NEET Practice Test Paper 8 Biology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes
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1. | Which of the following provides more oxygen to cancer cells?
Z |
2. | A virus can cause carcinogenesis in a human cell by
B |
3. | According to the fluid-mosaic membrane model, phospholipids
B |
4. | The function of the gallbladder is to
Z |
5. | Starting in the esophagus, how many sphincters will an indigestible fibre molecule pass
through on its way to the small intestine?
Z |
6. | Which of the following enzymes produces a product that cannot be absorbed into the body?
7. Which one of the following statement is correct? a. Ontogeny repeats phylogeny b. Stem cells are specialized cells c. There is no evidence of the existence of gills during embryogenesis of mammals d. All plant and animal cells are totipotent. ANSWER A Z 8. “Foolish Seedling” disease of rice led to the discovery of: a. IAA b. GA c. ABA d. 2, 4 – D ANSWER: B B 9. Passage cells are thin- walled cells found in: a. central region of style through which the pollen tube grows towards the ovary. b. endodermis of roots facilitating rapid transport of water from cortex to pericycle. c. phloem elements that serve as entry points for substances for transport to other plant parts. d. testa of seed to enable emergence of growing embryonic axis during seed germination. ANSWER: B B 10. The first acceptor of electrons from an excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II is: a. Quinone b. Cytochrome c. Iron-sulphur protein d. Ferredoxin. ANSWER: A B 11. All enzymes of TCA cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix except one which is located in inner mitochondrial membranes in eukaryotes and in cytosol in prokaryotes. This enzyme is: a. succinate dehydrogenase b. lactate dehydrogenase c. isocitrate dehydrogenase d. malate dehydrogenase ANSWER: A B 12. The wavelength of light absorbed by Pr form of phytochrome is: a. 620 nm b. 640 nm c. 680 nm d. 720 nm ANSWER: C B 13. Opening of floral buds into flowers, is type of: a. Autonomic movement of growth b. Autonomic movement of locomotion c. Autonomic movement of variation d. Paratonic movement of growth. ANSWER: A B 14. Which one of the following pairs, is not correctly matched? a. IAA – Cell wall elongation b. Abscissic Acid – Stomatal closure c. Gibberellic Acid – Leaf fall d. Cytokinin – Cell division ANSWER: C B |
15. | Which of the following substances used by the body is produced by E-coli living in the
digestive system?
B |
16. | A function of an artery is to carry
Z |
17. | The blood vessels that carry blood to and from the head are the
18. | Which two structures in the fetal circulatory system allow blood to bypass the lungs?
Z |
19. | The lymphatic system consists of
Z |
20. | Which of the following surrounds the lungs and the thoracic cavity and functions to reduce friction during inhalation and exhalation?
Z |
21. | Which sequence correctly shows the order of events during breathing?
1. The diaphragm flattens. 2. The rib cage moves down and in. 3. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases. 4. The medulla oblongata signals the rib muscles to contract.
Z |
22. | A small amount of carbon dioxide is transported in the pulmonary artery as
Z |
23. | Which of the following carries a nerve impulse toward the spinal cord?
24. | Movement of which of the following ions causes depolarization?
Z |
25. | Which substance causes the microfilaments to contract and pull the synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane?
Z |
26. | Increased activity in structures X and Y is associated with which of the following?
Z |
27. | What is the pathway for urine leaving the body?
Z |
28. | Which of the following is less concentrated in blood plasma than it is in urine?
Z |
29. | What is the function of the mid-piece of the sperm?
30 . One gene – one enzyme relationship was established for the first time in: a. Diploccus pneumoniae b. Neurospora crassa c. Salmonella typhimurium d. Escherichia Coli ANSWER: B B 31. Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by the division of: a. Microspore mother cell b. Microspore c. Generative cell d. Vegetative cell ANSWER: C B 32. Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure – 7atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. The result will be: a. Movement of water of Cell A to B b. Movement of water from Cell B to A c. No movement of water d. Equilibrium between the two ANSWER: A B 33. In the leaves of C4 plants, malic acid formation during CO2 fixation occurs in the cells of: a. Epidermis b. Mesophyll c. Bundle Sheath d. Phloem ANSWER: B B 34. One of the important consequences of geographical isolation is: a. Random creation of new species b. No change in the isolation faunax c. Preventing Speciation d. Speciation through reproductive isolation ANSWER: D B 35. Industrial melanism as observed in peppered moth proves that: a. Melanism is a pollution-generated feature b. The true black melanic forms arise by a recurring random mutation c. The melanic form of the moth has no selective advantage over lighter form in industrial area d. The lighter-form moth has no selective advantage either in polluted industrial area or non-polluted area. ANSWER: B Z 36. The concept of chemical evolution is based on: a. Possible origin of life by combination of chemicals b. Crystallization of chemicals under suitable environmental conditions c. Interaction of water, air and clay under d. Effect of solar radiation of chemicals ANSWER: A Z |
37. | Which hormone is released by the anterior pituitary that triggers the production of
egg or sperm cells?
Z |
38. | On which day of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle will luteinizing hormone (LH) be the
Z |
39. | Which of the following substances stimulates uterine contractions?
Z |
40. | The organelle mitochondria is abundant in cells involved in
B |
41. | The organelle above is a(n)
B |
42. | The organelle mitochondria is the site of
B |
43. | Which of the following has the greatest concentration of hydrogen ions?
B |
44. | Which of the following molecules makes up plant cell walls and cannot be digested by
human enzymes?
Z |
45. | Which of the following is a characteristic of cancerous tissue?
Z |
46. | Which of the following is not one of the seven known danger signals associated with
the presence of cancer?
Z |
47. | Which type of molecules move sodium ions through the cell membrane?
B |
48. Among the human ancestors the brain size was more than 1000 CC in: a. Homo habilis b. Homo neanderthalensis c. Homo erectus d. Ramapithecus ANSWER: B Z 49. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
(1) Only A and B ANSWER: B Z 50. Select the correct statement from the following: a. Mutations are random and directional b. Darwinian variations are small and directionless c. Fitness is the end result of the ability to adapt and gets selected by nature d. All mammals except whales and camels have seven cervical vertebrate. ANSWER: C Z 51. Which of the following is a flowering plant with nodules containing filamentous nitrogen-fixing microorganism? a. Cicer arietinum b. Casuarina equisetifolia c. Crotalaria juncea d. Cycas revolute ANSWER: B B 52. Which one of the following is surrounded by a callose wall? a. Pollen grain b. Microspore mother cell c. Male gamete d. Egg ANSWER: B B 53. Which one of the following elements is not an essential micronutrient for plant growth? a. Ca b. Mn c. Zn d. Cu ANSWER: A B 54. If you suspect major deficiency of antibodies in person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidence? a. Haemocytes b. Serum albumins c. Serum globulins d. Fibrinogen in the plasma ANSWER: C Z |
55. | What conditions would decrease the ability of lipase to form an enzyme-substrate complex?
56. | A disease of which structure could cause a high concentration of glucose in the urine?
57. Which one of the following is a fat -soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease? a. Calciferol – Pellagra b. Ascorbic acid – Scurvy c. Retinol – Xerophthalmia d. Cobalamine – Beri-beri ANSWER: C Z 58. Which one of the following mammalian cells is not capable of metabolising glucose to carbon-dioxide aerobically? a. Red blood cells b. White blood cells c. Unstriated muscle cells d. Liver cells ANSWER: A Z 59. Compared to a bull a bullock is docile because of: a. lower levels of adrenalin / noradrenalin in its blood b. higher levels of thyroxin c. higher levels of cortisone d. lower levels of blood testosterone ANSWER: D Z 60. In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of: a. FSH only b. LH only c. Combination of FSH and LH d. Combination of estrogen and progesterone ANSWER: D Z 61. In human body, which one of the following is anatomically correct?
ANSWER: B Z 62. In which one of the following preparations are you likely to come across cell junctions most frequently? a. Hyaline cartilage b. Ciliated epithelium c. Thrombocytes d. Tendon ANSWER: B Z 63. A drop of each of the following, is placed separately on four slides. Which of them will not coagulate? a. Whole blood from pulmonary vein b. Blood plasma c. Blood serum d. Sample from the thoracic duct of lymphatic system ANSWER: C Z 64. Feeling the tremors of an earthquake a scared resident of seventh floor of a multistoryed building starts climbing down the stairs rapidly. Which hormone initiated this action? a. Gastrin b. Thyroxin c. Adrenaline d. Glucagon ANSWER: C Z 65. A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have: a. less urea in his urine b. more sodium in his urine c. less amino acids in his urine d. more glucose in his blood. ANSWER: A Z |
66. | Which of the following would result if structure Y remains functional after birth?
Z |
67. | What occurs at the venous end of a capillary bed?
Z |
68. | When the left ventricle contracts, blood moves through
Z |
69. | Which part of the heart controls the rhythmic beat of the atria?
Z |
70. | During inspiration, which structure receives air after the bronchiole?
Z |
71. | Rings of cartilage strengthen which of the following structures?
Z |
72. | Within the respiratory system, debris is trapped by mucus in the
73. | Which of the following inhibits the contraction of muscles which move food through the digestive system?
Z |
74. | Tubular excretion occurs when molecules move from the
Z |
75. | In which structure is activity increased by raised concentrations of urea and salts in the blood?
Z |
76. | Aldosterone causes sodium to be reabsorbed by which part of the nephron?
77. | All of the following have a similar function except for the
78. | Which of the following is the correct order of structures through which sperm pass as they leave the body?
79. Which one of the following pairs of structures distinguishes a nerve cell from other types of cell? a. Nucleus and mitochondria b. Perikaryon and dendrites c. Vacuoles and fibers d. Flagellum and medullary sheath ANSWER: B 80. Which one of the following pairs of organisms are exotic species introduced in India? a. Nile perch, Ficus religiosa b. Ficus religiosa, Lantana camara c. Lantana camara, Water hyacinth d. Water hyacinth, Prosopis cineraria ANSWER: C B 81. One of endangered species of Indian medicinal plants is that of: a. Nepenthes b. Podophyllum c. Ocimum d. Garlic ANSWER: B B 82. A genetically engineered micro-organism used successfully in bioremediation of oil spills is a species of: a. Bacillus b. Pseudomonas c. Trichoderma d. Xanthomonas ANSWER: B B 83. A sequential expression of a set of human genes occurs when a steroid molecule binds to the: a. Ribosome b. Transfer RNA c. Messenger RNA d. DNA sequence ANSWER: D B 84. The Okazaki fragments in DNA chain growth: a. polymerize in the direction and explain DNA replication b. result in transcription c. polymerize in the direction and forms replication fork d. prove semi-conservative nature of DNA replication ANSWER: A B |
85. | Higher levels of a hormone released from which of the following structures results in an
increase in muscle mass at puberty?
86. | Testosterone secretion is controlled through negative feedback due to increased amounts of which hormone?
Z |
87. | Phagocytosis involves the infolding of what structure?
B |
88. | If the molecules at X represent amino acids, then what does the molecule at Z represent?
89. | What is produced during translation?
90. | What is the function of the nucleolus?
B |
91. | Which of the following molecules is a major structural component of the organelle mitochondria?
B |
92. | What property of water allows it to form hydrogen bonds?
B |
93. | What is the function of HCO3– (bicarbonate ion) when it helps to maintain the blood pH at about 7.4?
Z |
94. | During which process would adenine bond with thymine but not uracil?
B |
95. | Which of the following is found in RNA but not in DNA?
B |
96. | What is the percentage of guanine in a DNA sample containing 20% thymine?
B |
97. | Consider the following portion of an mRNA strand:
UAC GGG AUA What are the anticodons that will be paired to this strand?
98. Inheritance of skin colour in humans is an example of: a. codominance b. chromosomal aberration c. point mutation d. polygenic inheritance ANSWER: D B 99. A common test to find the genotype of a hybrid is by: a. crossing of one F1progeny with male parent b. crossing of one F2 progeny with male parent c. crossing of one F2 progeny with female parent d. studying the sexual behaviour of F1 progenies. ANSWER: A B 100. During transcription, RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds to a gene promoter and assumes a saddle – like structure. What is it’s DNA-binding sequence? a. TATA b. TTAA c. AATT d. CACC ANSWER: A B
Hints and explaintions:
7 Ontogeny is that branch of life science which deals with the study of origin and development of an organism from fertilized ovum to its mature form.
13 Paratonic movement-The movement of the whole or parts of a plant due to the influence of an external stimulus, such as gravity, chemicals, heat, light, or electricity.
- An interneuron (also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) is a multipolar neuron which connects afferent neurons and efferent neurons in neural pathways. Like motor neurons, interneuron cell bodies are always located in the central nervous system (CNS).
54 Haemocytes-Any blood or formed element especially in invertebrates. Free floating cells within the haemolymph; play a role in insect immune responses e.g. to parasitoid eggs.
61 Floating ribs are four atypical ribs (two lowermost pairs, XI-XII) in the human ribcage. They are called so because they are attached to the vertebrae only, and not to the sternum or cartilage coming off of the sternum.
69 Purkinje fibers (Purkyne tissue or Subendocardial branches) are located in the inner ventricular walls of the heart, just beneath the endocardium. These fibers are specialized myocardial fibers that conduct an electrical stimulus or impulse that enables the heart to contract in a coordinated fashion.
82 Bioremediation technologies can be generally classified as in situ or ex situ. In situ bioremediation involves treating the contaminated material at the site while ex situ involves the removal of the contaminated material to be treated elsewhere. Some examples of bioremediation technologies are bioventing, landfarming, bioreactor, composting, bioaugmentation, rhizofiltration, and biostimulation.
98 Inheritance of quantitative traits or polygenic inheritance refers to the inheritance of a phenotypic characteristic that varies in degree and can be attributed to the interactions between two or more genes and their environment. Though not necessarily genes themselves, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) are stretches of DNA that are closely linked to the genes that underlie the trait in question. QTLs can be molecularly identified (for example, with AFLP) to help map regions of the genome that contain genes involved in specifying a quantitative trait.
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