

                              (A) CH3 –– (CH2)8COOH (B) CH2 = CH(CH2)8COBr
                              (C) –CH2(CH2)8COOH (D) CH2 = CH(CH2)7 – – COOH

Solution:              Follows the peroxide effect

                              \ CH2 = CH(CH2)8COOH  – CH2(CH2)8COOH

                              \ (C)

Illustration 11:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Probability selectivity

                              \ (B)

Illustration 12:        The reactivity order of alkyl halides is 3° >> 1° in

                              (A)  Both SN1 and SN2                     (B)  both SN2 and E2     

                              (C)  Both E1 and SN2                        (D)  Both SN1 and E2

Solution:              For SN1, E1 and E2 reactivity order is 3° > 2° > 1°

\ (D)

Illustration 13:        How many optically active isomers of monochloride can be obtained from 2-methyl butane

                              (A)  1                                              (B)  2

                              (C)  3                                              (D)  4

Solution:              Two chiral centre generates

                              \ (B)

Illustration 14:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

                              \ (B)

Illustration 15:        The following in order of leaving group capability

                              F(I), CF3SO3=(II), OH(III), I(IV)

                              (A)  I < III < IV < II                           (B)  III < I < IV < II

                              (C)  II < III < IV < I                           (D)  IV < III < I <II

Solution:              Weaker the base good is the leaving group

                              \ (A)

Illustration 16:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Protonation occurs on doubled bon

\ (B)

Illustration 17:

                              For the above reaction which of the following statement is not correct

                              (A)  Rate = K[Alcohol] [SOCl2]

                              (B)  In the product inversion of configuration also takes place

                              (C)  This reaction is an example of SN2

                              (D)  In the product retention of configuration takes place

Solution:              Normal SN2 attack


Illustration 18:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Anti-dehalogenation takes place

\ (A)

Illustration 19:        When isopropyl alcohol vapours are passed over heated copper it gives

                              (A)  Acetone                                    (B)  Ethyl alcohol

                              (C)  Methyl alcohol                         (D)  Acetaldehyde        

Solution:              (CH3)2CHOH CH3COCH3

                              \ (A)

Illustration 20:        Glycerol on treatment with oxalic acid at 110°C forms

                              (A)  Formic acid                              (B)  CO2 and CO

                              (C)  Allyl alcohol                             (D)  Glycol

Solution:               – –  + H2SO4 ¾® HCOOH + CO2 + glycerol

Illustration 21:        CH3OH + PCl3 ¾® P, P is

                              (A)  CH4                                           (B)  CH3Cl

                              (C)  CH3COCl                                   (D)  (CH3)2·

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 22:        Dehydration of ethanol gives

                              (A)  CH3COOH                                 (B)  C2H6

                              (C)  C2H2                                          (D)  C2H4

Solution:              C2H4

            \ (D)

Illustration 23:        The compound that will react most readily with NaOH to form methanol is

                              (A)  (CH3)4N+I                                  (B)  CH3OCH3

                              (C)  (CH3)3S+I                                  (D)  (CH3)3CCl               

Solution:              (CH3)4N+I (CH3)3 N + CH3OH

                              \ (A)

Illustration 24:               –  + Pb(OAc)4 ¾® P?

                              (A)  Oxalic acid                               (B)  Glyoxal

                              (C)  HCHO                                       (D)  Glycollic acid

Solution:              (CH2OH)2 2HCHO

                  \ (C)

Illustration 25:        Glycerol + Conc. H2SO4 ¾® ?

                              (A)  Acrolein                                   (B)  Formic acid

                              (C)  Allyl alcohol                             (D)  CH3NC

Solution:              CH2OH – – CH2OH

                              \ (A)

Illustration 26:        Mild oxidation of 2-propanol yields

                              (A)  CH3COOH                                 (B)  CH3COCH3

                              (C)  CH3CH2CHO                              (D)  CH3CH2CH­2OH

Solution:              CH­3COCH3

                              \ (B)

Illustration 27:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D) None of these

                              \ (A)

Illustration 28:        A + Ca(OCl)Cl ¾® CHCl3. A is

                              (A)  C2H6                                          (B)  C2H5OH

                              (C)  C2H2                                          (D)  CH3COOH

Solution:              Molecule should contain  or CH3 –– group to then haloform reaction

            \ (B)

Illustration 29:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Haloform reaction followed by acidification makes a b-keto acid which on heating decarboxy lates.

                              \ (B)

Illustration 30:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Intramolecular cannzaro reaction.

                              \ (B)

Illustration 31:        A ketone reacted with C2H=5MgBr reagent followed by hydrolysis gave a product which on dehydrationi gives an alkene. The alkene on oznolysis gave diethyl ketone and acetaldehyde. The ketone is

                              (A)  Dimethyl keton                         (B)  Ethyl methyl ketone

                              (C)  Diethyl ketone                          (D)  Ethyl propyl ketone

Illustration 32:

Solution:              Intramolecular aldol condensation

\ (B)

Illustration 33:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              First stable carbocation is formed. Then pH group migrates.

            \ (A)

Illustration 34:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)
Illustration 35:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Caranian is formed adjacent to carbonyl group, then NGP takes place

                              \ (C)

Illustration 36:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              F.C. acylation followed by oxidation. SeO2 Oxides – CH2 – group adjaenet (B) top carbonyl group to

            \ (B)

Illustration 37:        Among the following which compound does not give iodoform test.

                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 38:
                              (A) (B)
                              (C) (D)

Solution:              Cannizaro reaction takes place

                              \ (C)

Illustration 39:        On strong heating ammonium acetate gives

                              (A) methyl cyanide                         (B) acetamide

                              (C) urea                                          (D) form amide

Solution:              B


Illustration 40:        The product (B) in the following reaction is

                              Acetamide A

                              (A) CH3NH2                                      (B) C2H5NH2

                              (C) CH3CN                                       (D) CH3COONH4

Solution:              B


Illustration 41:        Weakest acid among the following is

                              (A) CH3COOH                                  (B) ClCH2COOH

                              (C) HCCl2COOH                              (D) Cl3C.COOH

Solution:              A


Illustration 42:        Formic acid and formaldehyde can be distinguished by treating with

                              (A) Benedict’s solution                   (B) Tollen’s reagent

                              (C) Fehling’s solution                    (D) NaHCO3

Solution:              D

Illustration 43:        The product (Y) in the following reaction is


                              (A) Benzoic acid                             (B) Phenol

                              (C) Toluene                                    (D) Benzaldehyde   

Solution:              D

Illustration 44:        (X)  Benzotrichloride

                              (X) and (Y) are respectively

                              (A) Benzene, benzaldehyde            (B) Toluene, benzaldehyde

                              (C) Toluene, benzoic acid              (D) Benzene, benzoic acid

Solution:              C

Illustration 45:        Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction as compared to alkyl halides due to

                              (A) The formation of less stable carbonium ion

                              (B) Resonance stabilization  

                              (C) Lower carbon-halogen bond

                              (D)  Inductive effect

Solution:              B

Illustration 46:        Chlorination of toluene in presence of light and heat followed by treatment with aqueous NaOH gives

                              (A) o-Cresol                                    (B) p-cresol

                              (C) 2,4- dihydroxy toluene              (D) Benzoic acid

Solution:              D

Illustration 47:        Benzoic acid when treated with PCl5 gives

                              (A) Chlorobenzene                         (B) Benzyl chloride

                              (C) Benzoyl chloride                      (D) Benzene    

Solution:              C

Illustration 48:        Which one of the following compound forms benzoic acid on oxidation?

                              (A) Chlorophenol                           (B) Benzyl chloride

                              (C) Chlorobenzene                         (D) Chlorotoluene

Solution:              B

Illustration 49:        Phenyl diazonium does not form azodye  with

                              (A) aniline                                      (B) phenol

                              (C) N,N-dimethylaniline                  (D) anisole

Solution:              D

Illustration 50:        Identify (C) in the following reaction sequence


                              (A) CH3CH2CH2NH2                           (B) (CH3)3N

                              (C) (CH3)2NH                                   (D) (CH3)4

Solution:              B

Illustration 51:        The reagent (X) is

                              C6H5CH2CONH2 C6H5CH2CN

                              (A) P2O5                                          (B) SOCl2

                              (C) POCl3                                        (D) All the above

Solution:              D

Illustration 52:        Melamine polymer is a copolymer of

                              (A) melamine and acetaldehyde     (B) melamine and formaldehyde

                              (C) phenol and formaldehyde         (D) None of the above

Solution:              B

Illustration 53:        Identify (Z)


                              (A) C6H13CH2NHC6H13                        (B) C12H25CH2NH2

                              (C) (D) (C6H13)2CH3N

Solution:              A

Illustration 54:        Which of the following will give a positive carbylamine test

  1. H3CNH2 2. CH3NHCH3   3. (CH3)3N   4. C6H5NH2

                              (A) 1 and 3                                     (B) 2 and 4

                              (C) 3 and 4                                     (D) 1 and 4

Solution:              D

Illustration 55:        Which of the reagent is not used to convert nitrobenzene to aniline

                              (A) H2/Ni                                         (B) Sn+HCl

                              (C) SnCl2 in HCl                              (D) LiAlH4

Solution:              D

Illustration 56:        Which one of the following HHa fdasfkladjfdajf dk

is produced by the reduction of RCN in sodium and alcohol

                              (A) RCONH2                                    (D) RCO-NH4+

                              (C) RCH2NH2                                   (D) (RCH2)3N

Solution:              C

Illustration 57:        In the following reaction, the product (X) is

                              CHCl3+PhNH2 ¾¾® X + 3Y + 2Z

                              (A) PhCN                                        (B) PhNC

                              (C) PhCl                                         (D) PhOH

Solution:              B

Illustration 58:        Which of the following is weakest base in water

                              (A) Aniline                                      (B) p-nitoroaniline

                              (C) Trimethylaniline                       (D) ammonia

Solution:              B


  1. Point out (A) in the given reaction sequence:


            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. End product of the following sequence is:


(A) Ethanol                                                      (B) Ethyl hydrogen sulphate

(C) Ethanal                                                      (D) Ethylene glycol

  1. 10 mL of a certain hydrocarbon require 25 mL of oxygen for complete combustion and the volume of CO2 product is 20 mL. What is the formula of hydrocarbon.

(A) C2H2                                                          (B) C2H4

(C) CH4                                                           (D) C2H6

  1. Hydrogenation of the compound:


In the presence of poisoned palladium catalyst gives:

(A) An optically active compound                  (B) An optically inactive compound

(C) A racemic mixture                                    (D) A diastereomeric mixture

            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. CH3 –– CH = CH2 + HBr ¾® A (predominant), A is
  (A) (B)
  (C) (D) None is correct

In the increasing order is

(A) I < III < IV < II                                             (B) I < II < III < IV

(C) IV < III < II < I                                            (D) II < III < IV = I


Which is true about this reaction?

(A) A is meso 1, 2-butan-di-ol formed by syn addition

(B) A is meso 1, 2-butan-di-ol fomred by anti addition

(C) A is a racemic mixture of d and l, 1, 2-butan-di-ol formed by anti     addition

(D) A is a racemic mixture of d and l 1, 2-butan-di-ol formed by syn addition.

9          The treatment of C2H5MgI with water produces

(A) Methane                                                    (B) Ethane

(C) Ethanal                                                      (D) Ethanol

10.       The order of reactivity of halogens towards halogenation of alkanes is

(A) F2 > Br2 > Cl2                                            (B) F2 > Cl2 > Br2

(C) Cl2 > F2 > Br2                                            (D) Cl2 > Br2 > F2

11.       The chlorination of alkane involves

(A) Cl free radicals                                          (B) Cl+ species

(C) Cl species                                                (D) CH3 free radicals

12.                                         (A)

Which is true statement?

(A) A is formed by anti addition and is meso

(B) A is formed by syn addition and is meso

(C) A is formed by anti addition and is racemic

(D) A is formed by syn addition and is racemic


(A) cis                                                              (B) trans

(C) both                                                           (D) none

  1. (A) cis-2-butene

(B) trans-2-butene  II

Correct statements are

(A)  is racemic mixture by anti addition

(B) II is meso compound by anti addition

(C) I is meso compound by syn addition

(D) II is racemic compound by syn addition


A and B are

(A) (B)
(C) (D)

Alkyl Halide

            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. (CH3)3CMgCl A. A is

(A) (CH3)3CD                                                  (B) (CD3)3CD

(C) (CH3)3CH                                                  (D) (CD3)3CH

  1. RMgBr

(A) RCO3H                                                     (B) RCO2H

(C) RCHO                                                       (D) RCOR

  1. Addition of HCl to propene involves

(A) CH3CH2Cl                                         (B)

(C)                                           (D)

            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. 1-methyl cyclohexene can be converted to 2-methyl 1-cyclohexanol by

(A) Acid catalysed hydration                          (B) Hydroboration

(C) Oxymercuration demercuration               (D) Epoxide formation and then reduction with LiAlH4

  1. Which of the following is the best leaving group?

(A) OAc–                                                                            (B) CF3SO3

(C) PhSO3                                                     (D) OH

  1. Which of the following alcohol can be dehydrated must easily?

(A) CF3CH­2OH                                               (B) CF3(CH2)2OH

(C) PhOH                                                        (D) PhCH2OH

  1. Which of the following does not give ppt. with alcoholic AgNO3
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. In SN1 reaction recemisation occurs because of

(A) Carbocation formation                              (B) Carbanion formation

(C) Enolisationic                                              (D) None of these

  1. The halide which undergoes nucleophilic substitution most readily is

(A) p-CH3C6H4Cl                                            (B) o-H­3COC6H4Cl

(C) p-ClC6H4Cl                                               (D) p-NO2C6H4Cl

  1. Best starting material to synthesize 2-methyl 2-butanoic acid is
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. On conversion into grignard followed by treatment with ethanol, how many alkyl halides would yield and methyl butane.

(A) 2                                                                (B) 3

(C) 4                                                                (D) 5

  1. In protic medium the strongest ncuelphilie is

(A) Cl                                                             (B) F

(C) Br                                                             (D) I

  1. Which one is the strongest base?

(A) CH3                                                          (B) NH2

(C) OH                                                           (D) F

Alcohols, Ethers and Phenols

  1. For the preparation of t-butylmethyl ether the correct choice of reagent is

(A) Methoxide and t-butyl bromide                 (B) Methanol and 2-bromobutane

(C) 2-butanol and methyl bromide                  (D) t-butoxide and methyl bromide

            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D) None of these
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D) None of these

(A) Anisole                                                      (B) Phenetole

(C) Aspirin                                                       (D) Oil of Wintergreen

            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)

Carbonyl Compounds

  1. Cyclohexanone on reaction with Na2CO3 solution forms
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. Cannizaro reaction is given by

(A) Trimethylacetaldehyde                             (B) Acetaldehyde

(C) Propanaldehyde                                        (D) Acetone

  1. Haloform reaction is not shown by

(A) CH3COCH3                                              (B) C2H5OH

(C) CH3COOH                                                (D) CH3CHO

  1. Ozonolysis of 2-methylbut-2ene yields

(A) Aldehyde only                                           (B) Ketone only

(C) Both aldehyde and ketone                        (D) None

­46.       Which of the following reagents does not react with HCHO, CH­3CHO and CH3COCH3 respectively, in the same manner?

(A) HCN                                                          (B) NH2OH

(C) PhNHNH2                                                 (D) NH3

  1. Products

(A) HCHO + 4HCOOH                                  (B) 4HCHO + HCOOH

(C) 2HCHO + 3HCOOH                                (D) 5HCOOH

  1. Which of the following does not undergo aldol condensation?

(A) PhCH2CHO                                              (B) PhCHO

(C) CH3COCH3                                              (D) (CH3)2CHCHO

  1. A new carbon-carbon bond formation is possible

(A) Cannizaro reaction                                    (B) Friedal Craft reaction

(C) Clemmenson reduction                            (D) None of these

  1. Which of the following will react with water most readily?

(A) CHCl3                                                        (B) Cl3CCHO

(C) CCl4                                                          (D) ClCH2CH2Cl

  1. Among the given compounds, the most susceptible to nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl group is

(A) MeCOCl                                                    (B) MeCHO

(C) MeCOOMe                                               (D) MeCOOCOMe

  1. In a Cannizaro reaction the intermediate that will be the best hydride donor is
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. In the transformation


The reagent is

(A) Zn/Hg conc. HCl                                       (B) NH2NH2, OH

(C) H2/Ni                                                         (D) NaBH4

  1. Which of the following will decarboxylate on heating?

(A) PhCOCOOH                                            (B) PhCOCH2COOH

(C) CF3 – – CH2COOH                              (D) CH3CH2COOH

  1. In Cannizzaro reaction given below

2Ph – CHO PhCH2OH + PhCO2

the slowest step is

(A) Attack of OH at the carbonyl group

(B) Transfer of hydride to carbonyl group

(C) Abstraction of proton from carboxylic acid

(D) Deprotonation of Ph – CH2OH

Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

  1. When sodium formate is heated at 360°C, the main product is

(A) Sodium oxalate                                         (B) CO

(C) CO2                                                           (D) Sodium carbonate

  1. Sodium acetate on reaction with acetyl chloride gives

(A) CH3COOH                                                (B) Sodium formate

(C) acetic anhydride                                       (D) acetone


  1. When sodium formate is heated with soda lime it forms

(A) H2                                                              (B) CH4

(C) C2H6                                                         (D) CHºCH

  1. When formic acid reacts with PCl5, it forms

(A) acetyl chloride                                           (B) formyl chloride

(C) methyl chloride                                         (D) propionyl chloride

  1. When formic acid is heated with conc. H2SO4 it gives

(A) CO2                                                           (B) CH3HSO4

(C) (COOH)2                                                  (D) CO

  1. Which one of the following be expected to be most highly ionized in water

(A) CH2ClCH2CH2COOH                              (B) CH3CHClCH2COOH

(C) CH3CH2CHClCOOH                               (D) CH3CH2CCl2COOH

  1. Mercuric chloride is reduced to mercurous chloride by

(A) acetic acid                                                 (B) Carbon tetrachloride

(C) formic acid                                                (D) ammonia


  1. The end product in the following sequence is


(A) HCOOH                                                    (B) CH3COOH

(C) CH3NH2                                                    (D) CH3CONH2


  1. Oxalic acid on treatment with conc. H2SO4 gives

(A) CO+H2O2                                                 (B) HCOOH+CO2

(C) HCOOH+O2+CO2                                   (D) H2O+CO+CO2


  1. The product (C) in the reaction is


(A) RNH2                                                        (B) RCN

(C) RNC                                                          (D) RCONH2


  1. Which of the following cannot reduce Fehling’s solution?

(A) Formic acid                                               (B) acetic acid

(C) formaldehyde                                           (D) acetaldehyde


  1. Formic acid and acetic acid can be distinguished with

(A) Litmus paper                                             (B) Caustic soda

(C) NaHCO3                                                   (D) Ammonical AgNO3


  1. RCOOH ¾¾¾® RCH2OH

This conversion can be affected by

(A) Zn/HCl                                                       (B Na/C2H5OH

(C) Pd/H2                                                        (D) None


  1. Acetic acid reacts with chlorine in the presence of catalyst anhyd FeCl3 to give

(A) acetyl chloride                                           (B )methyl chloride

(C) trichloroacetic acid                                   (D) Chloral hydrate


  1. The product (X) of the reaction is

CH3CONH2 + HNO2 ¾¾® (X)

(A) CH3NH2                                                    (B) CH3CH2NH2

(C) CH3COOH                                               (D) CH3OH



  1. When aniline is treated with fuming sulphuric acid at 475 K it gives

(A) Sulphanilicacid                                          (B) aniline sulphate

(C) o- aminobenzenesulphonic acid               (D)  m-aminobenzene sulphonic acid

  1. When aniline is treated with bromine water it forms

(A) 2–bromoamiline                                        (B) 4-bromoaniline

(C) mixture of 2 and 4 bromoaniline               (D) 2,4,6 -tribromoaniline

  1. Hydrolysis of phenyl isocyanide forms

(A) Benzoic acid                                             (B) Formic acid

(C) aniline                                                        (D) Acetic acid

  1. Towards electrophilic substitution, the most reactive species be
            (A) (B)
            (C) (D)
  1. Acid hydrolysis of benzonitrile forms

(A) benzylamine                                              (B) aniline

(C) benzoic acid                                              (D) phenol

  1. For selective reduction of m-dinitrobenzene to m- nitroaniline, the reducing agent is

(A) Sn/HCl                                                      (B) Zn/NH4Cl(aq)

(C) (NH4)2S                                                    (D) alkaline solution of glucose

  1. Aniline on reaction with acetyl chloride forms

(A) phenol                                                       (B) acetamide

(C) acetanilide                                                 (D) benzene

  1. For the conversion of primary amide to amine having same number of carbons, the reagent will be

(A) Br2+NaOH                                                (B) LiAlH4

(C) H2/Pt                                                         (D) Na+C2H5OH

  1. Which of the following is not correct regarding aniline?

(A) It is less basic than ethylamine                 (B) It can be steam-distilled

(C It reacts with sodium to give hydrogen      (D) It is soluble in water

  1. Which of the following reagents will give methylamine from acetamide

(A) PCl3                                                           (B) NaOH+Br2

(C) Soda lime                                                  (D) Hot conc. H2SO4

  1. The compound which on reaction with aq. nitrous acid at low temperature produces oily nitrosamine is

(A) methylamine                                             (B) ethylamine

(C) diethylamine                                             (D)  triethylamine

  1. The correct order of b.p of the following amines is
  2. n-butylamine 2. Ethyldimethyl amine  3.diethylamine

(A) 1>3>2                                                        (B) 1>2>3

(C) 2>3>1                                                       (D) 2>1>3

  1. The conjugate acid of HO(CH2)3 NH2 is

(A) H2O+(CH2)3 NH2                                      (B) HO(CH2)3

                (C)                                            (D) HO(CH2)3

  1. Place the following aromatic amines in the decreasing order of their basicities
  2. PhNH2 2.Ph2NH  3.Cyclohexyl-NH2

(A) 3>1>2                                                        (B) 3>2>1

(C) 1>2>3                                                       (D) 1>3>2

  1. Identify (Z)


(A) C6H5CH2NH2                                            (B) C6H5CH2CH2NH2

(C) C6H5CH2CH2CH2NH2                             (D)

















  1. C                                                         2.         C
  2. A                                                         4.         B
  3. B                                                         6.         C
  4. A                                                         8.         A
  5. B                                                         10.       B
  6. A                                                         12.       A
  7. A                                                         14.       C, D                
  8. D

Alkyl Halides

  1. A                                                         17.       A
  2. B                                                         19.       D
  3. A                                                         21.       B
  4. B                                                         23.       D
  5. D                                                         25.       A
  6. D                                                         27.       C
  7. C                                                         29.       D                    
  8. A

Alcohols, Ethers and Phenols

  1. D                                                         32.       D
  2. D                                                         34.       D
  3. D                                                         36.       A
  4. C                                                         38.       A
  5. C                                                         40.       C

Carbonyl Compounds

  1. A                                                         42.       A
  2. A                                                         44.       C
  3. C                                                         46.       D
  4. A                                                         48.       B
  5. B                                                         50.       B
  6. A                                                         52.       C
  7. A                                                         54.       B
  8. A

Carboxylic Acids and its Derivatives

  1.        A                                                         57.       C        
  2. A                                                         59.       B        
  3.        D                                                         61        D        
  4. C                                                         63.       B
  5.        D                                                         65.       B        

                                    66        B                                                         67.       D

  1.        D                                                         69.       C        
  2. C        


  1.        A                                                         72.       D        
  2. B                                                         74.       B        
  3.        C                                                         76        C        
  4. B                                                         78.       B
  5.        D                                                         80.       B        

                                    81        C                                                         82.       A

  1.        B                                                         84.       A        
  2. B