Daily Practice Paper DPP 4 Topic: Gametogenesis
- Germ cells in mammalian gonads are produced by
(a) Only mitosis (b) Only meiosis (c) Mitosis and meiosis both (d) Without cell division
- Cumulus covers
(a) Ovary (b) Ovum (c) Embryo (d) All of these
- The eggs of insects are
(a) Mesolecithal and centrolecithal (b) Macrolecithal and centrolecithal (c) Mesolecithal and telolecithal (d) Macrolecithal and telolecithal
- The minute cells which separate from the developing ova during their maturation are called
(a) Polar bodies (b) Primary spermatocytes (c) Primary oogonia (d) Secondary oocytes
- A freshly unfertilized egg of hen contains
(a) One cell (b) 100 cells (c) 1,000 cells (d) 10,000 cells
- The acrosome of the sperm contains
(a) Sugar (b) Enzymes (c) Cytoplasm (d) Nucleus
- Between the spermatogonia are the
(a) Epithelial cells (b) Cells of Sertoli (c) Lymph spaces (d) Capillaries
- The middle piece of spermatoaoan contains
(a) Nucleus only (b) Centriole only (c) Nucleus and mitochondria (d) Mitochondria and centriole
- Among vertebrates which has the smallest size of ova
(a) Birds (b) Mammals (c) Reptiles (d) Amphibians
- The size of human egg is
(a) 1.5 mm (b) 0.15 mm (c) 0.05 mm (d) 0.3 mm
- The size of the egg chiefly depends upon the
(a) Size of the animal (b) Amount of yolk reserves in it (c) Amount of food taken by the mother (d) All the above
- The germ cells are derived from
(a) Endoderm (b) Ectoderm (c) Mesoderm (d) Ectodrm and mesoderm
- Nucleus in a sperm is situated in the
(a) Head (b) Middle piece (c) Tail (d) Acrosome
- Process of synthesis of yolk is known as
(a) Vitellogenesis (b) Oogenesis (c) Histogenesis (d) Glycogenesis
- Head of a mature sperm is composed of
(a) Elongated nucleus covered by acrosomal material (b) Two centrioles and axial filament (c) Acrosome without nucleus (d) Mitochondrial sheath and cytoplasm
- Egg of rabbit and man are
(a) Microlecithal (b) Megalecithal (c) Telolecithal (d) Isolecithal
- How many spermatozoa are produced by a secondary spermatocyte
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 2
- The immatured stage eggs are called as
(a) Microlecithal (b) Oogenesis (c) Oocyte (d) Zygote
- Massive amount of yolk present in the vegetal region of the egg, makes an egg
(a) Oligolecithal (b) Mesolecithal (c) Telolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- Cleidoic eggs are found in
(a) Birds (b) Mammals (c) Annelids (d) Molluscs
- Sperms and ova arise from
(a) Collencytes (b) Spongioblasts (c) Archeocytes (d) Scleroblasts
- Number of spermatozoons, a single primary spermatocyte ultimately produces in spermatogenesis, is
(a) One (b) Two (c) Four (d) Eight
- At the end of first meiotic division, the male germ cells differentiate into
(a) Spermatogonium (b) Primary spermatocyte (c) Secondary spermatocyte (d) Spermatid
- If the growth of spermatid is normal and all cells survive, then the number of sperms formed from 50 primary spermatocytes will be
(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 200 (d) 25
- Somatic chromosome number is 40. What shall be chromosome number in the cells of seminiferous tubule (a) 40 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) 40 and 20
- The human sperm was first seen and discovered by
(a) Hamm and Leeuwenhoek (b) Haeckel (c) Spallanzani (d) Von Baer
- How many sperms and ova will be produced from 25 primary spermatocytes and 25 primary oocytes respectively
(a) 100 sperm sand 25 ova (b) 100 sperms and 50 ova (c) 50 sperms and 25 ova (d) 100 sperms and 100 ova
- 50 secondary oocytes in female and 50 secondary spermatocytes in male give rise to
(a) 100 ova and sperms (b) 200 ova and 50 sperms (c) 100 ova and 200 sperms (d) 50 ova and 100 sperms
- The function of egg cell is / are
(a) It supplies a haploid set of chromosomes to the future embryo (b) It provides most of the cytoplasm to the embryo (c) It supplies food reserves to the embryo (d) All the above
- Leathery eggs are found in
(a) Amphibians (b) Reptiles (c) Birds (d) Prototherian mammals
- A sperm without acrosome, cannot
(a) Get food supply (b) Move (c) Penetrate into the seminal vesicle (d) Penetrate into the ovum
- The middle piece of sperm provides
(a) Chromosomes (b) Energy (c) Food (d) Genes
- Vitelline glands produce
(a) Ova (b) Yolk cells (c) Shell (d) Mucus cells
- Human eggs are
(a) Microlecithal (b) Alecithal (c) Macrolecithal (d) Mesolecithal
- Eggs of reptiles and birds are
(a) Alecithal (b) Isolecithal (c) Telolecithal (d) Homolecithal
- Oogenesis is the process for the formation of
(a) Red blood cells (b) Sperms (c) Ova (d) Sperms and ova
- First meiotic division during oogenesis occurs in
(a) First polar body (b) Second polar body (c) Primary oocyte (d) Secondary oocyte
- Each primary spermatocyte gives rise to
(a) Four diploid spermatids (b) Eight diploid spermatids (c) Four haploid spermatids (d) Eight haploid spermatids
- The diploid stages in gametogenesis are
(a) Primary spermatocyte and spermatogonium (b) Spermatogonium and spermatid (c) Secondary spermatocyte and spermatid (d) Primary spermatocyte and spermatocyte
- The first step in reproduction at the cellular level is
(a) Formation of special sex cells (b) Cell division (c) Rapid increase in cell volume (d) Constriction of cytoplasm
- Of the following animals which produces the smallest egg
(a) Humming bird (b) Salmon (c) Blue whale (d) American toad
- The diameter of mammalian ovum is
(a) 50 microns (b) 100 microns (c) 2000 microns (d) 40,000 microns
- During pre-vitellogenesis period of growth
(a) Nucleus of the primary oocyte increases tremendously in volume (b) Cytoplasm of the primary oocyte increases in volume (c) Both nucleus and cytoplasm of the primary oocyte increases tremendously in volume (d) Formation of yolk takes place
- Tertiary egg membranes are lacking in mammals with the exception of the
(a) Euetherians (b) Metatherians (c) Prototherians (d) None of the above
- The eggs in which fate of every part of the egg becomes fixed are called
(a) Cleidoic eggs (b) Non-cleidoic eggs (c) Mosaic eggs (d) Regulative eggs
- Jelly layer of frog is
(a) Primary membrane (b) Secondary membrane (c) Secreated by the egg (d) Tertiary membrane
- Vegetal hemisphere of egg consists of
(a) Yolk (b) Pigment (c) Grey crescent (d) Germinal vesicle
- Ova in mammals were first identified by
(a) Malpighi (b) Wolff (c) Von Baer (d) Aristotle
- Which of the following parts of the spermatozoan arises from centriole
(a) Apical cap (b) Head (c) Middle piece (d) Tail
- Immediately after ovulation the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane known as
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Chorion (c) Zona pellucida (d) Corona radiata
- The number of polar bodies produced at the end of second meiotic division in female reproductive cells
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0
- Cockroach egg is called as
(a) Microlecithal (b) Macrolecithal (c) Isolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- The process by which ova are formed is known as
(a) Oogenesis (b) Ovulation (c) Oviposition (d) Oviparity
- How many eggs will be formed form 100 primary oocytes
(a) 300 (b) 400 (c) 200 (d) 100
- In which part of the spermatozoa mitochondria are present
(a) Head (b) Neck (c) Middle piece (d) Tail
- Clupein protein occurs in
(a) Human sperms (b) Avian sperms (c) Human ova (d) Avian ova
- Oogenesis comprises
(a) Multiplication phase (b) Growth phase (c) Maturation phase (d) All the above
- Telolecithal eggs have
(a) Equal distribution of yolk (b) Average amount of yolk (c) Yolk present at a distance from nucleus (d) All the above
- Egg which contains very little amount of yolk are called as
(a) Alecithal (b) Microlecithal (c) Mesolecithal (d) Polylecithal
- The tail of the spermatozoan is subdivided into
(a) Two regions (b) Three regions (c) Four regions (d) Single piece
- The actual genetic part of sperm is
(a) Tail (b) Middle piece (c) Head (d) Whole of it
- The sperm head in man is
(a) Rod – shaped (b) Spoon – shaped (c) Cork screw – shaped (d) Spheroidal
- Tertiary egg membrane is
(a) Vitelline membrane (b) Zona radiata (c) Albumen (d) Corona radiata
- The process of maturation of reproductive cells of testes in male so as to form the male gamete or sperm is known as
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Gametogenesis (c) Oogenesis (d) None of these
- The acrosome of sperm is formed by
(a) Lysosome (b) RER (c) Golgi body (d) Mitochondria
- Acrosome is found in the sperm at
(a) Top part (b) Middle piece (c) Behind the nucleus (d) Tail pat
- Microlecithal eggs are found in
(a) Reptilia + Aves (b) Amphibia + Aves + Reptilia
(c) Reptilia + Aves + Chiroptera (d) Eutheria
- How many chromosomes are there in spermatids of man
(a) 23 (b) 46 (c) 48 (d) 24
- Eggs having yolk in their centre of cytoplasm in peripheral layer are called
(a) Isolecithal (b) Microlecithal (c) Centrolecithal (d) Telolecithal
- The middle piece of the sperm contains
(a) Centriole (b) Nucleus (c) Proteins (d) Mitochondria
- The egg of frog is
(a) Isolecithal (b) Mesolecithal (c) Telolecithal (d) Centrolecithal
- How many secondary spermatocytes will form 400 spermatozoa
(a) 100 (b) 400 (c) 40 (d) 200
- Sperm head mainly contains the
(a) Nucleus (b) Golgi body (c) Centrosome (d) Mitochondria
- Eggs of placental mammals are
(a) Homolecithal (b) Alecithal (c) Microlecithal (d) Mesolecithal
- Mammalian eggs have
(a) No yolk at all (b) Small amount of yolk (c) Large amount of yolk (d) Large amount of yolk concentrated at one pole
- Mammalian ovum is surrounded by
(a) Zona reticulata (b) Zona pellucida (c) Zona fasciculata (d) None of these
- Process of spermatogenesis is under the regulatory influence of
(a) Oxytocin (b) Vassopressin (c) Follicle stimulating hormone (d) Luteotrophic hormone
- The first step in the sexual reproduction of animals is
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Spermateleosis (c) Oogenesis (d) Gametogenesis
- Polar bodies are formed during
(a) Oviposition (b) Oogenesis (c) Fertilization (d) Spermatogenesis
- Spermeiogenesis is the process in which
(a) Spermatids change into spermatozoa (b) Spermatogonia produce spermatids (c) Spermatocytes give rise to spermatozoa (d) Dormant spermatozoa become active just before ejaculation
- One of the minute cell which separates from the animal egg during maturation is known as
(a) Primary spermatogonia (b) Secondary oogonia (c) Primary oogonia (d) Polar bodies
- Unfertilized egg of human contains or When released from ovary, human egg contains
(a) One Y chromosome (b) X and Y chromosome (c) XX chromosome (d) One X chromosome
- The layer of cells immediately surrounding the ovum but outside the zona pellucida is called
(a) Corona radiata (b) Membrana granulosa (c) Theca interna (d) Cerminal epithelium
- The membrane investing the ovum just outside the membrana granulosa is
(a) Zona pellucida (b) Theca interna (c) Vitelline membrane (d) Discus Proligerous
- Spermatozoan term was coined by
(a) Von Baer (b) Leeuwenhoek (c) Spemann (d) Swammerdam
- Spermioteleosis is another name of
(a) Maturation of ovum (b) Spermiogenesis (c) Spermatogenesis (d) Degeneration of sperms
- Correct sequence of cell stages in spermatogenesis is
(a) Spermatocytes, spermatids, spermatogonia spermatozoa (b) Spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids spermatozoa (c) Spermatocytes, spermatogonia, spermatids spermatozoa (d) Spermatogonia, spermatids, spermatocytes spermatozoa
- The products of the first maturation division of germ cell in testis are known as
(a) Spermatids (b) Oocytes (c) Secondary spermatocytes (d) Sperms
- Number of chromosomes in primary spermatocyte of frog is
(a) Same as in secondary spermatocyte (b) Same as in spermatid (c) Half of that in spermatogonium (d) Same as in spermatogonium
- Which one of the following is haploid
(a) Oogonia (b) Primary spermatocyte (c) Primary oocyte (d) Secondary oocyte
- Primary sex cells contain
(a) As many chromosome as the sperm (b) Haploid set of chromosomes (c) As many chromosomes as the ovum (d) Diploid set of chromosomes
- Haploid number of chromosomes is found in
(a) Amoeba (b) Bacteria (c) Ovum (d) Zygote
- Acrosome aids the sperm to
(a) Penetrate vitelline membrane of ovum (b) Find ovum (c) Swim (d) Higher activity
- Spermatogenesis and sperm differentiation are under the control of
(a) FSH (b) LH (c) Testosterone (d) Parathyroid hormone
- Enzyme hyaluronidase is synthesised in
(a) Head of sperm (b) Golgi bodies of acrosome (c) Lysosome of acrosome (d) Tail of sperm
- At which stage of spermatogenesis sperm acquire their whole structural maturity and they contain a haploid nucleus & other organs
(a) Spermiogenesis (b) Growth phase (c) Multiplication phase (d) Maturation phase
- Lampbrush chromosomes are found inside
(a) Oocytes of frog (b) Salivary gland of silk moth (c) Salivary gland of drosophila (d) Nucleus of man
- The cytoplasm surrounding the mitochondria found in the middle piece of the sperm is called
(a) Acrosome (b) Centrosome (c) Microsome (d) Manchette
- Cledoic egg is an adaptation to
(a) Aquatic life (b) Marine life (c) Terrestrial life (d) Aerial life
- In mammals egg are microlecithal and isolecithal because these are
(a) Oviparous (b) Viviparous (c) Ovoviviparous (d) None of these
- How many ova and sperms would be produced from 100 secondary oocytes and 100 secondary spermatocytes during gametogenesis in human
(a) 100 ova, 100 sperms (b) 100 ova, 200 sperms (c) 50 ova, 100 sperms (d) 200 ova, 200 sperms
- The acrosome plays important role in
(a) Motility of sperm (b) Penetrations of ovum by sperm (c) Providing energy to sperm (d) None of these
- Which of the following statement is wrong as regards to man
(a) All eggs are alike (b) Eggs are of two types (c) Sperms are of two types (d) None of these
- During their differentiation the spermatids are associated with
(a) Leydig cell (b) Sertoli cells (c) Kupffer cells (d) Primary spermatogonial cells
- Factors which determine polarity of eggs are
(a) Direct electric current (b) Presence of neighbouring eggs (c) Position of sperm entry (d) Unequal distribution of substances in egg
- In frog chromosome no. is reduced to half
(a) When 2nd polar body is separated (b) When 2nd polar body is divided (c) When 3rd polar body is separated (d) When 1st polar body is separated
- Which mammals have more yolk than cytoplasm in their eggs
(a) Placental mammals (b) Aquatic mammals (c) Marsupials (d) Egg laying mammals
- Vitellogenesis is the process of
(a) Formation of vitelline membrane around the developing egg cells (b) Formation of yolk sac membrane around the yolk mass during the development of reptiles and birds (c) Synthesis of yolk and its deposition within the growing oocyte of amphibians (d) Both (a) and (c)
- Which one of the following statement is correct
(a) Albumen covering eggs of frog swells and forms protective jelly after coming in contact with water (b) Fertilization in rabbit is helped by hyaluronidase which is present in eggs (c) During fertilization in rabbit the entire sperm including tail enters egg (d) In case of toad, fertilization takes place in moist soil
- Blastodisc or germinal disc refers to the protoplasm of egg, this is restricted to small area in
(a) Amphibian egg (b) Avian egg (c) Ascidian egg (d) Mammalian egg
- The significance of the unequal cytokinesis during oogenesis is
(a) One cell out of the 4 daughter cells inherit most of the cytoplasm and reserve food material for developing embryo (b) To reduce the number of ova produced (c) To form polar bodies (d) None of the above
- Egg in surrounded by a protective egg – case called the mermaid’s purse is found in
(a) Mammals (b) Reptiles (c) Oviparous sharks and rays (d) None of the above
- The undifferentiated primordial germ cells are larger in size and their chromatin rich nuclei are distinct in
(a) Multiplication phase (b) Growth phase (c) Maturation phase (d) All the above
- Motility of mammalian sperm is dependent on its
(a) Tail only (b) Middle piece only (c) Head only (d) Tail and middle piece both
- A hatching egg of chick is covered by plaster of paris. It is harmful for
(a) Mother (b) Respiration (c) Excretion (d) None of these
- In mammals growing oocytes are surrounding by special nutritive cells called
(a) Follicle cells (b) Nurse cells (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
- The plasma membrane of oocyte and that of follicle cells show close connections at some points in the form of
(a) Microvilli (b) Desmosomes (c) Cytoplasmic processes (d) None of the above
- Polar bodies disintegrate later because
(a) They are very small in size (b) They have very little cytoplasm with no food reserves (c) They are non – functional (d) All the above
- Movement of sperm is done by
(a) Tail (b) Head (c) Acrosome (d) Middle piece
- Life span of human sperm is
(a) 1 hour (b) 10 hours (c) 24 hours (d) 24 days
- The oocyte collects the yolk and other nutrients from the follicle cells by the process of
(a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Pinocytosis (d) All the above
- After oogenesis how many polar bodies and ova are formed
(a) 1 matured ovum + 3 polar bodies (b) 2 matured ova + 2 polar bodies (c) 3 matured ova + 3 polar bodies (d) None of these
- Function of the ring centriole is
(a) To form a spindle system (b) To form the axial filament of the flagellum (c) To form the manchette (d) Not known
- Yolk of egg in the vertebrates is formed in
(a) Ovum (b) Lungs (c) Liver (d) Kidney
- After 2nd maturation division, which is meiotic 2nd phase the result is
(a) Formation of matured ovum (b) Formation of ovum (c) Formation of embryo (d) Formation of sperm
- The first meiotic division in the oogonium is completed when the egg is within the
(a) Uterus (b) Follicle (c) Fallopian tube (d) Ovary, before it is surrounded by follicles
c | b | a | a | a | b | b | d | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | b | b | a | a | a | a | a | d | c | c | a | c | c | c | c | d | a | a | d | ||||||||||||||||
d | d | d | b | b | b | c | c | c | c | a | b | c | b | c | c | c | d | a | c | ||||||||||||||||
d | c | a | d | a | d | c | a | d | c | b | a | c | b | c | a | c | a | d | a | ||||||||||||||||
c | d | b,c | d | a | b | a | b | c | d | b | a | d | d | a | b | a | b | b | c | ||||||||||||||||
d | d | d | c | a | a | b | a | a | d | c | b | b | b | b | b | d | d | d | c | ||||||||||||||||
a | b | a | c | a | d | b | a | b | b | a | c | c | a | d | a | a | b | ||||||||||||||||||
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