Chemistry Test 4 with solutions

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Illustration 1:          The set with correct order of acidity is

                              (A)  HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4 (B)  HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HClO

                              (C)  HClO <HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO3  (D)  HClO4 <HClO2 < HClO3 <HClO

Solution:              Higher the oxidation states of the central atom, higher the acidic character.

                              \ (A)

Illustration 2:          The correct order of basicities of the following compound is


                              (A)  II > I > III > IV                           (B)  I > III > II > IV

                              (C)  III > I > II > IV                           (D)  I >II > III > IV


The negative charge developed on N makes it more basic. 2° amine is more basic than that 1° amine. In amide, lone pair of electron of N-atom is involved in resonance. So, it is least basic

                              \ (B)

Illustration 3:          Which of the following is the correct order of basic nature of the compounds


                              (A)  I > II > III > IV > V                     (B)  I < II < III < IV < V

                              (C)  I > II >III > V > IV                      (D)  I > II > IV > III > V

Solution:              V is least basic, due to resonance of lp of electrons, structure IV is less stbale than that of structure I, II and III due % of s-character of carbon. But from structure I, II and III, higher the electronegative atom attached, lower the basicity of the compound

                              \ (A)

Illustration 4:          Arrange the following in decreasing order of basic character.


                              (A)  III > II > I                                  (B)  I >II > III

                              (C)  III > I > II                                  (D)  II >I >III

Solution:              Due to resonance structure I will be least basic, but structure II will be less basic than III, because in structure II, phenyl group is electron withdrawing group, where as in structure III, cyclohexyl group is an electron donating group.

                              \ (A)

Illustration 5:          Which of the following is the correct order of basic nature of the compounds?


                              (A)  I > II >III > IV                            (B)  III > I >IV > II

                              (C)  IV > III > I >II                            (D)  None

Solution:              The produced benzylic cation will be most stabilized by OCH3, and more de-stabilised by –NO2 then –Cl group attached to the p-position.

                              \ (B)

Illustration 6:          The stability of complexes depends upon

                              (A)  Low ionic potential (f) value of metal cation

                              (B)  Low polarisability of ligand

                              (C)  Extent of chelation

                              (D)  All of these

Solution:              Chelate effect

\ (C)

Illustration 7:          Stability of the complexes amongst the cation

                              Fe+2, Co+2, Ni+2, Cu+2  is

                              (A)  Fe+2 < Ni+2 < Co+2 < Cu+2            (B)  Fe+2 < Co+2 < Ni+2 < Cu+2

                              (C)  Fe+2 < Cu+2 < Co+2 < Ni+2            (D)  None of these


Solution:                Size of the cation reduces

                              \ (B)

Illustration 8:          SO3–2 + S* ¾® SS*O3–2

                              SS*O3–2 + 2H+ ¾® H­2SO3 + S*

                              The above reaction sequence proves

                              (A)  Two sulphur atoms of thiosulphate are not equivalent

                              (B)  Both are equivalent

                              (C)  Both of the above are correct

                              (D)  None of these


                              \ (A)

Illustration 9:          Structure of S2Cl2 is analogues to

                              (A)  H2O2                                         (B)  CO

                              (C)  CO2                                          (D)  C2H2


                              \ (A)

Illustration 10:        The oxidizing power of the trivalent halogens are

                              (A)  Br+3 > I+3 > Cl+3                          (B)  Br+3 > Cl+3 > I+3

                              (C)  I+3 < Br+3 < Cl+3                          (D)  None of these

Solution:              Standard oxidation potential

\ (C)

Illustration 11:        Correct thermal stability order is

                              (A)  IF > BrF < ClF                          (B)  ClF > BrF > IF

                              (C)  IF > BrF > ClF                          (D)  BrF > IF > ClF

Solution:              Ionic character of the bond

\ (C)

Illustration 12:        Structure of Na2B4O7.10H2O contains

                              (A)  Two triangular and two tetrahedral units

                              (B)  Three triangular and one tetrahedral units

                              (C)  All tetrahedral units

                              (D)  All triangular units


                              \ (A)

Illustration 13:        NOCl is a

                              (A)  Linear molecule                       (B)  Triangular Planar

                              (C)  Bent molecule                          (D)  None of these


\ (C)

Illustration 14:        In NO2, N undergoes

                              (A)  sp3 hybridsation                       (B)  sp2 hybridisation

                              (C)  sp hybridisation                       (D)  sp2d hybridisation

Solution:              Odd electron in sp2 hybridised orbital

                              \ (B)

Illustration 15:        In ‘Brown ring’ complex iron has

                              (A)  no co-ordinate bonds               (B)  7-coordination

                              (C)  6-coordination                          (D)  none of these

Solution:              [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4 is the formula of brown ring

                              \ (C)

Illustration 16:        The transition elements are so named because

                              (A)  they have partly filled d-orbitals    

                              (B)  their properties are similar to other elements

                              (C) their properties are different from other elements

                              (D)  they lie between the s- and p-blocks

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 17:        CrO3 dissolves in aqueous NaOH to give

                              (A)  Cr2O72–                                      (B)  CrO42–

                              (C) Cr(OH)3                                     (D)  Cr(OH)2

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 18:        Transition elements are coloured due to

                              (A)  small size                                (B)  metallic nature

                              (C) unpaired d-electrons                 (D)  none of these

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 19:        Choose the correct answer for transition elements

                              (A)  they have low melting points  

                              (B)  they do not exhibit catalytic activity

                              (C) they exhibit variable oxidation states   

                              (D)  they exhibit inert pair effect.

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 20:        Pt, Pd and Ir are called noble metals because

                              (A)  Altered Nobel discovered them     

                              (B)  they are found in active states

                              (C) they are inert towards many common reagents

                              (D)  they are shining, lustrous and pleasant to look at

Solution:              (C)


Illustration 21:        With a very dilute solution of sodium thiosulphate, silver nitrate gives a white precipitate which quickly changes colour to yellow, brown and black due to the formation of

                              (A) Ag2SO4                                (B) Ag2S    

                              (C) Ag2S2O3                               (D) None of these

Solution:              S2O3-2 + 2Ag+ ¾® Ag2S2O3 white ppt.

Ag2S2O3+H2O ¾® Ag2S+H2SO4

                              \ (B)

Illustration 22:        Ferrous sulphate serves as

                              (A) mild oxidizing agent           (B) efficient oxidizing agent

                              (C) mild reducing agent           (D) efficient reducing agent

Solution:              Since ferrous sulphate is easily oxidised to ferric sulphate, it is an efficient reducing agent. Thus, it decolorizes acidified KMnO4 and turns acidic K2Cr2O7 green.

[Fe2+ ¾® Fe3++e]´5

MnO4+8H++5e ¾® Mn2+ + 4H2O


5Fe2+ + MnO4 + 8H+ ¾® 5Fe3++Mn2++4H2O

pink                             colourless

Fe2+ ¾® Fe3++e]´6

Cr2O72- +14H++6e ¾® 2Cr3+ + 7H2O


6Fe2+ + Cr2O72- + 14H+ ¾¾® 6Fe3++2Cr3++7H2O


\ (D)

Illustration 23:        When KMnO4 solution is added to hot oxalic acid solution, the decolorisation is slow in the beginning but becomes instantaneous after some time. This is because:

                              (A) Mn2+ acts as auto catalyst   (B) CO2 is formed

                              (C) reaction is exothermic        (D) MnO4 catalyses the reaction



\ (A)

Illustration 24:        Aqueous solution of borax is :

                              (A) acidic                                 (B) alkaline

                              (C) neutral                                (D) amphoteric

Solution:              Due to hydrolytic decomposition which gives NaOH (a strong base) and boric acid (a weak acid)

Na2B4O7 + 3H2O ¾¾® 2NaBO2 + 2H3BO3

2NaBO2 + 4H2O ¾¾® 2NaOH + 2H3BO3


Na2B4O7+7H2O  2NaOH + 4H3BO3

\ (B)

Illustration 25:        Borax bead, when fused with metallic oxides, forms the corresponding:-

                              (A) metaborates                        (B) orthoborates

                              (C) metaboric acids                  (D) orthoboric acids

Solution:              B2O3+MnO ¾® Mn(BO2)2 manganese metaborate (pink)

B2O3 + NiO ¾® Ni(BO2)2 nickel metaborate (brown)

B2O3+CuO ¾® Cu(BO2)2 copper metaborate (blue)

\ (A)

Illustration 26:        Which is/are true statements about hydrazine?

                              (A) It is a reducing as well as oxidizing agent

                              (B) It forms hydrazone with carbonyl compounds     

                              (C) It is used as a rocket fuel

                              (D) All correct


\ (B)

Illustration 27:        A jeweller is selling 22- carat gold articles with 95% purity, it is approximately

                              (A) Exact                                  (B) 3.5% higher

                              (C) 3.5% lower                          (D) 5% lower

Solution:               24 carat gold = 100% pure

\ 22 carat gold =  pure

\ purity = 95-91.6 » 3.5 % higher

\ (B)

Illustration 28:        When KCN is added to CuSO4 solution

                              (A) KCN acts as a reducing agent

                              (B)  KCN acts as a complexing agent

                              (C) K3[Cu(CN)4] is formed         

                              (D) All correct

Solution:              CuSO4 + 2KCN ¾® Cu(CN)2+K2SO4

2Cu(CN)2 ¾® Cu2(CN)2 ¯ + (CN)2­

Cu2(CN)2 +6KCN ¾® 2K3[Cu(CN)4]

                              \ (D)

Illustration 29:        NaOH cannot be stored in

                              (A) Al vessel                             (B) Zn vessel

                              (C) Gas vessel                          (D) PVC vessel

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 30:        Zinc oxide is ————— in nature:

                              (A) Acidic                                 (B) basic

                              (C) amphoteric                         (D) Neutral

Solution:              Amphoteric in nature it reacts with acids and alkalis

ZnO + 2HCl     ¾¾®       ZnCl2 + H2O

ZnO + 2NaOH    ¾¾®     Na2ZnO2 + H2O

Sodium Zincate

                              \ (C)

Illustration 31:        A solution of sodium in liq. NH3 is strongly reducing agent due to the
presence of

                              (A) Na atoms                                  (B) Sodium hydride

                              (C) Sodium amide                          (D) Solvated electron


Solution:              (D)

Illustration 32:        Molecular formula of Glauber’s salt is

                              (A) MgSO4. 7 H2O                            (B) FeSO4. 7H2O

                              (C) CuSO4, 5H2O                             (D) Na2SO4, 10 H2O


Solution:              (D)

Illustration 33:        Red lead is

                              (A) PbO2                                         (B) PbO

                              (C) Pb3O4                                        (D) None

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 34:        In the alumino thermite process, Al acts as

                              (A) an oxidizing agent                    (B) a flux

                              (C) a reducing agent                       (D) a solder

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 35:        Rusting of iron is catalyzed  by which of following

                              (A) Zn                                             (B) Fe

                              (C) O2                                             (D) H+

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 36:        Iron is rendered passive by treatment with conc.

                              (A) H2SO4                                        (B) H3PO4

                              (C) HCl                                           (D) HNO3

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 37:        AgCl on fusion with Na2CO3 forms

                              (A) Ag2CO3                                      (B) Ag2O

                              (C) Ag                                            (D) Ag2C2

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 38:        Cyanide process is applicable for the extraction of

                              (A) Ag                                            (B) Ca

                              (C) Fe                                             (D) Mg

Solution               (A)

Illustration 39:        Butter of tin is

                              (A) (NH4)2SnCl6                               (B) SnCl2+Sn(OH)2

                              (C) SnCl4.5H2O                                (D) H2SnCl4

Solution               (C)

Illustration 40:        Pewter is

                              (A) 20% Pb, 80%Sn                        (B) 50% Pb, 50% Sn

                              (C) 83% Pb, 3%Sn, 14%Sb             (D) 60%Pb, 30%Sb, 10%Sn

Solution:              (A)

Illustration 41:        A solution of Na2SO4 in water is electrolyzed using inert electrodes. The products at cathode and anode are respectively.

                              (A) H2;O2                                         (B) O2;H2

                              (C) O2;Na                                        (D) O2;SO2

Solution:              (A)

Illustration 42:        Amongst sodium halides NaF has the highest m.p because it has

                              (A) highest oxidizing power           (B) lower polarity

                              (C) minimum ionic character          (D) maximum ionic character

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 43:        Which of the following oxides of nitrogen combines with Fe(||) ions to from a dark brown complex

                              (A) N2O                                           (B) NO

                              (C) NO2                                           (D) N2O5

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 44:        Lithopone is mixture of

                              (A) ZnS+BaSO4                               (B) BaS+ZnSO3

                              (C) ZnO+BaSO4                              (D) BaO+ZnSO4

Solution:              (A)


Illustration 45:        To prevent corrosion iron pipe  carrying drinking water are covered with Zinc. The process involved is

                              (A) Alloy formation                         (B) Electroplating

                              (C) Galvanising                              (D) Soldering

Solution:              (C)

Illustration 46:        If NaOH is added to aqueous solution of Zn2+ ions, a white precipitate appears on adding excess NaOH, the precipitate dissolves. In this solution Zinc exists as

                              (A) Cationic part                             (B) Anionic part

                              (C) Both cationic and anionic parts      (D) There is no zinc left in the solution

Solution:              (B)

Illustration 47:        Lead dissolves most readily in

                              (A) acetic acid                                (B) Sulphuric acid

                              (C) Nitric acid                                 (D) Hydrochloric acid

Solution:              (A)

Illustration 48:        Which of the following cations does not form complex with ammonia

                              (A) Ag+                                           (B) Cu2+

                              (C) Cd2+                                          (D) Pb2+

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 49:        Superphosphate of lime contains

                              (A) Ca3(PO4)2                                   (B) CaHPO4

                              (C) Ca3(PO4)2+H3PO4                        (D) Ca(H2PO4)2

Solution:              (D)

Illustration 50:        K4[Fe(CN)6] reacts with ozone to give

                              (A) Fe2O3                                        (B) Fe(OH)2

                              (C) K3(Fe(CN)6]                                (D)  KNO3

Solution:              (C)













Concepts of Acids and Bases

  1. The correct order of acidic strength is:

(A) Cl2O7 > SO­2 > P4O10                                (B) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3

(C) Na2O > MgO > Al2O3                               (D) K2O > CaO > MgO

  1. The conjugate base of [Al(H2O)3(OH)3] is

(A) [Al(H2O)3(OH)2]+                                      (B) [Al(H2O)3(OH)2O

(C) [Al(H2O)3(OH)3]                                      (D) [Al(H2O)2(OH)4]–1

  1. Which is the correct decreasing order of the bases

, , H – C º C and CH3

(A) CH3CH­2 > NH2 > H – C º C >      (B) H – C º C > CH3  – CH2 > NH2 > OH

(C) OH > NH2 > H – C º C > CH3– CH2  (D) NH2 > H – C ºC >   > CH3 – CH2

  1. Which of the following has been arranged correctly in increasing order of acid strength

(A) HF < HCl < HBr < HI                                 (B) H3PO2 < H3PO3 < H3PO4

(C) H3PO4 < H2SO4 < HClO4                         (D) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < BiH3

  1. Among the following which is the strongest acid?

(A) BF3                                                            (B) BCl3

(C) BBr3                                                          (D) BI3

  1. Which of the following can act as a Bronsted acid but not as a Lewis acid?

(A) OH                                                           (B) AlCl3

(C) FeCl3                                                         (D) NH3

  1. Which of the following oxide is most acidic?

(A) Ag2O                                                         (B) V2O5

(C) CO                                                            (D) N2O5


(A) Two                                                           (B) Three

(C) One                                                           (D) None

  1. Arrange m-methoxy phenol (A), o-methoxy phenol (B), p-methoxy phenol (C) and phenol (D) in the order of acidic strength.

(A) A > D > B > C                                            (B) A > B > C > D

(C) A > D > C > B                                            (D) D > B >C > A

  1. The correct order of acidic character in decreasing order of,

m-cresol,   p-cresol,   o-cresol is

I                    II            III

(A) I > II > III                                                    (B) III > II > I

(C) II > I > III                                                    (D) II > III > I

Chemical Bonding

  1. Paramagnetism is exhibited by

(A) ClO2                                                          (B) N2O

(C) Cl2O                                                          (D) ClO3 (solid state)

  1. Which of the following is not linear

(A) N2O                                                           (B) HgCl2

(C) NO2                                                           (D) CS2

  1. Which of the following halides does not exist?

(A) PbF4                                                          (B) PbI4

(C) PbCl4                                                         (D) PbBr4

  1. The increasing order of dipole moment is

(A) CH3I < CH3Br < CH3Cl < CH3F                (B) CH3F < CH3Cl < CH3Br < CH3I

(C) CH3I < CH3Br < CH3F <  CH3Cl               (D) CH3I < CH3F < CH3Br < CH3Cl

  1. The Xe atom in XeF2 is

(A) sp hybridized                                             (B) sp2 hybridized

(C) sp3d hybridized                                         (d)  sp3 hybridized

  1. Which of the following compounds are not hydrolysable?

(A) NF3                                                            (B) NCl3

(C) PCl3                                                           (D) PF5

  1. Which of the following is least soluble in water?

(A) MgCrO4                                                    (B) SrCrO4

(C) CaCrO4                                                     (D) BaCrO4

  1. Among the following species identify the isostructure pairs

NF3, NO3, BF3, H3O+, HN­3

(A) [NF3, NO3] and [BF3, H3O+]                    (B) [NF3, HN3] and [NO3, BF3]

(C) [NF3, H3O+] and [NO3 , BF3]                   (D) [NF3, H3O+] and [N3H, BF3]

  1. The following compound have been arranged in order of their increasing thermal stabilities. Identify the correct order

K2CO3,      MgCO3                        CaCO3            BeCO3

I                 II                      III                     IV

(A) I < II < III < IV                                             (B) IV < II < III < I

(C) IV < II < I < III                                             (D) II < IV < III < I

  1. Which of the following is most stable?

(A) Pb2+                                                           (B) Ge2+

(C) Si2+                                                            (D) Sn2+

  1. Which of the following has zero dipole moment?

(A) SOF2                                                         (B) BeClF

(C) CH2Cl2                                                      (D) CS2

  1. Which of the following has sp2 hybridisation?

(A) CO2                                                           (B) SO2

(C) N2O                                                           (D) ClO2

  1. The pair likely to form the strongest hydrogen bonding

(A) H2O2  and H2O                                         (B) HCOOH and CH3COOH

(C) CH3COOH and CH3COOCH3                 (D) SiH4 and SiCl4

  1. The correct order of ionisation energy is

(A) Si > P > S                                                  (B) Si >P < S

(C) Si < P > S                                                  (D) Si < P < S

  1. Arrange the following in order of increasing bond energy

(A) Cl2 < F2 < Br2 < I2                                      (B) F2 < Br2 < Cl2 < I2

(C) I2 < Br2 < F2 < Cl2                                      (D) I2 < Br2 < Cl2 < F2

Transition Element

  1. Magnetic moment [Ag(CN)2] is zero, the no. of unpaired electrons is

(A) Zero                                                           (B) One

(C) Two                                                           (D) Three

  1. Which of the following is not a complex

(A) NiSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O                          (B) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl

(C) K2[Ni(CN)4]                                               (D) [Pt(NH3)Cl2Br]Br

  1. Which one is a monodentate ligand

(A)                                                            (B) NH3

(C) H2O                                                           (D) All

  1. The complex [Cr(H2O)4Br2]Cl gives the test for

(A) Br                                                             (B) Cl

(C) Cr3+                                                           (D) Br and Cl both

  1. In the reaction

4KCN + Fe(CN)2 ¾¾® Product

The product formed can give the test of

(A) Fe2+                                                           (B) CN

(C) K+ and [Fe(CN)6]4–                                   (D) CN and [Fe(CN)6]3-

  1. Oxidation state of Cobalt in the complex [Co(NO2)6]3– is

(A) +2                                                              (B) +3

(C) +1                                                              (D) +2 and +3

  1. Coordination number of platinum in [Pt(NH3)4Cl2]++ ion is

(A) 4                                                                (B) 2

(C) 8                                                                (D) 6

  1. Which of the following is copper (I) compound

(A) [Cu(H2O)4]2+                                             (B) [Cu(CN)4]3–

(C) [Cu(NH3)4]2+                                             (D) All of these

  1. Low spin complex is formed by

(A) sp3d2 hybridisation                                    (B) sp3d hybridisation

(C) d2sp3 hybridisation                                    (D) sp3 hybridisation

  1. Which of the following is a high spin complex

(A) [Co(NH3)6]3+                                             (B) [Fe(CN)6]4–

(C) [Ni(CN)4]2–                                                (D) [FeF6]3–

  1. K2[NiF6] exhibits d2sp3 hybridisation. The number of unpaired electrons in this
    compound is

(A) 3                                                                (B) 2

(C) 1                                                                (D) 0

  1. Which of the following ions is colourless?

(A) V3+                                                             (B) Cu2+

(C) Ti4+                                                            (D) Fe2+

  1. For Hf4+ the ionic radius is 0.86 Å which is almost the same as that of Zr4+. This is due to

(A) Hf4+ forming compounds having lower degree of ionic character.

(B) difference in co-ordination number of Zr4+ and Hf4+

(C) lanthanide contraction

(D) diagonal relationship

  1. Which of the following is a hexadentate ligand?

(A) DMG                                                         (B) en

(C) ox                                                              (D) EDTA

  1. An octahedral MA4B2 type complex gives

(A) 3 geometrical isomers                              (B) 2 geometrical isomers

(C) 1 geometrical isomer                                (D) 4 geometrical isomers

Qualitative Analysis

  1. Na2S gives purple colour with sodium nitroprusside. Purple colour has formula

(A) Na3[Fe(CN)6S]                                    (B) Na2[Fe(CN)5NOS]

(C) Na4[Fe(CN)5NOS]                              (D) KFe[Fe(CN)5NOS]

  1. We have aqueous solution of Zn(CH3COO)2 and ZnCl2 in test tubes I and II (separate). H2S gas is passed into each, then ZnS is precipitated

(A) in I                                                       (B) in II

(C) in both                                                 (D) in none

  1. The blue colour produced in lassaigne’s test of nitrogen is due to formation of

(A) Na4[Fe(CN)6]                                      (B) Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2

(C) Fe2[Fe(CN)6]                                      (D) NaFe[Fe(CN)6]

  1. A substance “A” which sublimes on heating evolves a colourless gas when treated with HCl and a small quantity of NaNO2. Suggest from this information a suitable test for “A”

(A) Nessler’s test

(B) Brown ring test

(C) Decolorization with acidified KMnO4

(D) lime water test

  1. White fumes liberated on treating a white solid with concentrated H2SO4 and SiO2 leaves a white deposit on a glass rod moistened with water. The white solid could be

(A) NaCl                                                    (B) NaF

(C) NH4Cl                                                 (D) NaBr

  1. Which of the following does not give the borax bead test?

(A) Cr3+                                                     (B) Cu2+

(C) Mn2+                                                    (D) Pb2+

  1. salt gives brown colour with alkaline Nessler’s reagent to form iodide of Millon’s base with formula
            (A) (B) H2N-Hg – HgI
            (C) HgI42- (D) H2N-Hg-I
  1. Removal of PO43- (interferring radical) is necessary

(A) after group III                                      (B) after group II but before III

(C) after group II                                       (D) no necessity

  1. When KNO2 is added to Co2+ salt in acetic acid medium, yellow ppt. is formed. It is
    due to

(A) K4[Co(NO2)6]                                      (B) K3[Co(NO2)6]

(C) KCo[Co(NO2)6]                                   (D) None

  1. Na2S2O3 is used in photography as a fixing agent because of

(A) its reducing property

(B) its oxidizing property

(C) its sensitivity towards light

(D) its ability to form a soluble complex with Ag+ ions

  1. On heating colourless solid A, gas B (liquid at room temp) and gas C are formed. A is decomposed by NaOH on heating to form gas D giving white fumes with H-Cl. Gas C occupies 800 ml/g at N.T.P. Hence A is

(A) NH4NO3                                              (B) NaNO2

(C) NH4Cl                                                 (D) NH4NO2

  1. Mohr’s salt

(A) is an oxidizing agent                            (B) is a reducing agent

(C) is used as a secondary                       (D) none of the above

Volumetric reagent in

Oxidation – titrations

  1. On exposure to air, green crystals of ferrous sulphate turn brown due to the formation of

(A) Fe(OH)2(SO4)                                     (B) Fe2(OH)(SO4)3

(C) Fe2(OH)2(SO4)3                                 (D) Fe(OH)(SO4)

  1. Zinc oxide is also known as

(A) Philosopher’s wood                             (B) Philosopher’s wool

(C) Philosopher’s guide                             (D) Philosopher’s cotton

  1. Schweitzer’s reagent is

(A) [Cu(NH3)3] SO4                                  (B) Cu(NH4)3

(C) [Cu(NH3)4](SO4)3                               (D) [Cu(NH3)4]SO4

Ores and Metallurgy

  1. On igniting Fe2O3 at 1400°C the product obtained is

(A) Fe2O3 melt                                                (B) FeO

(C) Fe3O4                                                        (D) Metallic iron

  1. In the Pidgeon process, Mg is produced by

(A) electrolysis of fused MgCl2

(B) reducing calcine dolomite with ferrosilicon at high temperature under pressure

(C) Both are correct

(D) None is correct

  1. Na2CrO4 and Fe2O3 are separated by

(A) Dissolving in conc. H2SO4                        (B) Dissolving in NH3

(C) Dissolving in H2O                                     (D) Dissolving in dil HCl

  1. Which of the following does not contain Mg?

(A) Magnetite                                                  (B) Magnesite

(C) asbestos                                                    (D) Carnallite

  1. Following reaction is not involved in thermite process

(A) 3Mn3O4+8Al ¾¾® 9Mn+4Al2O3

(B) Cr2O3+2Al ¾¾¾® Al2O3+2Cr

(C) 2Fe+Al2O3 ¾¾¾® 2Al+Fe2O3

(D) B2O3+2Al ¾¾¾¾® 2B+Al2O3

  1. Annealing of steel is the process of heating steel

(A) to bright red hot and then cooling slowly

(B) to bright red hot and then cooling suddenly

(C) to a temperature much below redness and cooling slowly

(D) None

  1. BaC2+N2  A

CaC2+N2 B

(A) and (B) are

(A) Ba(CN)2, Ca(CN)2                                    (B) Ba(CN)2, Ca(CN)2

(C) Ba(CN)2, Ca(CN)2                                    (D) None is correct

  1. In zone refining method the molten zone

(A) Consists of impurities only

(B) Consists of more impurity than the original  metal

(C) Contains the purified metal only

(D) Moves to either side

  1. The common name “cream of tartar” refers to

(A) KHC4H4O6                                                (B) K(SbO)C4H4O6

(C) KNaC4H4O6                                              (D) Mg2(OH)2(C4H4O6)H2O

  1. Na2(Br(OH)4] is formed when

(A) BeO reacts with NaOH solution               (B) Be reacts with NaOH solution

(C) Both are correct                                        (D) None is correct

  1. When Cl2 is passed into moist slaked lime compound formed is

(A) CaO2Cl2                                                    (B) CaO2Cl

(C) CaOCl2                                                     (D) CaCl2O4

  1. Ag2S+NaCN + Zn ¾¾® Ag

This method of extraction of Ag by complex formation and then its displacement is called

(A) Parke’s method                                         (B) Mc Arthur- Forest method

(C) Serpeck                                                    (D) Hall’s method

  1. A basic refractory material among the following is

(A) Al2O3                                                         (B) SiO2

(C) Fe2O3                                                        (D) CaO

  1. Which is used for fixing atmospheric nitrogen

(A) CaCN2(nitrolim)                                        (B) Li3N

(C) Mg3N2                                                       (D) all

  1. Carbon cannot be used in the reduction of Al2O3 because

(A) It is an expensive proposition

(B) The enthalpy of formation of CO2 is more than that of Al2O3

(C) Pure carbon is not easily available

(D) The enthalpy of formation of Al2O3 is too high

Preparation and Properties of Compounds

  1. A mixture of hydrazine and H2O2 is

(A) antiseptic                                                   (B) rocket fuel

(C) Germicide                                                 (D) insecticide

  1. Crude common salt is hygroscopic because of impurities of

(A) CaSO4 and MgSO4                                  (B) CaCl2 and MgCl2

(C) CaBr2 and MgBr2                                     (D) Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2

  1. The material used in solar cell is

(A) Si                                                               (B) Sn

(C) Ti                                                               (D) Cs

  1. The metal X is prepared by the electrolysis of fused chloride. It reacts with hydrogen to from a colourless solid from which hydrogen is released on treatment with water. The metal is

(A) Al                                                               (B) Ca

(C) Cu                                                             (D) Zn

  1. Hydrolysis of PI3 yeilds

(A) Monobasic acid and a salt                        (B) Monobasic acid and a dibasic acid

(C) Monobasic base and a dibasic acid         (D) Monobasic acid and tribasic acid

  1. Which of the following is obtained by the reaction of Cu and conc. H2SO4

(A) S                                                                (B) SO3

(C) SO2                                                           (D) H2


  1. Caliche is

(A) NaNO3-NaIO3                                           (B) NaIO

(C) NaNO2-NaIO3                                          (D) NaNO3-I

  1. The inertness of nitrogen is due to its

(A) High electronegativity                               (B) small atomic radius

(C) high dissociation energy                           (D) Stable configuration

  1. In Holmes signals the compound used is

(A) Ca3P2+CaC2                                             (B) CaC2

(C) Ca3P2                                                        (D) CaCN2+Ca3P2

  1. Marsh test is applied for detection of

(A) N                                                               (B) P

(C) As                                                              (D) S

  1. By burning NH3 in oxygen its gives H2O and

(A) NO                                                            (B) N2

(C) NO2                                                           (D) N2O

  1. NO2 is not obtained when following is heated

(A) Pb(NO3)2                                                  (D) AgNO3

(C) LiNO3                                                        (D) KNO3

  1. Decomposition of H2O2 is slowed down by the addition of

(A) Alcohol                                                      (B) MnO2

(C) Alkali                                                         (D) Al

  1. When lead storage battery is discharged

(A) SO2 is evolved                                          (B) lead sulphate is consumed

(C) lead is formed                                           (D) sulphuric acid is consumed

  1. Non – combustible hydride is

(A) NH3                                                           (B) PH3

(C) AsH3                                                         (D) SbH3




Acids and Bases

  1. A                                                         2.         D
  2. A                                                         4.         B
  3. D                                                         6.         D
  4. D                                                         8.         C
  5. A                                                         10.       A

Chemical Bonding

  1. A                                                         2.         C
  2. B                                                         4.         C
  3. C                                                         6.         A
  4. D                                                         8.         C
  5. B                                                         20.       A
  6. D                                                         22.       B
  7. B                                                         24.       C                    
  8. A

Transition element


  1. A                                                         27.       A
  2. D                                                         29.       B
  3. C                                                         31.       B
  4. D                                                         33.       B
  5. C                                                         35.       D
  6. D                                                         37.       C
  7. C                                                         39.       D
  8. B

Qualitative Analysis

  1. C                                                         2.         A        
  2. D                                                         4.         A        
  3. B                                                         6          D        
  4. A                                                         48.       B
  5. B                                                         50.       D        

                                    51        D                                                         52.       B

  1. D                                                         54.       B                    
  2. D

Ores and Metallurgy

  1. D                                                         57.       B        
  2. A                                                         59.       A        
  3. C                                                         61.       A        
  4. C                                                         63.       B
  5. B                                                         65.       C        
  6. C                                                         67.       B
  7. D                                                         69.       A                    
  8. D

Preparation and Properties of Compounds

  1. D                                                         72.       B        
  2. A                                                         74.       B        
  3. B                                                         76        C        
  4. A                                                         78.       C
  5. A                                                         80.       C        

                                    81        B                                                         82.       D

  1. A                                                         84.       D                    
  2. A