NEET Practice Test Paper 6 Zoology by TEACHING CARE online tuition and coaching classes

1.  Kupffer’s cells occur in

(a) spleen           (b) kidney

(c) brain             (d) liver


2.  Weismann cut off tails of mice  generation after generation but rails neither  disappeared nor shortened showing that

(a) Darwin was correct

(b) tail is an essential organ

(c) mutation theory is wrong

(d) Lamarckism was wrong in inheritance of acquired characters


3.  A DNA with unequal nitrogen bases would most probably be

(a) single stranded     (b) double stranded

(c) triple stranded      (d) four stranded


4.  The length of different internodes in a culm of sugarcane is variable because   of

(a) shoot apical meristem

(b) position of axillary buds

(c) size of leaf lamina at the node below each internode

(d) intercalary meristem


5.  Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop from

(a) phellogen  (b) plerome

(c) periblem   (d) dermatogen


6.  Which of the following unicellular  organism has a macro-nucleus for    trophic function and one or more   micro-nuclei for reproduction ?

(a) Euglena        (b) Amoeba

(c) Paramecium (d) Trypanosoma


7.  Which one of the following is not  a living fossil ?

(a) King crab      (b) Sphenodon

(c) Archaeopteryx  (d) Peripatus


8.  Two common characters found in  centipede, cockroach and crab are


  (a) compound eyes and anal cerci


  (b) jointed legs and chitin us exoskeleton


  (c) green gland and tracheae


  (d)  book lungs and antennae



9.  What is comm on between parrot,  platypus and kangaroo ?


  (a) Homeothermy                  (b) Toothless jaws


  (c) Functional post-anal tail  (d) Oviparity



10.  Which one of the following is matching pair of a body feature  and  the animal possessing it ?


  (a) Post-anal tail      — Octopus


  (b) Ventral central  — Leech   nervous system


  (c) Pharyngeal gills slits — Chameleon  absent in embryo


  (d) Ventral heart      — Scorpion



11.  Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?


    Animals          Morphological features


  (i) Crocodile — 4-chambered heart


  (ii) Sea urchin — Parapodia


  (iii) Obelia    — Metagenesis


  (iv) Lemur    — Thecodont



(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)


  (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)


  (c) Only CO and (iv)


  (d) Only CO and (ii)



12.  What is true about Nereis, scorpion, cockroach and silver fish ?


  (a) They all have jointed paired  appendages


  (b) They all possess dorsal heart


  (c) None of them is aquatic


  (d) They all belong to the same phylum


13.  What is common to whale, seal and shark ?


  (a) Seasonal migration


  (b) Thick subcutaneous fat


  (c) Convergent evolution


  (d) Homeothermy



14.  Which one of the following phyla  is correctly matched with its two


  general characteristics?


  (a) Arthropoda   —   Body divided into  head, thorax and  abdomen and


                                     respiration by tracheae


  (b) Chordata      —   Notochord at some stage and separate anal and



                                    openings to the  outside


  (c) Echinodermata —   Peniamerous     radial  symmetry and mostly


                                       internal fertilization


  (d) Mollusca       —   Normally oviparous and development through


                                    a trochophore or veliger larva



15.  Most of the fat digestion occurs  in


  (a) rectum       (b) stomach


  (c) duodenum   (d) small intestine



16.  Which of the following pair is   characterised by swollen lips,   thick pigmented skin of hands  and  legs and irritability?


  (a) Thiamine-    Beri-beri


  (b) Protein –  Kwashiorkor


  (c) Nicotinamide-  Pellagra


  (d) Iodine-   Goitre


17.  Vitamin-K is required for

(a) change of prothrombin to thrombin

(b) synthesis of prothrombin

(c) change of fibrinogen to fibrin

(d) formation of thrumboplastin


18.  Secretion of gastric juice is   stopped by

(a) gastrin

(b) pancerozymin

(c) cholecystokinin

(d) enterogasterone


19.  Rennin acts on

(a) milk changing casein into calcium paracaseinate at 7.2-8.2 pH

(b) protein in stomach

(c) fat in intestine

(d) milk changing casein into paracaseinate at 1-3 pH


20.  Calcium deficiency occurs in the  absence of vitamin

(a) D    (b) C

(c) E     (d) B


21.   Epithelial tissue with thin flat   cells appearing like packed tiles  occurs on

(a) inner lining of cheek

(b) inner lining of stomach

(c) inner lining of fallopian tubes

(d) inner lining of ovary


22.  Stratum germinativum is an example of which kind of   epithelium?

(a) Cuboidal    (b) Ciliated

(c) Columnar   (d) Squamous


23.  Protein present in the matrix of cartilage is known as

(a) chondrin   (b) casein

(c) cartilagin  d) ossein



57.   In which one of the following pairs of diseases both are caused by  viruses?

(a) Tetanus and typhoid

(b) Whooping cough and sleeping sickness

(c) Syphilis and AIDS

(d) Measles and rabies


58.   Hypersensitivity to an allergen is  associated with

(a) aberrant functioning of the immune mechanism

(b) increase in ambient temperature

(c) ag e of the individual

(d) food habits


59.   Retroviruses are implicated as a  cause for cancer in humans because   they

(a) carry gene for reverse transcriptase

(b) may carry cellular protooncogenes in  their genome

(c) may carry v-oncogenes in their genome

(d) carry single stranded RNA as their genetic material


60.  If a person shows production of  interferons in his body, the chances   are that he has got an infection of

(a) typhoid   (b) measles

(c) tetanus   (d) malaria


61.   Which of the following is an opiate   narcotic ?

(a) Barbiturates    (b) Morphine

(c) Amphetamines   (d) LSD


62.   Which of the following will be  achieved in next two decades ?

(a) Control of cancer

(b) Correction of generic basis of diabetes mellitus

(c) A complete understanding of brain- mind interactions

(d) Production of biodegradable plastic


63.   Which of the following symptoms  indicate radiation sickness ?

(a) Red and ulcerated skin  (b) Nausea and anaemia

(c) Nausea and loss of hair  (d) Ulcerated skin, nausea and loss of hair



79.  In ornithine cycle, which one pair   of the following wastes are  removed from the blood?

(a) CO2 and urea            (b) CO2 and ammonia

(c) Ammonia and urea    (d) Urea and sodium salts


80.  A patient suffering from cholera  is given saline drip because

(a)  CI –  ions are important component of blood plasma

(b) Na+ ions help to retain water in the body

(c) Na+ ions are important in transport of substances across membrane

(d) CI –  ions help in the formation of HCI in stomach for digestion


81.  In ureotelic animals, urea is   formed by

(a) ornithine cycle   (b) Cori cycle

(c) Krebs cycle        (d) EMP pathway


82.  The kidney of an adult frog is

(a) pronephros     (b) mesonephros

(c) metanephros   (d) opisthonephros


83.  The polytene chromosomes were discovered for the first time in

(a) Drosophila       (b) Chironomus

(c) Musca nebulo  (d) Musca domestica


84.  The most striking example of point mutation is found in a disease called

(a) thalassemia             (b) night  blindness

(c) Down’s syndrome  (d) sickle cell anaemia


85.  Barr body in mammals represents

(a) all the heterochromatin in female cells

(b) Y-chromosomes in somatic cells of male

(c) all heterochromatin in male and female cells

(d) one of the two X-chromosomes in somatic cells of  females


86.  The change of the light coloured variety of  peppered moth (Biston betularia)  to its  darker variety  (Biston carbonaria) is due to

(a) mutation    (b) regeneration

(c) genetic isolation  (d) temporal isolation





98.  A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperatures of  100- 105oC.  They belong to

(a) marine archaebacteria

(b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria

(c) hot-spring blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)

(d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi


99.  Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another in the   transduction process is through

(a) conjugation

(b) bacteriophages released from the donor bacterial strain

(c) another bacterium

(d) physical contact between donor and recipient strain


100.  Due to which of the following organisms, yield of rice has been increased?

(a) Anabaena  (b) Bacillus papilliac

(c) Sesbania   (d) Bacillus polymyxa



Answer Key:

Biology :-

  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. D
  31. D
  32. D
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. D
  37. D
  38. C
  39. D
  40. C
  41. B
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. C
  50. B
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. D
  56. A
  57. D
  58. A
  59. B
  60. B
  61. B
  62. B
  63. D
  64. A
  65. C
  66. A
  67. C
  68. D
  69. A
  70. B
  71. B
  72. B
  73. D
  74. C
  75. C
  76. A
  77. C
  78. B
  79. B
  80. B
  81. A
  82. B
  83. B
  84. D
  85. D
  86. A
  87. C
  88. C
  89. B
  90. C
  91. B
  92. C
  93. D
  94. B
  95. A
  96. C
  97. B
  98. B
  99. B
  100. A


Hints and explainations:



1 .  Kupffer’s cells are macrophages of liver

5. Synonyms for cork cambium are bark cambium, pericambium or phellogen. Phellogen is defined as the meristematic cell layer responsible for the development of the periderm. Cells that grow inwards from the phellogen are termed phelloderm, and cells that develops outwards are termed phellem or cork (note similarity with vascular cambium). The periderm thus consists of three different layers:

  • phelloderm,
  • phellogen (cork cambium) and
  • phellem.

6. Macro nucleus controls metabolic activities


9 Birds and mammals have constant body temperature


13 Convergent evolution means different groups of organisms adapted for a common  function. In this case swimming


20 Vit. D is required for aborption of calcium


40. Bivalent represents duplicated paired homologous chromosomes


48. Production of ATP in photosynthesis is photophosphorylation


52. Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs for purification


60 Interferons are produced by virus infected cells


64. Commensalism is not obligatory like symbiosis. In ammensalism one species is benefitted.


90 Cistrons are structural genes in bacteria. Operons are a group of genes controlled by a common operator