NEET Practice Paper Chapter- Circulatory System by Teaching Care online tuition and coaching classes
NEET Practice Paper Chapter- Circulatory System by Teaching Care online tuition and coaching classes
- Regulation of heart beat in mammals is due to
- The volume of blood in the circulatory system
- The presence of excess of oxygen in blood
- The presence of thyroxine in blood
- The presence of pacemaker in the heart
- Purkinje’s fibres of the vertebrate heart are modified
- Parasympathetic nerves
- Sympathetic nerves
- Motor nerves
- Muscle cells
- The nerve like modified muscle in the right auricle is known as
- Lymph node
- Atrio-ventricular node
- Pacemaker
- Bulbus arteriosus
- Pace maker of the heart is
- A. node
- V. node
- V. septum
- A. septum
- The first heart sound is
- ‘Lubb’ sound at the end of systole
- ‘Dub’ sound at the end of systole
- ‘Lubb’ sound at the beginning of systole
- ‘Dub’ sound at the beginning of systole
- Heart beat can be initiated by
- Sinu-auricular node
- Sinu-ventricular node
- Sodium ion
- Purkinje’s fibres
- Which one is the correct route through which pulse making impulse travels in the heart
- SA node → Purkinje fibres → Bundle of His → AV node → Heart muscles
- AV node → SA node → Purkinje fibres → Bundle of His → Heart muscles
- AV node → Bundle of His → SA node → Purkinje fibres → Heart muscles
- SA node → AV node → Bundle of His → Purkinje fibres → Heart muscles
- The rate of heart beat per minute is highest in case of
- Elephant (b) Whale (c) Man (d) Mouse
- The viscosity of blood is important in maintaining
- Acid-base balance
- Diastolic blood pressure
- Systolic blood pressure
- Osmotic pressure
- Regulation of heart beat in mammals is due to
- Presence of excess of oxygen in blood
- The presence of pacemaker in the heart
- The presence of thyroxin in blood
- The volume of blood in the circulatory system
- Pace maker of the heart is situated
- In wall of right atrium close to eustachian valve
- On intra-auricular septum
- On inter-venticular septum
- In wall of left atrium close to the opening of pulmonary veins
- Stimulation of the vagus nerve will make the heart beat
- Faster (b) 70 times / minute (c) Slower (d) Normal
- During systole
- Auricles and ventricles contract simultaneously
- Auricles and ventricles contract separately
- Only auricles contract
- Only ventricles contract
- What is the maximum efficiency of heart
- 10 – 15 % (b) 20 – 25 % (c) 40 – 60% (d) 100%
- Tricuspid valve are present between
- Right auricle and right ventricle
- Sinous venosus and right auricle
- Left auricle and left ventricle
- Superior and inferior vena cava
- Auricles of human heart contains
- Columnae carnae
- Chordae tendenae
- Papillary muscles
- Purkinje’s fibres
- Right auricle of mammalian heart receives blood from
- Sinus vinosus
- Pulmonary veins
- Precavals
- Pre and postcavals
- During ventricular diastole
- The auricles relax
- The heart contracts
- The heart pumps blood
- The ventricles relax
- In rabbit, the four chambered heart promotes
- Double circulation
- Single circulation
- Systematic circulation
- Venous circulation
- Trilobed valve present between right atrium and ventricle in mammalian heart is
- Triac
- Triad
- Tricuspid or besian
- Trigeminal
- For reaching left side of heart, blood must pass through
- Liver (b) Kidneys (c) Lungs (d) Brain
- Which one of the statement is correct with reference to the circulation of blood in a mammal
- Left auricle receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
- Pulmonary artery returns oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left auricle
- Pulmonary vein carries venous blood from right auricle to lungs
- Venous blood is returned to the left auricle
- Mixing up of arterial and venous blood does not take place in a heart having
- Two chambers
- Four chambers
- Three chambers
- None of the above
- Tricuspid valve is present in
- Right auricle
- Right ventricle
- Left ventricle
- Left auricle
- Mitral valve in mammals guards the opening between
- Stomach and intestine
- Pulmonary vein and left auricle
- Right auricle and right ventricle
- Left auricle and left ventricle
- Tunica media of an elastic artery is made up of mainly
- Smooth muscle fibre
- Loose alveolar tissue
- Elastic fibres
- Collagen fibres
- Which of the following statements is false
- Blood from the right side of the heart is carried to the lungs by the pulmonary artery
- The term ‘pleura‘ refers the double layered covering of the kidney
- Pancreas is both an exocrine and endocrine gland
- Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of vitamin C
- Histology of heart superficially shows the following structure except
- Endocardium
- Cardiac muscle
- Fibrous pericardium
- Tunica intima
- Cardiac muscle is composed of
- Striated, branched and voluntary muscle fibres
- Unstriated (smooth), spindle shaped and voluntary muscle fibres
- Unstriated (smooth), spindle shaped and involuntary muscle fibres
- Striated, branched and involuntary muscle fibres
- How much of the total blood volume is present in heart
- 5% (b) 17% (c) 9% (d) 15%
- Purkinje fibre is found in
- Conduction system of heart
- Brain
- Nephrons of kidneys
- Sensation of skin
- Neurogenic heart is characteristic of
- Lower vertebrates (b) Humans (c) Rat (d) Rabbit
- Eustachian valve which is of no significance in the adult mammal, is a vestigial organ, a vestige of
- Spiral valve
- Sinus venosus
- Sino-auricular valve
- Semilunar valve
- Which is not true for cardiac muscles
- Presence of intercalated disc
- Striated nature
- Involuntary
- Voluntary
- The pericardium and the pericardial fluid help in
- Protecting the heart from friction, shocks and keeps it moist
- Pumping the blood
- Receiving the blood from various parts of the body
- None of the above
- The atrio-ventricular valves of the heart is prevented from turning inside out by tough strands of connective tissue is called as
- Tendinous cords
- Tricuspid
- Pocket valve
- Mitral valve
- Wenckebach phenomenon is seen in
- Complete heart block
- Partial heart block
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Myocardial infarction
- Since it is the sinu-auricular node which initiates the impulses the heart of mammal is called
- Cholinergic
- Adrenergic
- Neurogenic
- Myogenic
- Which one of the following doctors performed the first heart transplant
- Hargovind Khorana
- Christian Bernard
- Watson
- William Harvey
- The tricuspid valve is present at the origin of
- Carotid arch
- Pulmonary arch
- Truncus arteriosus
- Systemic arch
- Bicuspid and tricuspid valve are supported by
- Columnae carnae
- Endocardium
- Chordae tendinae
- Epicardium
- What happens if the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated
- Heartbeat increases
- Cardiac output decreases
- Blood pressure is lowered
- Pulse becomes erratic and falls steadily
- Sinus venosus is spread over
- Dorsal surface of the heart of frog
- Dorsal surface of the heart of rabbit
- Ventral surface of the heart of frog
- Ventral surface of the heart of rabbit
- Renin is released by the kidney when the arterial blood pressure
- Gets elevated
- Becomes low
- Remains constant
- Becomes high
- Cardiac output signifies
- The amount of blood entering the heart per unit time
- The amount of blood entering the lung per unit time
- The amount of blood leaving the heart per unit time
- The amount of blood leaving the lung per unit time
- Normal diastolic pressure in young man is about
- 20 mm Hg (b) 80 mm Hg (c) 110 mm Hg (d) 130 mm Hg
- If glucose is to be injected in human blood, the property to be matched with glucose is
- Density
- Viscosity
- Osmotic potential
- Sugar group
- Heart rate is increased by all the following except
- Anoxia
- Moderate excess
- Elevated body temperature
- Increased intracranial pressure CO2
- Uremia disease is associated with
- High serum cholesterol
- High blood glucose
- High blood urea
- Rh factor in blood
- The heart beat increases at the time of interview due to
- Corticotrophic hormone
- Hyper secretion of renin
- Secretion of adrenaline
- Antidiuretic hormone secretion
- An adult human with average health has systolic and diastolic pressure as
- 80 mm Hg and 88 mm Hg
- 70 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg
- 120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
- 50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg
- The thickening of walls of arteries are called
- Arthritis
- Aneurysm
- Arteriosclerosis
- Both (a) and (b)
- Putting adrenaline on the heat will cause the heart beat to
- Retard
- Accelerate
- Produce louder sound
- Stop
- Average cardiac output is
- 4 litres per minute
- 3 litres per minute
- 3 litres per minute
- 3 litres per minute
- Heart beats are affected by
- Carbon dioxide
- Oxygen
- Vagus nerve
- All the above
- We feel sleepy just after taking meals because
- Blood pressure increases
- Blood pressure decreases
- Body weight increases
- We feel lithargic
- The pulse beat is measured by the
- Artery (b) Capillary (c) Vein (d) None
- Oxygenated blood is carried by
- Pulmonary vein
- Pulmonary artery
- Renal vein
- Hepatic portal vein
- Blood to the heart is brought by the venous system by
- Innominate and anterior abdominal
- Subclavian alone
- Vena cavae
- Anterior abdominal alone
- What is blood pressure
- The pressure of blood on the heart muscle
- The pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries and veins
- The pressure of blood on the walls of veins only
- The pressure of blood on the walls of arteries only
- Valves are necessary in veins but not in arteries because
- Blood flows with greater force in veins
- Blood in veins flows without jerk
- Blood from heart may not be pushed back into veins
- Pressure in veins is low, which can flow the blood
- The blood coming out of lungs is richer than that entering into lungs in
- Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide (c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of these
- The veins
- Have thick elastic walls
- Contain valves
- Are called resistance vessels
- Store less blood than arteries
- Pulmonary veins
- Carry pure blood from heart to lungs
- Carry impure blood from lungs to heart
- Carry pure blood from lungs to heart
- Carry impure blood to lungs
- The posterior venacava
- Divides into the hepatic portal veins
- Opens into the left auricle
- Commences at the kidney
- Begins at the hind end of abdomen
- Oxygenated blood is found in
- Pulmonary veins
- Pulmonary arteries
- Right atrium
- Right ventricle
- Which is correct about veins
- Valves are absent
- Carry blood towards heart
- Always carry oxygenated blood
- Always carry deoxygenated blood
- The blood vessel which brings oxygenated blood from lungs towards the heart of frog is
- Pre caval (b) Post caval (c) Pulmonary vein (d) Pulmonary artery
- When the right ventricle contracts the blood goes into
- Aorta (b) Brain (c) Pulmonary artery (d) None
- Arteries are
- Thin-walled and blood flows under diminished pressure
- Thick-walled and blood flows under high pressure
- Thin-walled and blood flows under high pressure
- Thick-walled and blood flows under diminished pressure
- All arteries carry oxygenated blood except
- Systemic (b) Hepatic (c) Pulmonary (d) Cardiac
- The pre-caval veins collect blood from
- Trunk and hind limbs
- Fore limbs and hind limbs
- Head and fore limbs
- Head and hind limbs
- What percent of total blood coming out of heart, goes to kidney
- 25% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) 40%
- Vasa vasorum supplies blood to
- Pericardium
- Blood vessels
- Tunica adventitia and external part of tunica media
- Vas deferens
- In the inguinal canal lies
- Posterior mesentric artery
- Spermatic artery
- Internal carotid artery
- Dorsal aorta
- Which one of the following is found both in frog and in rabbit
- Spinal accessory nerve
- Diaphragm
- Hepatic portal system
- Eustachian tube
- Largest blood vessel in body is
- Carotid artery
- Dorsal aorta
- Phrenic artery
- Coronary artery
- Thrombosis in which coronary artery is met most frequency in MI
- Right coronary artery
- Left anterior descending artery
- Left circumflex coronary artery
- Right circumflex coronary artery
- Systemic heart refers to
- The two ventricles together in humans
- The heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system
- Left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates (d) Entire heart in lower vertebrates
- The lymphatic fluid opens into the blood circulation via a duct into the
- Artery supplying the spleen
- Vein coming from liver
- Jugular vein
- Venacava near the heart
- Which substance is more in blood flowing through hepatic vein than blood flowing through portal vein
- Water (b) Urea (c) Fatty acid (d) Amino acid + oxygen
- Carotid artery carries
- Impure blood from brain
- Oxygenated blood to anterior region of body or to brain
- Impure blood to kidney
- Oxygenated blood to heart
- Innominate is
- A nerve and artery
- A muscle and artery
- Skeleton part and artery
- A nerve and vein
- Clot of blood contains
- Prothrombin (b) Thrombin (c) Fibrinogen (d) Fibrin
- Which one of the following in blood absorbs oxygen
- WBCs (b) Plasma (c) RBCs (d) Platelets
- The protein which prevents coagulation of blood in the blood vessel is
- Platelets (b) Globular protein (c) Albumin (d) Heparin
- Oxygen is transported by
- Blood plasma
- RBCs
- Leucocytes
- Thrombocytes
- White and red blood cells are formed in
- Liver (b) Heart (c) Bone marrow (d) Spleen
- Which of the following is the smallest blood particle
- Leucocytes
- Thrombocytes
- Phagocytes
- Erythrocytes
- The fluid of the blood from which all blood corpuscles are removed is known as
- Plasma (b) Vaccine (c) Haem (d) Serum
- If an experiment, animal is made anaemic, production of which hormone will be stepped up
- Erythrocytin (b) Erythroblastin (c) Erythropoietin (d) Enkephalin
- Which one of the following substances in the blood in man imparts the oxygen carrying capacity to it
- Haemocyanin
- Haemoglobin
- Haemerythrin or haemoerythrin
- Sodium ions
- The organs yolk sac, kidney, spleen, liver and bone marrow are
- Erythropoietic (b) Red organs (c) Diapedic (d) (a) and (b)
- de Castello and Sturli discovered
- A blood group (b) B blood group (c) AB blood group (d) Rh blood group
- Factors present on surface of RBC related to heredity are
- Blood groups
- Antigens
- Antibodies
- Haemoglobin
- Blood dust present in the blood plasma is known as
- Blood platelets
- Chylomicrons
- Haemoconia
- Chyluria
- One of the following cells can’t respire
- Epidermal (b) Intestinal (c) Erythrocytes (d) Leucocytes
- Rh factor is named after
- Monkey (b) Drosphlla (c) Rat (d) Man
- Blood sample of a healthy human being is
- Acidic (b) Neutral (c) Alkaline (d) Variable
- For safe blood transfusion
- Donor’s RBC should not contain antibodies against recepient serum
- Recepient serum should not contain antigens against donor’s antibodies
- Recepient’s serum should not contain antibodies against RBC of donors
- Receipient’s RBC should not contain antibodies against donor’s antigens
- D
- D
- C
- A
- C
- A
- D
- D
- B
- B
- A
- C
- B
- B
- A
- D
- D
- D
- A
- C
- C
- A
- B
- A
- D
- A
- B
- D
- D
- C
- A
- A
- C
- D
- A
- A
- B
- D
- B
- B
- C
- A
- A
- B
- C
- B
- C
- D
- C
- C
- C
- C
- B
- C
- D
- B
- 1
- A
- C
- B
- C
- A
- B
- C
- D
- A
- B
- C
- C
- B
- C
- C
- A
- C
- B
- C
- B
- A
- C
- C
- B
- B
- C
- D
- C
- D
- B
- C
- B
- A
- C
- B
- A
- C
- B
- C
- C
- A
- C
- C
Tags: NEET Practice Paper Chapter- Circulatory System by Teaching Care online tuition and coaching classes