NEET Practice Test Paper 7 Biology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes

NEET Practice Test Paper 7 Biology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes

  1. Guttation is caused by

(a) transpiration  (b) osmosis/DPD

(c) root pressure  (d) osmotic pressure


  1. Which of the following is an effective adaptation for better gas exchange in plants?

(a) Presence of multiple epidermis

(b) Presence of hair on the lower epidermis

(c) Presence of waxy cuticle covering the epidermis of the  leaves

  (d) The location of the stomata primarily on the lower surface of the leaf, the” side

turned  away from the direct sun ray


  1. In which condition the gene ratio remains constant for any species ?

(a) Sexual selection  (b) Random mating

(c) Mutation             (d) Gene flow


  1. According to fossils discovered up to present time origin and evolution of

man was started from

(a) France

(b) Java

(c) Africa

(d) China


  1. In which era reptiles were dominant?

(a) Coenozoic era     (b) Mesozoic era

(c) Palaeozoic era     (d) Archaeozoic era


  1. Sequence of which of the following is used to know the phylogeny?

(a) mRNA    (b) rRNA

(c) tRNA      (d) DNA


  1. Meaningful girdling experiment can  not be performed within sugarcane


(a) its phloem is situated interior to xylem

(b) its stem surface is covered with waxy coating

(c) its vascular bundles are not  present  in a ring

(d) its stem is thin

  1. Resin and terpentine are obtained from

(a) Cycas  (b) Pinus

(c) Cedrus  (d) Abies


  1. Pyrenoids are the centres for formation of

(a) porphyra

(b) enzymes

(c) fat

  (d) starch


  1. Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is

(a) stellate   (b) cup-shaped

(c) collar-shaped (d) spiral


  1. In Ulothrix/Spirogyra. reduction- division (meiosis) occurs at the time  of

(a) gamete format ion    (b) zoospore formation

(c) zygospore germination  (d) vegetative reproduction

  1. Pinus differs from mango in having

(a) tree habit

(b) green leaves

(c) ovules not enclosed in ovary

(d) wood


  1. Pteridophytes differ from mosses/bryophytes in possessing

(a) independent gametophyte  (b) well developed vascular system

(c) archegonia                         (d) flagellate spermatozoids


  1. Which one is the most advanced from evolutionary view point ?

(a) Selaginella    (b) Funaria

(c) Chlamydomonas    (d) Pinus


  1. The ‘wing’ of Pinus seed is derived from

(a) testa

(b) testa and tegmen

(c) surface of ovuliferous scale

(d) All of the above


  1. In photosynthesis energy from light reaction to dark reaction is transferred in the   form of

(a) ADP     (b) ATP

(c) RuDP    (d) chlorophyll


  1. Which element is located at the centre of the porphyrin ring in chlorophyll?

(a) Manganese  (b) Calcium

  (c) Magnesium   (d) Potassium


  1. Which fractions of the visible spectrum of solar radiations are primarily absorbed  by carotenoids   of the higher plants?

(a) Violet and blue  (b) Blue and green

(c) Green and red   (d) Red and violet


  1. The living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from the non-living  things on the basis   their ability for

(a) responsiveness to touch

(b) interaction with t he environment and progressive evolution

(c) reproduction

(d) growth and movement


  1. Biological organization starts with

(a) submicroscopic molecular level

(b) cellular level

(c) organismic level

(d) atomic level


  1. Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him ?

(a) Weismann – Theory of continuity of Germplasm

(b) Pasteur – Inheritance of acquired characters

(c) de Vries – Natural selection

(d) Mendel – Theory of pangenesis

  1. The basis for DNA fingerprinting is

(a) occurrence of Restriction Fragment  Lengt h Polymorphism (RFLP)

(b) phenotypic differences bet ween individuals

(c) availability of cloned DNA

(d) knowledge of human karyotype


  1. A person with 47 chromosomes due to an  additional Y-chromosome suffers from  a   condition called

(a) Down’s syndrome   (b) Super female

(c) Turner’s syndrome   (d) Klinefelter’s syndrome


  1. A man with a certain disease marries a normal woman. They have eight children (3daughters and 5 sons). All the daughters suffer   from their father’s disease but none   of the sons are affected. Which of the following mode of inheritance do you suggest   for this disease?

(a) Sex-linked recessive    (b) Sex-linked dominant

(c) Auto some dominant   (d) Sex-limited recessive


  1. Genetically engineered bacteria have been successfully used in the commercial   production

  (a) human insulin  (b) testosterone

(c) thyroxine          (d) melatonin


  1. The translation termination triplet is

(a) UAU             (b) UAA

(c) UAC             (d) UGC


  1. Okazaki fragments are seen during

(a) transcription (b) translation

  (c) replication     (d) transduction


  1. Reabsorption of useful  substances from glomerular filtrate occurs in

(a) collecting tube

(b) loop of Henie

(c) proximal convoluted tubule

(d) distal convoluted tubule


  1. Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of

(a) somniferous tubules  (b) nephron

  (c) oviduct                      (d) vas deferens


  1. Brush border is characteristic of

(a) neck of nephron    (b) collecting tube

  (c) proximal convoluted tubule  (d) All of the above


  1. Nitrogenous waste products are eliminated mainly as

(a) urea in tadpole and ammonia in ad ult frog

(b) ammonia in tadpole and urea in adult frog

(c) urea in both tadpole and adult frog

(d) urea in tadpole and uric acid in adult frog


  1. Down’s syndrome is due to

(a) crossing over

(b) linkage

(c) sex-linked inheritance

(d) non-disjunction of chromosomes


  1. A colourblind mother and normal father would have

(a) colourblind sons and normal/carrier daught ers

(b) colourblind sons and daughters

(c) all colourblind  (d) all normal


  1. In human beings, 45 chromosomes/single X/XO abnormality causes

(a) Down’s syndrome  (b) Klinefelter’s syndrome

(c) Turner’s syndrome  (d) Edward’s syndrome

  1. Desert plants are generally

(a) viviparous   (b) succulent

(c) herbaceous   (d) heterophyllus


  1. If we completely remove the decomposers, from an ecosystem,   its functioning will be adversely affected, because

(a) energy flow will be blocked

(b) herbivores will not receive solar energy

(c) mineral movement will be blocked

(d) rate of decomposition will be very high


  1. Sewage drained into water bodies kill fishes because

(a) excessive carbon dioxide is added to   water

(b) it gives off a bad smell

(c) it removes the food eaten by fish

(d) it increases competition with fishes for dissolved oxygen


  1. Enzymes are absent in

(a) algae     (b) fungi

(c) cyanobacteria  (d) viruses


  1. Enzymes enhance the rate of reaction by

(a) forming a reactant-product complex

(b) changing the equilibrium point of the reaction

(c) combining with the product  as soon as it  is fo rmed

(d) lowering the activation energy of the reaction


  1. Feedback inhibition of an enzymatic reaction is caused by

(a) end product    (b) substrate

(c) enzyme    (d) rise in temperature


  1. Enzyme first used for nitrogen fixation is

(a) nitrogenase     (b) nitroreductase

(c) transferase        (d) transaminase

  1. The primary succession refers to the development of communities on a

(a) fleshly cleared crop field

(b) forest clearing after devastating fire

(c) pond, freshly filled with water after a  dry phase

(d) newly-exposed habitat with no record  of earlier vegetation


  1. Which of the following pair is correctly matched?

(a) Uricotel ism—aquatic habitat

(b) Parasitism—infra-specific relationship

(c) Excessive perspiration—xeric adaptation

(d.) Stream lined body—aquatic adaptation


  1. Sunken stomata is the characteristic feature of

(a) hydrophyte   (b) mesophyre

(c) xerophyte   (d) halophyte


  1. Which of the following pair is a sedimentary type of biogeochemical   cycle ?

(a) Oxygen and nitrogen

(b) Phosphorus and sulphur

(c) Phosphorus and nitrogen

(d) Phosphorus and carbon dioxide


  1. Which of the following does not have stomara?

(a) Hydrophytes (b) M esophytes

(c) Xerophytes    (d) Submerged hydrophytes


  1. In Minamata Bay of Japan, the animals which remained free from   Minamata disease, are

(a) pigs    (b) rabbits

(c) dogs    (d) cats


  1. The Taj Mahal is threatened due to he effect of

(a) oxygen   (b) hydrogen

(c) chlorine   (d) sulphur dioxide


  1. When huge amount of sewage is dumped in a river, its BOD will

(a) increase  (b) decrease

(c) sharply decrease

(d) remain unchanged

  1. Bundle of His is a network of

(a) nerve fibres distributed in ventricles

(b) nerve fibres found throughout the heart

(c) muscle fibres distributed throughout the heart walls

(d) muscle fibres found only in the ventricle wall


  1. Short-lived immunity acquired from   mother to foetus across placenta or  through mother’ s milk to the infant is categoried as

(a) cellular immunity  (b) innate non-specific immunity

(c) active immunity     (d) passive immunity


  1. In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are   present but no antibody, the   blood  group of the individual  would be

(a) B    (b) O

(c) AB    (d) A


  1. LSD is

(a) hallucinogenic

(b) sedative

(c) stimulant

(d) tranquiliser


  1. Salmonella is related with

(a) typhoid   (b) polio

(c) TB     (d) tetanus


  1. Which of these is most infectious disease ?

  (a) Heparitis-B    (b) AIDS

(c) Cough and cold    (d) Malaria


  1. Interferons are synthesized in response to

(a) mycoplasma  (b) bacteria (2001)

  (c) viruses   (d) fungi


  1. Reason of lung cancer is

(a) coal mining    (b) calcium fluoride

(c) cement factory   (d) bauxite mining

  1. The salivary gland chromosomes in the dipteran larvae are  useful in gene mapping because

(a) these are much longer in size

(b) these are easy to stain

(c) these are fused

(d) they have endoreduplicated   chromosomes


  1. Which of the following statements regarding, mitochondrial membrane is not  correct?

(a) The enzymes of the electron transfer chain are embedded in the outer membrane

(b) The inner membrane is highly convoluted forming a series of intoldinss

(c) The outer membrane resembles a sieve

(d) The outer membrane is permeable to all kind s of molecules


  1. During photorespiration,   the   oxygen, consuming reaction occurs in

(a) stroma of chloroplasts and   mitochondria

(b) stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes

(c) grana of chloroplasts and peroxisomes

(d) stroma of chloroplasts


  1. A major break through in the studies of cells came with the development of electron microscope. This is because

(a) the resolving power of   the electron  microscope is 200-350 nm as compared to  0.1-0.2 for the

light microscope

(b) electron beam can pass t hrough thick materials, whereas light microscopy   required thin   sections

(c) the electron microscope is more powerful than the light microsco pe as it uses a beam of   electrons

which has wavelength much longer than that of photons

  (d) the resolution power of the electron microscope is much higher than that of the light   microscope


62.   Which one thing is not true about   antibiotics?

(a) The term “antibiotic” was coined by Selman Waksman in 1942

(b) First antibiotic was discovered by Alexander Flemming

(c) Each antib iotic is effective only against one particular kind  of germ

(d) Some persons can be allergic to a particular antibiotic


63.   Which of the micro-organism is used  for production of citric acid in  industries ?

(a) Lactobacillus bulgaris  (b) Penicillium citrinum

(c) Aspergillus niger  (d) Rhizopus nigricans


64.   Two bacteria found to be very useful   in genetic engineering experiments   are

(a) Nitrosomonas and Klebsiella  (b) Escherichia and Agrobacterium

(c) Nitrobacter and Azotobacter  (d) Rhizobium and Diplococcus


65.   What is the best pH of the soil for   cultivation of plants?

(a) 3.4 – 5.4   (b) 6.5-7.5

(c) 4. 5-8.5   (d) 5.5-6.5


66.  Which is wrong about nucleic acids?

(a) DNA is single stranded in some viruses

(b) RNA is double branded occasionally

(c) Length of one helix is 45 A in B-DNA

(d) One turn of  Z-DNA has 12 bases


67.  The four elements making 99% of living system are

(a) CHOS    (b) CHOP

  (c) CHON            (d) CNOP


68.  Which one contains four pyrimidine bases?




69.  The pyrenoids are made up of

(a) proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath

(b) core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath

(c) core of  starch surrounded by sheath of protein sheath

(d) core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath



70.  Characteristics of smooth muscle   fibres are

(a) spindle-shaped, unbranched, unstriated, uninucleate and involuntary

(b) spindl e-shaped, unbranched, unstriped, multinucleate and involuntary

(c) cylindrical, unbranched,  unstriped, multinucleate and involuntary

(d) cylindrical, unbranched,  unstriated, multinucleate and voluntary


71.   Component of blood responsible  for producing antibodies is

(a) thrombocytes  (b) monocytes

(c) erythrocytes   (d) lymphocytes


72.   Vitamin-K is required for

(a) formation of thromboplastin

(b) conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

(c) conversion of prothrombin to thrombin

(d) synthesis of prothrombin


73.  Formation of cartilage bones   involves

(a) deposition of bony matter b y osteobl asts and resorption by chondroclasts

(b) deposition of bony matter by osteoclasts and resorption by chondroblasts

(c) deposition of bony matter by osteoclasts only

  (d) deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts only


74.   One of the major difficulties in the   biological control of insect pests is   the

(a) practical difficulty of introducing the predator to specific areas

(b) method is less effective as compared with the use of insecticides

(c) predator does not always survive when transferred to a new environment

(d) the predator develops a preference to  other diets and may itself become a pest


75.   The rotenone is

(a) an insect hormone  (b) a bioherbicide

(c) a natural herbicide  (d) a natural insecticide


76.  Which one of the following in birds, indicates their reptilian   ancestry?

(a) Scales on their hind limbs

(b) Four chambered heart

(c) Two special chambers crop and gizzard in their digestive tract

(d) Eggs with a calcareous shell


77.   Emulsification of fat will not  occur in the absence of

(a) lipase   (b) bile pigments

(c) bile salts  (d) pancreatic juice


78.  Pancreas produces

(a) three digestive enzymes and one hormone

(b) three digestive enzymes and two hormones

(c) two digestive enzymes and one hormone

(d) three digestive enzymes and no hormone


79.  Where is protein digestion   accomplished?

(a) Stomach   (b) Ileum

(c) Rectum   (d) Duodenum


80.  Brunner’s glands occur in

(a) sub-mucosa of duodenum

(b) sub-mucosa of stomach

(c) mucosa of oesophagus

(d) mucosa of ileum


81.  The energy-releasing process in   which the substrate is oxidized  without an external electron  acceptor is called

(a) fermentation    (b) photorespirarion

(c) aerobic respiration  (d) glycolysis



82.  Escherichia coli is used extensively in biological research as it is

(a) easily cultured   (b) easily available

(c) easy to handle   (d) easily multiplied in host


83.  Genophore bacterial genome or nucleoid is made of

(a) histones and non histones

(b) RNA and histones

(c) a single double stranded DNA

(d) a single stranded DNA


84.  Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers are

(a) Azotobacter    (b) Pseudomonas

(c) soil fungi       (d) blue-green algae


85.  Rickettsiae constitute a group under

  (a) bacteria

(b) viruses

(c) independent group between bacteria and viruses

(d) fungi


86.   The term antibiotic was first used by

(a) Fleming       (b) Pasteur

(c) Waksman      (d Lister


87.  Nitrogen fixer soil organisms belong to

(a) mosses   (b) bacteria

(c) green algae  (d) soil fungi


88.  Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) genes are

(a) double stranded RNA  (b) single stranded RNA

(c) polyribonucleotide’s  (d) proteinaceous


89.  Temperature tolerance of thermal  blue-green algae is due to

(a) cell wall structure    (b) cell organization

(c) mitochondrial structure  (d) homopolar bonds in their proteins


90.  Reverse transcriptase is

(a) RNA dependent RNA  polymerase  (b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase

(c) DNA dependent DNA polymerase  (d) RNA dependent DNA polymerase



91.  The plasmid

(a) helps in respiration

(b) genes found inside nucleus

(c) is a component of cell wall of bacteria

(d) is the genetic pan in addition to DNA in micro-organisms


92.  Azotobacter and Bacillus polymyxa are examples of

(a) symbiotic nitrogen-fixers  (b) non-symbiotic nitrogen-f ixers

(c) ammonifying bacteria  (d) disease-causing bacteria


93.  Sex factor in bacteria is

(a) chromosomal replicon  (b) F-replicon

(c) RNA                             (d) sex-pilus


94.  Interferons are

(a) antiviral proteins  (b) antibacterial proteins

(c) anti-cancer proteins  (d) complex proteins


95.  Monoclonal antibodies

(a) are obtained from a cell and act on   one antigen

(b) are obtained from a group of cells and act on more  than one antigens

(c) are obtained from a group of same type of cells and act on single antigen

(d) are obtained from a group of same  type of cells and act on more than one antigens


96.   Which meristem helps in increasing girth?

  (a) Lateral meristem

(b) Intercalary meristem

(c) Primary meristem

(d) Apical meristem


97.  ‘Tunica corpus theory is connected  with

(a) root apex  (b) root cap

  (c) shoot apex   (d) secondary growth




98.  Cork is formed from

(a) cork cambium (phellogen)

(b) vascular cambium

(c) phloem

(d) xylem


99.  Ascaris is characterized by

(a) absence of true coelom but   presence of  metamerism

  (b) presence of neither true coelom nor  metamerism

(c) presence of true coelom but absence of metamerism

(d) presence of true coelom and metamerism (metamerization)


100.  Which one of the following is not a characteristic of phylum-  Annelida?

(a) Closed circulatory system  (b) Segmentation

  (c) Pseudocoelom    (d) Ventral nerve cord

Hints and explainations :-


3. It is in accordance with Hardy Weinberg’s law

6. rRNA sequences are most conserved that are used to determine evolutionary history (Phylogeny)

12. Pinus is Gymnosperm

23. In Turner’s syndrome females have only one X chromosome

27. Transduction is transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another by bacteriophages. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria

34. Knilefelters syndrome: 47 chromosomes,  XXY . Down syndrome is trisomy of 21st chromosone.  Edwards syndrome is trisomy of 18th chromosome

51. In passive immunity antibodies are not produced by body itself but are  taken from outside

