Read the following passage carefully:
- Sringeri Vidhyashankara Temple is a fine amalgamation of various architectural influences. It is a unique blend of the Hoysala-Chalukya and Dravidian architecture and was built in the 14th century.
- The name Sringeri is derived from Shrungagiri-the hills of the Western Ghats. There is a mention of Shrungagiri in the Ramayan and the Vedic period. It is one of the most important holy places in South India. After the establishment of the great seat of learning at Sringeri, Sringeri Peetham had a continuous succession of gurus, each one a scholar of repute and philosopher with high degree of spirituality.
- The Sringeri Math has cast tremendous influence over its followers, and hence it was patronized and protected not only by the regional rulers and king but also by far off rulers like Tipu Sultan, Hyder Ali, or Nizams of Hyderabad and later, the British Commission, too. It is a religious teaching centre with many students and a fine library. Trapped amidst the mesmerizing Shrungagiri hills and the meandering river Tunga, and enthralling lush greenery, Sringeri is the virtual abode of God, Acharyas and Advaitya philosophers. It is truly a paradise on earth.
1.1 Read the questions given below and choose the option you consider the most appropriate:
(i) The temple Sringeri is named after Shrungagiri which means
(a) the hills of western ghats
(b) architectural confluence
(c) Peetham.
(d) blend of unique cultures.
(ii) It was established as a
(a) great seat of learning
(b) great centre of religion.
(c) monument of peace
(d) holy place.
(iii) It had a succession of highly reputed gurus with high degree of
(a) education and spirituality.
(b) spirituality and reputation.
(c) reputation.
(d) Knowledge.
(iv) The Sringeri Math was
(a) invaded equally by both the Indian and British rulers.
(b) patronised equally by both the Indian and British rulers.
(c) ignored equally by both the Indian and British rulers.
(d) infamous and unrecognised.
(v) Which of the following words in the passage stands for ―to bring to a hypnotic state.‖
(a) mesmerizing
(b) meandering
(c) enthralling
(d) magical
- Read the following passage carefully:
Using car phones while driving can be far more dangerous than driving under the influence of liquor, says a recent study. Latest research says using mobile phones as a means of faster day-to-day communications while driving may lead to precarious consequences. In fact the study has shattered prevailing notions that drinking is the chief cause of a majority of road mishaps. Researchers, who carried out this study, found that talking on cellular phones increased the risk to one‘s life compared to driving after being drunk. The findings of the study are based on the survey of several causes of roadways accidents in North America. In fact, a perusal of the telephone records of the drivers involved in 699 such mishaps showed that the risk of accident for those who spoke on phone while driving, was at least four times higher compared to those driving in a state of drunkenness. Ironically, the only advantage for those driving with cellular phones was that they could summon immediate help through these phones. The study with its far reaching implications for the entire world in recent years have led to cellular phones emerging as an often used mode of communication and business transactions.
1.1 Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate:
(i) Which is more dangerous?
(a) Using car phones while driving.
(b) Drinking while driving.
(c) Using car phones and drinking while driving.
(d) Using car phones while drinking than drunken driving.
(ii) Mark the following statements as True or False.
- Drunken driving is more responsible than car phones for road accidents while driving.
- The above study is based on a survey conducted in India.
- The use of car phones is four times more responsible to cause accidents than drunken driving.
- These findings are not relevant for India.
(iii) Which word in passage stands for ‗accident‘?
(a) precarious (c) mishap
(b) perusal (d) (a) and (b)
(iv) The advantage of using cellular phones while driving is
(a) keeps in touch with friends. (c) could summon for immediate help.
(b) makes your drive enjoyable (d) both (i) and (ii)
(v) In India, cellular phones are used
(a) as means of communication and business transactions.
(b) more while driving.
(c) as great progress requires more use of phones.
(d) as vast advancement in telecommunications technology has made cell phones a common mode of communication and business transactions.
Read the following passage carefully:
- The tree was young and strong and it took a long time to kill. Two days, including tea breaks, which without conscious irony, they took in the shade of the leafy branches of the tree they were chopping down. It was a gulmohar I had planted 13 years ago, along with several other saplings, when Bunny and I moved into the National Media Centre. The NMC is built on a little over 22 acres and many hundreds of the local babul trees that used to cloak that part of the Haryana countryside like smoke evening chullas must have been cut down to make way for the brick and cement of our colony. I‘m not a tree hugger but still felt that some restitution was due. So Bunny and I planted several saplings.
- The two gulmohars at the rear were foot high saplings when we put them in the soil. In a few years, their branches aflame with scarlet flowers in summer, rose above the first floor window, flooding the room with afterglow and screening from view the ugly scars of new construction in what had once been open fields behind our house. I felt the smugness of satisfaction, of having done the right thing. I‘d given back, in however small a way, a little bit of what we take away from the earth everyday.
- Righteousness invites its own revenge. The roots of one of the trees had spread, crushing the sewage system. The handyman gave us the choice of either cutting down the tree or its roots would endanger the foundations of the house.
1.1 Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below.
(i) The irony in the first para is that
(a) the tree was planted by the author but cut by the workmen
(b) the workmen chopped the tree that gave them shade
(c) it took thirteen years for the tree to grow
(d) the author was not passionate about trees yet he planted them
(ii) When the colony was settled, the author decided to
(a) make the outskirts greener
(b) plant a few saplings around the house
(c) sulk in depression
(d) start a movement
(iii) The feeling the newly grown gulmohar trees evoked in the author was
(a) remorse (c) pride
(b) self-satisfaction (d) regret
(iv) The writer had to get the tree felled because
(a) he was being righteous
(b) the house was in danger of being destroyed
(c) the tree had grown too tall
(d) the sewage system was damaged
(v) Being righteous means
(a) doing things the correct way
(b) being aware of your rights
(c) following your heart
(d) conscious of the ways of the world
I set out on a difficult path
Full of confidence and hope,
Unmindful of the stones
Strewn on my path ….
The long and winding path
Reminded me of my journey ahead,
I could feel my strength ebbing away,
Yet I felt, with anything
I could cope.
Then emerged a saviour
From the depth of gloom,
As on an inkyblack
Shines radiantly, the moon…
Infusing new spirit in me
Dispelling my gloom.
A little sympathy.
A little encouragement.
Refreshed my tired soul.
Expecting nothing in return,
The stranger faded away….
Memories still, gently
Reprimand me…
Not even a simple ‘Thank You’
Could you say?
I extend a silent gratitude
To this epitome of kindness, so rare
Who found the time
And compassion
To show and say, “I care!”
Questions :
- When the poet began his journey, he was not aware of the _____________ that
he would experience in later stages.
- a) joys b) challenges
- c) promises d) expectations
- Whenever he felt that he had lost his strength, he ____________ himself with the
thought that he could adjust with anything.
- a) pampered b) convinced
- c) appreciated d) strengthened
- The stranger appeared from the depth of gloom and ____________ the poet.
- a) helped b) saved
- c) troubled d) motivated
- As a reward for his helpful deed, the stranger expected_________.
- a) something b) a lot
- c) nothing d) many things
- A word in the passage which means the same as ‘to make a feeling disappear’.
- a) emerging b) dispelling
- c) infusing d) winding
A dark, grim night it was
Filled with short sharp barks
I heard the yelping dogs
Some leaves rustled in the dark.
Slowly and softly the wind blew
I felt the night was gripping me.
The sky was of sombre grey hue
I wanted to set myself free.
I heard a song from somewhere
Perhaps a distant hill
But tightly I closed my ears
The sweet voice had a frightening feel.
I suffered till I saw the light
The first ray of the morning sun
It wiped all fears of the previous night
No more did I want to run.
The morning brought delight
Happiness and hope for me
All doubts were far from sight
The gripping fear had set me free.
Questions :
- The rustling of leaves and yelping of dogs added to the ____________ note of
the dark night.
- a) tense b) depressing
- c) joyous d) frightening
- The poet felt bound in the shackles of ____________ .
- a) darkness b) sadness
- c) loneliness d) sombreness
- The ___________ of sun shed away all the fears of the poet.
- a) dawn b) light
- c) rays d) brightness
- The morning brought joy and __________ in the mind of the poet.
- a) happiness b) excitement
- c) hope d) pleasure
- A word in the passage which means the same as ‘colour’.
- a) ray b) hue
- c) pale d) grey